
Defines functions .onUnload .onAttach .loadSvOptions

.loadSvOptions <- function() {
  # Try loading SciViews options from ~/.SciViewsConfig.RData
  argOption <- function(arg) {
    args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
    regexp <- paste("^", arg, "=", sep = "")
    where <- grepl(regexp, args)
    if (any(where)) {
      arg <- rev(args[where])[1]
      sub(regexp, "", arg)
    } else NULL

  # For those items not defined yet
  .SciViewsConfig <- list() # Default value
  if (file.exists("~/.SciViewsConfig.RData"))
  # Change options...
  ko.type <- argOption("ko.type")
  if (!is.null(ko.type))
    options(ko.type = ko.type)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.type")))
    options(ko.type = .SciViewsConfig$ko.type)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.type")))
    options(ko.type = "http")

  ko.host <- argOption("ko.host")
  if (!is.null(ko.host))
    options(ko.host = ko.host)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.host")))
    options(ko.host = .SciViewsConfig$ko.host)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.host")))
    options(ko.host = "localhost")

  ko.port <- argOption("ko.port")
  if (!is.null(ko.port))
    options(ko.port = ko.port)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.port")))
    options(ko.port = .SciViewsConfig$ko.port)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.port")))
    options(ko.port = 7052)

  ko.kotype <- argOption("ko.kotype")
  if (!is.null(ko.kotype))
    options(ko.kotype = ko.kotype)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.kotype")))
    options(ko.kotype = .SciViewsConfig$ko.kotype)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.kotype")))
    options(ko.kotype = "socket")

  ko.serve <- argOption("ko.serve")
  if (!is.null(ko.serve))
    options(ko.serve = ko.serve)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.serve")))
    options(ko.serve = .SciViewsConfig$ko.serve)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.serve")))
    options(ko.serve = 8888)

  ko.activate <- argOption("ko.activate")
  if (!is.null(ko.activate))
    options(ko.activate = ko.activate)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.activate")))
    options(ko.activate = .SciViewsConfig$ko.activate)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.activate")))
    options(ko.activate = 8888)

  ko.id <- argOption("ko.id")
  if (!is.null(ko.id))
    options(ko.id = ko.id)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.id")))
    options(ko.id = .SciViewsConfig$ko.id)
  if (is.null(getOption("ko.id")))
    options(ko.id = "SciViewsK")

  R.id <- argOption("R.id")
  if (!is.null(R.id))
    options(R.id = R.id)
  if (is.null(getOption("R.id")))
    options(R.id = .SciViewsConfig$R.id)
  if (is.null(getOption("R.id")))
    options(R.id = "R")

  R.initdir <- argOption("R.initdir")
  if (!is.null(R.initdir))
    options(R.initdir = R.initdir)
  if (is.null(getOption("R.initdir")))
    options(R.initdir = .SciViewsConfig$R.initdir)
  R.initdir <- getOption("R.initdir")
  if (is.null(R.initdir)) {
    options(R.initdir = NULL)
  } else {
    # Check that the dir exists...
    isfile <- try(file.exists(R.initdir), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(isfile, "try-error") || !isfile || !file.info(R.initdir)$isdir)
      options(R.initdir = NULL)

  width <- argOption("width")
  if (!is.null(width))
    options(width = width)
  if (is.null(getOption("width")))
    options(width = .SciViewsConfig$width)
  if (is.null(getOption("width")))
    options(width = 80)

  OutDec <- argOption("OutDec")
  if (!is.null(OutDec))
    options(OutDec = OutDec)
  if (is.null(getOption("OutDec")))
    options(OutDec = .SciViewsConfig$OutDec)
  if (is.null(getOption("OutDec")))
    options(OutDec = ".")

  OutSep <- argOption("OutSep")
  if (!is.null(OutSep))
    options(OutSep = OutSep)
  if (is.null(getOption("OutSep")))
    options(OutSep = .SciViewsConfig$OutSep)
  if (is.null(getOption("OutSep")))
    options(OutSep = ",")

.onAttach <- function(lib, pkg) {
  # Make sure config is OK

  # Check that usually inactivated rc.settings are set
  assign_temp(".old.rc.settings", rc.settings())
  rc.settings(ipck = TRUE)

  # Create our SciViews task callback manager
  # Should eliminate this???
  ## PhG: inactivated for now, because it makes problems in R!!!
  #assign_temp(".svTaskCallbackManager", svTaskCallbackManager())

  # Temporary change of a few R options that make problem with SciViews
  # Do not use fancy quotes
  assign_temp(".useFancyQuotes", getOption("useFancyQuotes"))
  options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
  # Limit output to 999 items
  assign_temp(".max.print", getOption("max.print"))
  options(max.print = 999)

