#' Run learnitdown learnr tutorials or Shiny apps from a package after update
#' These functions are convenient in the framework of a course whose learnrs and
#' Shiny applications may be updated during the course. The [update()] function
#' checks if an update is available (respecting the version of R), and the
#' [run()] (for learnrs), or [runApp()] (for Shiny applications) manage to
#' run the item in a friendly way.
#' @param tutorial The name of the tutorial to use. If not provided, a list of
#' available tutorials is displayed.
#' @param app The name of the Shiny application to run. If not provided, a list
#' of available apps is displayed.
#' @param package The package from where to run the tutorial.
#' @param github_repos The GitHub repository where the package is developed (for
#' updates), use `NULL` to prevent any updates.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to [run_tutorial()] (for learnrs), or to
#' [runApp()] (for Shiny applications).
#' @param update Do we check for an updated version first, and if it is found,
#' update the package automatically?
#' @param ask In case `tutorial` or `app` is not provided, do we ask to select
#' in a list?
#' @param upgrade When a new version of the main package is found, do we also
#' upgrade dependencies ? By default, never, but use `"ask"` to ask user.
#' @param in.job Should the application be run in a Job in RStudio (`TRUE` by
#' default)?
#' @param max.wait How many seconds do we wait for the Shiny app to start (60
#' sec by default)?
#' @return The result returned by [run_tutorial()] for [run()], or by
#' [runApp()] for [run_app()]. The [update()] function return `TRUE` or
#' `FALSE`, depending if the package is updated or not.
#' @export
#' @seealso [run_tutorial()], [runApp()]
#' @keywords utilities
#' @concept run interactive learnr documents
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #' # To start from a list of available tutorials:
#' run(package = "my_package")
#' run("my_tutorial", package = "my_package")
#' run_app(package = "mypackage")
#' run_app("my_shiny_app", package = "mypackage")
#' }
run <- function(tutorial, package, github_repos = NULL, ..., update = ask,
ask = interactive(), upgrade = "never") {
if (isTRUE(update) && !is.null(github_repos))
updated <- update_pkg(package, github_repos, upgrade = upgrade)
if (missing(tutorial) || is.null(tutorial) || !length(tutorial) ||
tutorial[1] == "") {
tutos <- dir(system.file("tutorials", package = package))
if (isTRUE(ask) && interactive()) {
# Allow selecting from the list...
sel <- select.list(tutos, title = "Select a tutorial")
if (sel != "") {
return(run(sel, package = package, github_repos = github_repos, ...,
update = FALSE, ask = FALSE))
} else return()
} else {
run_tutorial_tab <- get0(".rs.tutorial.runTutorial", envir = .GlobalEnv,
mode = "function", inherits = TRUE)
if (!is.null(run_tutorial_tab)) {
# Run the tutorial in the Rstudio Tutorial tab
run_tutorial_tab(tutorial, package = package, ...)
# Make sure the tutorial is displayed in the Tutorial tab in RStudio
registry <- get0(".rs.tutorial.registry", envir = .GlobalEnv,
mode = "function", inherits = TRUE)
if (!is.null(registry)) {
reg_tutorial <- registry[[paste(package, tutorial, sep = "::")]]
url <- reg_tutorial$shiny_url
scalar_lfl <- get0(".rs.scalarListFromList", envir = .GlobalEnv,
mode = "function", inherits = TRUE)
if (!is.null(scalar_lfl)) {
meta <- scalar_lfl(reg_tutorial)
launch <- get0(".rs.invokeShinyTutorialViewer", envir = .GlobalEnv,
mode = "function", inherits = TRUE)
if (!is.null(url) && !is.null(launch))
launch(url, meta)
} else {
# This is the classical learnr function, but the tutorial does not run in
# the tutorial tab of RStudio in this case!
run_tutorial(tutorial[1], package = package, ...)
#' @rdname run
#' @export
run_app <- function(app, package, github_repos = NULL, ..., update = ask,
ask = interactive(), upgrade = "never", in.job = TRUE, max.wait = 60) {
if (isTRUE(update) && !is.null(github_repos))
updated <- update_pkg(package, github_repos, upgrade = upgrade)
if (missing(app) || is.null(app) || !length(app) || app[1] == "") {
apps <- dir(system.file("shiny", package = package))
if (isTRUE(ask) && interactive()) {
# Allow selecting from the list...
sel <- select.list(apps, title = "Select a Shiny application")
if (sel != "") {
return(run_app(sel, package = package, github_repos = github_repos,...,
update = FALSE, ask = FALSE, in.job = in.job))
} else return()
} else {
appDir <- system.file("shiny", app[1], package = package)
port <- httpuv::randomPort()
# Should we run the app in a job in RStudio?
if (!isTRUE(in.job) || !rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
shiny::runApp(appDir, port = port, launch.browser = rstudioapi::viewer,
display.mode = "normal")
} else {
script <- tempfile(pattern = "shiny", fileext = ".R")
cat("shiny::runApp('", appDir, "', port = ", port,
", launch.browser = FALSE, display.mode = 'normal')\n",
file = script, sep = "")
rstudioapi::jobRunScript(script, name = paste("Shiny:", app[1], sep = ' '))
message("Waiting for the Shiny application...")
