
Defines functions stat.lm

Documented in stat.lm

# Copyright (C) 2018  Sebastian Sosa, Ivan Puga-Gonzalez, Hu Feng He, Xiaohua Xie, Cédric Sueur
# This file is part of Animal Network Toolkit Software (ANTs).
# ANT is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ANT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

#' @title Extracts statistical measures of interest in Linear Model
#' @description Performs correlations Generalized Linear Models tests and extracts estimates of predictor factors in each permuted model.
#' @param ant an output of ANT function \code{perm.net.nl} without any random factor declared, or output of ANT 'met' categories functions in which output of ANT functions \code{perm.ds.focal}, \code{perm.ds.grp} or \code{perm.net.lk} where single matrices were used.
#' @param formula an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. The details of model specification are given under ‘Details’.
#' @param oda the original data frame of associations when argument ant is obtained with perm.ds.grp or perm.ds.focal ANT functions.
#' @param progress a boolean indicating the visualization of the permutation process.
#' @param method the method to be used; for fitting, currently only method = "qr" is supported; method = "model.frame" returns the model frame (the same as with model = TRUE, see below).
#' @param model logicals. If TRUE the corresponding components of the fit (the model frame, the model matrix, the response, the QR decomposition) are returned.
#' @param x logicals. If TRUE the corresponding components of the fit (the model frame, the model matrix, the response, the QR decomposition) are returned.
#' @param y logicals. If TRUE the corresponding components of the fit (the model frame, the model matrix, the response, the QR decomposition) are returned.
#' @param qr logicals. If TRUE the corresponding components of the fit (the model frame, the model matrix, the response, the QR decomposition) are returned.
#' @param singular.ok logical. If FALSE (the default in S but not in R) a singular fit is an error.
#' @param contrasts an optional list. See the contrasts.arg of model.matrix.default.
#' @param ... Extra arguments for \code{\link{lm}} function only.
#' @return Returns a list of 3 elements :
#' \itemize{
#' \item An object of class "lm" or for multiple responses of class c("mlm", "lm").
#' \item A data frame if the estimates of the permuted models.
#' \item A vector of integers indicating the permutations that returned model errors or warnings (e.g. model convergence issues) and for which new permutations were done.
#' }
#' @details This function is the first step for performing t-tests in permuted data. For more details on t-tests, see R documentation.
#' @author Sebastian Sosa, Ivan Puga-Gonzalez.
#' @references Chambers, J. M. (1992) Linear models. Chapter 4 of Statistical Models in S eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
#' @references Wilkinson, G. N. and Rogers, C. E. (1973) Symbolic descriptions of factorial models for analysis of variance. Applied Statistics, 22, 392–9.
#' @examples
#' t=met.strength(sim.m,sim.df,1) # Computing network metric
#' t=perm.net.nl(t,labels='age',rf=NULL,nperm=10,progress=FALSE) # Node label permutations
#' r.lm=stat.lm(t,formula = strength ~ age,progress=FALSE) # Permuted LM
#' @seealso \code{\link{lm}}

stat.lm <- function(ant, formula, oda, progress = TRUE, method = "qr", model = TRUE,
                    x = FALSE, y = FALSE, qr = TRUE, singular.ok = TRUE, contrasts = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(attributes(ant)$ANT)) {
    warning("Argument ant is not an object returned by perm.ds.grp, per.ds.focal or per.ds.nl functions. Permutations for which the model fails will produce NA in your posterior distribution of the regression coefficient.")
      test = unlist(lapply(ant, is.data.frame))
      if(all(test) == TRUE){
        # LM on observed data ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        odf <- ant[[1]]
        # Model on original data
        tmp <- tryCatch(lm(
          formula = formula, data = odf, method = method,
          model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok,
          contrasts = contrasts, ...
        ), error = identity)
        # Check for errors and warnings.
        if (is(tmp, "error")) {
          print("The model on your original data contains the following errors.")
        if (is(tmp, "warning")) {
          warning("The model on your original data contains the following warnings.")
          answer <- readline(prompt = "Do you want to continue (y/n)? ")
          while (answer != "y" & answer != "n") {
            # play.sound(FALSE)
            readline("Model on your orignal data contain warnings.")
            answer <- readline(prompt = "Do you want to continue (y/n)? ")
          if (answer == "n") {
        # Extract LM informations
        else {
          obs <- summary(tmp)
          obs$fit <- fitted(tmp)
          obs$call <- format(formula)
          t <- obs
          t$coefficients <- t$coefficients[, -4]
          cat("Original model : ", "\n", "\n")
        at <- attributes(ant)
        ant <- ant[-1]
        attributes(ant) <- at
        # Create en environment to store the permutations that return model error
        tmp.env <- new.env()
        tmp.env$error <- NULL
        # Permuted analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------
          results <- lapply(seq(ant), function(i, d, formula, ctrl = ctrl, odf, labels, method, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, ...) {
            cat("  Processing permutation : ", i, "\r")
            # LM
            r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = d[[i]], method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
            # If error or warning
            if (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
              # Extract permutation number
              tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, attributes(d)$permutation)
              # Coefficent as NA
              r <- NA