	  # If svStart function exists in.GlobalEnv, delegate the rest to it!
  if (exists("svStart", envir = .GlobalEnv, mode = "function",
    inherits = FALSE))

  # Determine which server to start
  type <- getOption("ko.type")
  req <- require
  if (type == "http") {
    req("svHttp", character.only = TRUE)
    if (interactive())
  } else {
    req("svSocket", character.only = TRUE)
    if (interactive())

  # This comes from svStart... and should really be placed here indeed!
  # Look if and where komodo is installed
  if (Sys.getenv("koAppFile") != "") {
    Komodo <- Sys.getenv("koAppFile")
  } else {
    Komodo <- ""

  if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
    if (Komodo == "")
      Komodo <- "/usr/local/bin/komodo"  # Default location
    if (!file.exists(Komodo))
      Komodo <- Sys.which("komodo")[1]
    if (length(Komodo) == 0 || Komodo == "")
      Komodo <- NULL

    # Just to avoid warnings while compiling outside of Windows...
    readRegistry <- function() return()
  } else {# Windows
    # If komodo path was not passed in environment
    if (Komodo == "") {
      Komodo <- NULL

      err.null <- function(e) return(NULL)
      # On Windows, 'komodo' should be enough
      # But for reasons that escape me, Komodo seems to strip off its
      # own directory from the path variable. So, I have to restore
      # it from the Windows registry :-(

      # Try several ways to get Komodo path from registry.
      key <- "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\komodo.exe"
      Komodo <- tryCatch(readRegistry(key, hive = "HLM")[["(Default)"]],
        error = err.null)

      if (is.null(Komodo) || !file.exists(Komodo)) {
        key <- "Applications\\komodo.exe\\shell\\open\\command"
        Komodo <- tryCatch(readRegistry(key, hive = "HCR")[["(Default)"]],
          error = err.null)
        if (!is.null(Komodo))
          Komodo <- sub(" *\\\"%[1-9\\*].*$", "", Komodo)

      if (is.null(Komodo) || !file.exists(Komodo)) {
        key <- "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment"
        Path <- tryCatch(readRegistry(key, hive = "HLM")$Path,
          error = err.null)
        if (!is.null(Path) && !is.na(Path) && Path != "") {
          Path <- strsplit(Path, ";")[[1]]
          Path <- Path[sapply(Path, function(x)
            file.exists(file.path(x, "komodo.exe")))][1]
          Komodo <- gsub("\\\\+", "\\\\", file.path(Path, "komodo.exe",
            fsep = "\\"))

  if (length(Komodo) && Komodo != "" && file.exists(Komodo)) {
    # Change the editor and the pager to Komodo
    options(pager2 = getOption("pager"))
    # A custom pager consists in displaying the file in Komodo
    svPager <- function(files, header, title, delete.file) {
      files <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", files[1], fixed = TRUE)
      res <- tryCatch(koCmd(sprintf('sv.r.pager("%s", "%s")', files, title)),
        error = function(e) return(FALSE))
      if (res == FALSE) {
        # Try using pager2 instead
        pager2 <- getOption("pager2")
        if (is.null(pager2)) {
          stop("You must start Komodo Edit for displaying this file!")
        } else if (is.function(pager2)) {
          pager2(files = files, header = header, title = title,
            delete.file = delete.file)
        } else {
          file.show(files, header = header, title = title,
            delete.file = delete.file, pager = pager2)
      } else {
        if (delete.file)
         koCmd(sprintf('window.setTimeout("try { sv.tools.file.getfile(\\"%s\\").remove(false); } catch(e) {}", 10000);', files));

  options(browser2 = getOption("browser"))
   svBrowser <- function(url) {
      url <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", url, fixed = TRUE)
      # If the URL starts with '/', I could safely assume a file path
      # on Unix or Mac and prepend 'file://'
      url <- sub("^/", "file:///", url)
      res <- tryCatch(koCmd(sprintf("sv.command.openHelp(\"%s\")", url)),
        error = function(e) return(FALSE))
     if (res == FALSE) {
        # Try using browser2 instead
        browser2 <- getOption("browser2")
        if (is.null(browser2)) {
          stop("You must start Komodo Edit for browsing files")
        } else {
          browseURL(url, browser = browser2)

    options(editor2 = getOption("editor"))
    options(editor = Komodo, browser = svBrowser, pager = svPager)
  } else {
    Komodo <- NULL

