
Defines functions packages_versions package_version msg text_col silent_library print.SciViews_R

Documented in print.SciViews_R

#' Configure \R for the SciViews::R dialect
#' Load required packages like data.table, collapse, ggplot2, dplyr, svMisc, ...
#' to get a fully functional `SciViews::R` dialect environment.
#' @param ... Further topics to include to configure \R (load more packages).
#'   Currently, `"infer"`, `"model"`, `"explore"`, `"ml"`, `"ts"` or `"spatial"`
#' @param lang What is the default natural language to use, e.g., `"en"` or
#'   `"fr"`, with uppercase versions `"EN"` or `"FR"` convert even more strings,
#'   for instance, [data.io::read()] does not convert factor levels in the
#'   corresponding language for supported data sets unless the uppercase version
#'   is specified. If `NULL` (by default), current configuration is not changed.
#' @param dtx Which dtx object is to be used be default? `"dtt"` or
#'   `"data.table"` for data.table, `"dtf"` or `"data.frame"` for data.frame,
#'   `"dtbl"`, `"tibble"` or `"tbl_df"` for tibble's tbl_df, the name of a
#'   function to use to convert a data.frame object, or `NULL` (by default) to
#'   keep current settings.
#' @param threads.percent The percentage of threads to use for {data.table} and
#'   {collapse} parallel code (number of threads depend on how many are
#'   available, and the value is rounded towards zero).
#' @param silent If `TRUE` (by default), no report is printed about loaded
#'   packages and conflicts.
#' @param x An object to print.
#' @export
#' @name SciViews_R
#' @note Use `SciViews::R` instruction in the beginning of an R script, or in
#' the setup or first chunk of an R Markdown/Notebook to ensure the SciViews::R
#' dialect is correctly installed. The report indicating attached packages and
#' conflicts is largely inspired by the corresponding `tidyverse` code,
#' written by Hadley Wickham.
#' @seealso [library()], [utils::install.packages()]
#' @keywords utilities
#' @concept packages loading
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' SciViews::R
#' }
R <- structure(function(..., lang = NULL, dtx = NULL, threads.percent = 75,
silent = TRUE) {
  # Configure the system to use a certain number of threads in data.table and
  # collapse, and mask all functions in collapse
  data.table::setDTthreads(percent = threads.percent)
  nthreads <- data.table::getDTthreads()
  options(collapse_nthreads = nthreads)
  options(collapse_na.rm = TRUE) # Default value for na.rm collapse functions
  # No, deal with it differently, because it does not work if {collapse} was
  # already loaded previously without this option!
  #options(collapse_mask = "all") # Mask functions from base like mean(), sd()

  pkgs <- SciViews_packages(..., all = FALSE)
  # Flatten the list, and eliminate duplicates
  pkgs <- unique(unlist(pkgs))

  old_search_length <- length(search())
  lapply(pkgs, silent_library)

  if (!is.null(lang)) {
    if (length(lang) != 1 || !is.character(lang))
      stop("You must provide a single character string for 'lang='.")
    options(data.io_lang = lang)
  # Message if default language set
  cur_lang <- getOption("data.io_lang")
  if (!is.null(cur_lang) && !isTRUE(silent))
    cli::cat_bullet(cli::col_blue("Default language: "),
      cli::style_bold(cur_lang), bullet = "tick", bullet_col = "green")

  if (!is.null(dtx)) {# Change the default dtx object for {svBase}
    dtx <- as.character(dtx)[1]
    fun <- switch(dtx,
      dtf = as_dtf,
      data.frame = as_dtf,
      dtt = as_dtt,
      data.table = as_dtt,
      dtbl = as_dtbl,
      tibble = as_dtbl,
      tbl_df = as_dtbl,
      get0(dtx, mode = 'function')
    if (is.null(fun))
      stop("Function ", dtx, " not found")
    options(SciViews.as_dtx = fun)
  # Check which kind of object I got by using as_dtx() on a toy data.frame
  test <- as_dtx(data.frame(x = 1))
  if (is_dtt(test)) {
    dtx_class <- "data.table"
  } else if (is_dtbl(test)) {
    dtx_class <- "tibble"
  } else if (is_dtf(test)) {
    dtx_class <- "data.frame"
  } else {
    dtx_class <- class(test)[1]

  if (!isTRUE(silent) && length(search()) > old_search_length) {
    # Message about the dtx object by default
    cli::cat_bullet(cli::col_blue("Default data frame object (dtx): "),
      cli::style_bold(dtx_class), bullet = "tick", bullet_col = "green")

    packages_versions(strip.last = old_search_length)

    x <- SciViews_conflicts(all = FALSE)