url <- paste0("http://", getOption("shiny.host", ""), ":", port)
is_ready <- function(url) {
readLines(url, n = 1)
warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"),
error = function(e) FALSE)
n_sec <- 0
while (n_sec < max.wait && !is_ready(url)) {
n_sec <- n_sec + 1
if (!is_ready(url)) {
stop("The Shiny application does not seems to be available on ", url)
} else {
#' @rdname run
#' @export
update_pkg <- function(package, github_repos, upgrade = "never") {
if (is.null(github_repos))
# devtools:::github_GET() and dependencies are not exported.
# So, we have to place a copy here
in_ci <- function()
github_pat <- function(quiet = FALSE) {
pat <- Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT")
if (nzchar(pat)) {
if (!quiet) {
message("Using GitHub PAT from envvar GITHUB_PAT")
if (in_ci()) {
pat <- paste0("b2b7441d", "aeeb010b", "1df26f1f6", "0a7f1ed", "c485e443")
if (!quiet) {
message("Using bundled GitHub PAT.",
" Please add your own PAT to the env var `GITHUB_PAT`")
github_error <- function(req) {
text <- content(req, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
parsed <- tryCatch(fromJSON(text, simplifyVector = FALSE),
error = function(e) {
list(message = text)
errors <- vapply(parsed$errors, `[[`, "message", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
structure(list(call = sys.call(-1), message = paste0(parsed$message,
" (", status_code(req), ")\n", if (length(errors) > 0) {
paste("* ", errors, collapse = "\n")
})), class = c("condition", "error", "github_error"))
github_response <- function(req) {
text <- content(req, as = "text")
parsed <- fromJSON(text, simplifyVector = FALSE)
if (status_code(req) >= 400) {
github_auth <- function(token) {
if (is.null(token)) {
} else {
httr::authenticate(token, "x-oauth-basic", "basic")
github_GET <- function(path, ..., pat = github_pat(),
host = "https://api.github.com") {
url <- parse_url(host)
url$path <- paste(url$path, path, sep = "/")
url$path <- gsub("^/", "", url$path)
req <- GET(url, github_auth(pat), ...)
get_last_tag <- function(repos) {
if (is.null(repos))
# Check if run from within a SciViews Box
hostname <- ""
if (file.exists("/etc/hostname"))
hostname <- readLines("/etc/hostname")[1]
if (!grepl("^box[0-9]{4}", hostname)) {
# Get equivalent year, based on R version
major <- as.integer(R.version$major)
minor <- as.integer(R.version$minor)
if (major == 4) {
box_year <- as.character(2021 + minor)
} else if (major == 3) {
box_year <- switch(as.character(minor),
"6" = "2020",
"5" = "2019",
} else {# Assume older version
box_year <- "2018" # The oldest version managed
} else {# Get the version for the svbox
# Get the year of the SciViews Box
box_year <- substr(hostname, 4, 7)
# Pattern is v[box_year].x.y
v_pat <- paste0("^[vV]", box_year, "\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$")
# Get all tags for the repository
good_tags <- character(0)
all_tags_data <- try(github_GET(
paste0("repos/", repos, "/releases")),
silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(all_tags_data, "try-error")) {
all_tags <- sapply(all_tags_data, getElement, "tag_name")
# Keep only tags related to this svbox
good_tags <- all_tags[grepl(v_pat, all_tags)]
# Return latest (first one) among all valid tags
if (length(good_tags)) good_tags[1] else NULL
# Look what is latest release and compare with current version of the package
updated <- FALSE
last_tag <- get_last_tag(github_repos)
if (!is.null(last_tag)) {
last_rel <- sub("^[vV]([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$", "\\1-\\2", last_tag)
curr_rel <- sub("^([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$", "\\1-\\2",
status <- try(compareVersion(last_rel, curr_rel), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(status, "try-error")) {
if (status > 0) {
# We need to update the package
message("Updating the '", package, "' package... please, be patient")
install_github(paste0(github_repos, "@", last_tag), upgrade = upgrade)
new_rel <- sub("^([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$", "\\1-\\2",
try(updated <- compareVersion(new_rel, last_rel) == 0, silent = TRUE)
} else {
# OK, we are already updated
updated <- TRUE
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