    # TODO: use packageStartupMessage instead!
    #cat("R cannot find Komodo.", file = stderr())
    #if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
    #	cat("Please, follow instructions at",
    #		"http://www.sciviews.org/SciViews-K to install it correctly.",
    #		"In particular, you must create a symbolic link in /user/local/bin:",
    #		"sudo ln -s <KomodoBinLocation>/komodo /usr/local/bin/komodo",
    #		"otherwise, R cannot find it!", sep = "\n", file = stderr())
    #} else {
    #	cat("Please, make sure you install it correctly\n",
    #		"You can find it at http://www.activestate.com/Products/komodo_edit.\n",
    #		file = stderr())

  # Make sure we use HTML help (required for Alt-F1 and Alt-Shift-F1)
  # to display R help in Komodo Edit
  options(help_type = "html")
  # Make sure the help server is started
  port <- try(suppressMessages(tools::startDynamicHelp()), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(port, "try-error")) {
    # Dynamic help is already started
    if (R.Version()$`svn rev` >= 67550) {
      port <- try(suppressMessages(tools::startDynamicHelp(NA)), silent = TRUE)
    } else {
      port <- getNamespace("tools")$httpdPort
  # Record the home page for the help server in an option
  options(helphome = paste("", port,
    "/doc/html/index.html", sep = ""))

  # I need to get the help file URL, but help() does not provide it any
  # more! This is a temporary workaround for this problem
  assign_temp("getHelpURL", function(x, ...) {
    file <- as.character(x)
    if (length(file) == 0)
    # Extension ".html" may be missing
    htmlfile <- basename(file)
    # Get the HTML help server port
    if (R.Version()$`svn rev` >= 67550) {
      port <- try(suppressMessages(tools::startDynamicHelp(NA)), silent = TRUE)
    } else {
      port <- getNamespace("tools")$httpdPort
    if (length(file) > 1) {
      # If more then one topic is found
      paste("", port,
        "/library/NULL/help/", attr(x,"topic"), sep = "")
    } else {
      if (substring(htmlfile, nchar(htmlfile) - 4) != ".html")
        htmlfile <- paste(htmlfile, ".html", sep = "")
      paste("", port,
        "/library/", basename(dirname(dirname(file))),
        "/html/", htmlfile, sep = "")

# print() method of object returned by help() is very unflexible for R.app and
# does not allow in any way to use anything else than the R.app internal
# browser for help!!!
# That makes me very unhappy! Hey guys, I would like to use SciViews help
# browser here! So, no other solution than to be even harsher, and to force
# rewriting of the print function in base environment!!!
# (problem emailed to Simon Urbanek on 03/11/2009... I hope he will propose
# a work-around for this in R 2.12!!!)
#if (compareVersion(rVersion, "2.11.0") < 0) {
#	source("print.help_files_with_topic210.R")
#} else if (compareVersion(rVersion, "2.14.0") < 0) {
#	source("print.help_files_with_topic211.R")
#} else {
#	source("print.help_files_with_topic214.R")

  R.initdir <- getOption("R.initdir")
  if (!is.null(R.initdir) && !is.na(R.initdir)) {
    # Change the working directory to the provided directory
    try(setwd(R.initdir), silent = TRUE)

    # Create a .Last.sys function that clears some variables in .GlobalEnv
    # and then, switch to R.initdir before closing R. The function is
    # stored in SciViews:TempEnv
    assign_temp(".Last.sys", function() {
      # Eliminate some known hidden variables from .GlobalEnv to prevent
      # saving them in the .RData file
      if (exists(".required", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE))
        rm(list = ".required", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
      # Note: .SciViewsReady is now recorded in SciViews:TempEnv instead
      # of .GlobalEnv, but we leave this code for old workspaces...
      if (exists(".SciViewsReady", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE))
        rm(list = ".SciViewsReady", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
      # If a R.initdir is defined, make sure to switch to it, so that
      # the session's workspace and command history are written at the
      # right place (in case of error, no change is made!)
      try(setwd(getOption("R.initdir")), silent = TRUE)
      # Clean up everything in Komodo
      tryCatch(svKomodo::koCmd("window.setTimeout(\"sv.r.closed();\", 1000);"),
        error = function(e) invisible(NULL))

    msg <- paste("Session directory is", dQuote(R.initdir))
    msg2 <- NULL

    # Do we load .RData and .Rhistory now?
    args <- commandArgs()
    if (!"--vanilla" %in% args && !"--no-restore" %in% args &&
      !"--no.restore-data" %in% args) {
      if (file.exists(".RData")) {
        load(".RData", envir = .GlobalEnv)
        msg2 <- append(msg2, "data loaded")
      } else {
        msg2 <- append(msg2, "no data")

      if (file.exists(".Rhistory")) {
        # On R Tk gui:
        # "Error in loadhistory(file) : no history mechanism available"
        # So, do it inside a try()
        history.loaded <- try(loadhistory(), silent = TRUE)
        if (inherits(history.loaded, "try-error"))  {
          msg2 <- append(msg2, "history cannot be loaded")
        } else {
          msg2 <- append(msg2, "history loaded")
      } else {
        msg2 <- append(msg2, "no history")
    } else {
      msg2 <- append(msg2, "data and history not loaded")

    packageStartupMessage(paste(msg, " (", paste(msg2, collapse = ", "),
      ")", sep = ""))