    # Message about the dtx object by default
    #cli::cat_rule("Default data frame object (dtx)", right = dtx_class)

    invisible(list(pkgs = pkgs, dtx_class = dtx_class))
}, class = c("SciViews_R", "function"))

#' @rdname SciViews_R
#' @export
print.SciViews_R <- function(x, ...) {

# Silently load packages and issue an error if not loaded
# TODO: use the Install() mechanism...
silent_library <- function(pkg) {
  res <- try(
      library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
    silent = TRUE

  if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
    # Record the package for easier Install()
    to_install <- .get_temp('.packages_to_install', default = character(0))
    to_install <- unique(c(pkg, to_install))
    .assign_temp('.packages_to_install', to_install, replace.existing = TRUE)
    stop("problem while loading package '", pkg,
      "'; run `Install()` to make sure it is corrently installed!",
      call. = FALSE)

# This is an unexported function from tidyverse
text_col <- function(x) {
  # If RStudio not available, messages already printed in black
  if (!rstudioapi::isAvailable())

  if (!rstudioapi::hasFun("getThemeInfo"))

  theme <- rstudioapi::getThemeInfo()

  if (isTRUE(theme$dark)) crayon::white(x) else crayon::black(x)


# This is an unexported function from tidyverse
msg <- function(..., startup = FALSE) {
  if (startup) {
    if (!isTRUE(getOption("SciViews.quiet")))
  } else {

# This is an unexported version from tidyverse
package_version <- function(x) {
  version <- as.character(unclass(utils::packageVersion(x))[[1]])

  if (length(version) > 3)
    version[4:length(version)] <-

  paste0(version, collapse = ".")

# This is a modified version of tidyverse::tidyverse_attach() keeping only
# the information message about packages/versions loaded
packages_versions <- function(pkgs = NULL, strip.last = 0, filter = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(pkgs))
    pkgs <- search()
  if (strip.last > 0) {
    keep <- length(pkgs) - strip.last
    if (keep < 1)
    # If this is the search path, .GlobalEnv remains in the first position, so,
    # need to shift selection by one place in this case
    pkgs <- pkgs[(1:keep) + as.numeric(isTRUE(filter))]
  if (isTRUE(filter)) {
    pkgs <- pkgs[grepl("^package:", pkgs)]
    pkgs <- substring(pkgs, 9)
  if (!length(pkgs))

      left = crayon::bold("Attaching packages"),
      right = paste0("SciViews::R ", package_version('SciViews'))
    startup = TRUE

  versions <- vapply(pkgs, package_version, character(1))
  packages <- paste0(
    crayon::green(cli::symbol$tick), " ", crayon::blue(format(pkgs)), " ",
    crayon::col_align(versions, max(crayon::col_nchar(versions)))

  if (length(packages) %% 2 == 1) {
    packages <- append(packages, "")
  col1 <- seq_len(length(packages) / 2)
  info <- paste0(packages[col1], "     ", packages[-col1])

  msg(paste(info, collapse = "\n"), startup = TRUE)


# Functions we need to import:
# is.null -> is_null
# inherits -> `%is%`
# env(), child_env() and new_environment() are too slow in rlang but should replace new.env()
# is_function <- is.function
# is_primitive <- is.primitive
# do_call <- do.call # Note: rlang uses invoke(), but 100x slower!
# as_chr <- as.character # Note that as_character() and as_string() do something else in rlang!
# wrapr::qc() is quoting-concatenating function, see qc(a, b, c)!
#is_chr <- is.character
#is_env <- is.environment
#stop_if_not <- stopifnot
#capture_output <- capture.output
SciViews/SciViews documentation built on Sept. 16, 2023, 10:26 p.m.