    # Do we reactivate Komodo now?
    #	koact <- getOption("ko.activate")
    #	debugMsg("Reactivate Komodo:", koact)
  #	if (get_temp(".SciViewsReady", FALSE) && koact) {
  #		if ((.Platform$pkgType == "mac.binary")) {
  #			system("osascript -e 'tell application \"Komodo\" to activate'",
  #				wait = FALSE)
  #		} else if (!is.null(Komodo)) {
  #			## TODO: The following starts komodo if not started yet,
  #			## but does not activate it!
  #			system(shQuote(Komodo), wait = FALSE)
  #		}
  # Indicate to Komodo that R is ready
  # and test also communication from R to Komodo!
    #	koCmd('sv.cmdout.message("<<<data>>>", 10000, true);',
    #		data = paste("'", getOption("R.id"), "' (R ",
    #		R.Version()$major, ".", R.Version()$minor,
    #		") connected. Session dir: ",
    #		path.expand(getOption("R.initdir")), sep = ""))
    # ... and refresh the object explorer
    # TODO!

    # Differ synching R <-> Komodo to avoid deadlock situation
    # That does not work!
    #koCmd('window.setTimeout("sv.r.objects.getPackageList(true, true, true);", 500)')
    #koCmd('window.setTimeout("sv.r.test(true, true);", 500)')
  #	}
    # Update info in Komodo
    #debugMsg("Contacting Komodo with koCmd")
    #	"sv.socket.rUpdate()",
    #	"sv.cmdout.append('R is started')",
    #	"sv.command.updateRStatus(true)",
    #	sep = ";"))
    # Refreshing Komodo's GUI elements
  #		try(koCmd(paste('sv.r.running = true; sv.socket.charset = "',  localeToCharset()[1],
  #			'"; sv.cmdout.message("' , R.version.string, ' is ready!");',
  #			' window.setTimeout("sv.r.objects.getPackageList(true, true, true);", 1000);',
  #			sep = "")), silent = TRUE)
    #try(koRefresh(force = TRUE), silent = TRUE)

    # TODO: eliminate this first from svStart.R... otherwise, it is run twice!
    # Do we have a .Rprofile file to source?
  #	rprofile <- file.path(c(getwd(), Sys.getenv("R_USER")), ".Rprofile")
  #	rprofile <- rprofile[file.exists(rprofile)][1]
  #	if (!is.na(rprofile)) {
  #		source(rprofile)
  #		debugMsg("Loaded file:", rprofile)
  #	}

    # If there is a function called ".First" in .GlobalEnv, run it now
    .First <- NULL
    if (exists(".First", envir = .GlobalEnv, mode = "function",
      inherits = FALSE))
      eval(.First(), envir = .GlobalEnv)

.onUnload <- function(libpath) {
  # Restore R options that preexisted
  try(options(useFancyQuotes = getTemp(".useFancyQuotes", TRUE)),
    silent = TRUE)
  try(options(max.print = getTemp(".max.print", 99999)),
    silent = TRUE)

  # Restore editor, browser & pager
  editor2 <- getOption("editor2")
  if (!is.null(editor2)) {
    options(editor = editor2)
    options(editor2 = NULL)
  browser2 <- getOption("browser2")
  if (!is.null(browser2)) {
    options(browser = browser2)
    options(browser2 = NULL)
  pager2 <- getOption("pager2")
  if (!is.null(pager2)) {
    options(pager = pager2)
    options(pager2 = NULL)
  #serve <- getOption("ko.serve")
  #if (!is.null(serve) && "package:svSocket" %in% search())
  #  stopSocketServer(port = as.integer(serve)[1])
  # Remove the SciViews task callback manager
  try(removeTaskCallback("SV-taskCallbackManager"), silent = TRUE)
  try(rm_temp(".svTaskCallbackManager"), silent = TRUE)

  # Restore rc.settings
  settings <- get_temp(".old.rc.settings", rc.settings())
  do.call("rc.settings", as.list(settings))
SciViews/svKomodo documentation built on May 12, 2022, 2:48 a.m.