            }else{r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]}
          },d = ant, formula = formula, odf = odf, labels = labels, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...)
            results <- lapply(seq(ant), function(i, d, formula, ctrl = ctrl, odf, labels, method, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, ...) {
              # LM
              r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = d[[i]], method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
              # If error or warning
              if (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
                # Extract permutation number
                tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, attributes(d)$permutation)
                # Coefficent as NA
                r <- NA
              }else{r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]}
            },d = ant, formula = formula, odf = odf, labels = labels, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...)
      }else{stop("Argument ant is nnot a list of data frames.")}
    }else{stop("Argument ant is neither a list nor an object returned by perm.ds.grp, per.ds.focal or per.ds.nl functions.")}
    # LM on observed data ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    odf <- ant[[1]]
    # Model on original data
    tmp <- tryCatch(lm(
      formula = formula, data = odf, method = method,
      model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok,
      contrasts = contrasts, ...
    ), error = identity)
    # Check for errors and warnings.
    if (is(tmp, "error")) {
      print("The model on your original data contains the following errors.")
    if (is(tmp, "warning")) {
      warning("The model on your original data contains the following warnings.")
      answer <- readline(prompt = "Do you want to continue (y/n)? ")
      while (answer != "y" & answer != "n") {
        # play.sound(FALSE)
        readline("Model on your orignal data contain warnings.")
        answer <- readline(prompt = "Do you want to continue (y/n)? ")
      if (answer == "n") {
    # Extract LM informations
    else {
      obs <- summary(tmp)
      obs$fit <- fitted(tmp)
      obs$call <- format(formula)
      t <- obs
      t$coefficients <- t$coefficients[, -4]
      cat("Original model : ", "\n", "\n")
    at <- attributes(ant)
    ant <- ant[-1]
    attributes(ant) <- at
    # Checking if argument ant is an object returned by ANTs functions perm.ds.grp, per.ds.focal or per.ds.nl--------------------------
    # For each type of permutation, the process is the following:
    # 1. Compute model on a single permutation
    # 2. Check for warnings or errors
    # 3. If error, redo a permutation
    # 4. Perform steps 1, 2, 3 until there is no more error or warning
    test1 <- attributes(ant)$ANT == "ANT node label permutation"
    test2 <- attributes(ant)$ANT == "ANT data stream group sampling single matrix"
    test3 <- attributes(ant)$ANT == "ANT data stream focal sampling single matrix"
    test4 <- attributes(ant)$ANT == "ANT node label permutation without random factors and structure maintained"
    test5 <- attributes(ant)$ANT == "ANT node label permutation with random factors and structure maintained"
    if(test5){stop("Argument ant is a temporal object returhn by function perm.net.nl.str.")}
    # LM along permutations ------------------------------------------
    if (any(test1, test2, test3, test4)) {
      # If node label permutations
      if (test1) {
        # Create en environment to store the permutations that return model error
        tmp.env <- new.env()
        tmp.env$error <- NULL
        # Store label permutation information (random factors and permuted labels)
        ctrl <- attributes(ant)$rf
        labels <- attributes(ant)$labels
        if (progress) {
          # LM on permuted data
          results <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, ctrl = ctrl, odf, labels, method, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, ...) {
            cat("  Processing permutation : ", attributes(d)$permutation, "\r")
            # LM
            r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = d, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
            # If error or warning
            if (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
              # Extract permutation number
              tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, attributes(d)$permutation)
              # While error or warning
              while (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
                # Permuted labels
                newdf <- perm.net.nl(odf, labels, rf = NULL, nperm = 1, progress = FALSE)[[2]]
                # Redo LM
                r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = newdf, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
            r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
          }, formula = formula, odf = odf, labels = labels, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...)
        # If argument progress is FALSE, same as previoulsy but without printing statisitical test progress
        else {
          results <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, ctrl = ctrl, odf, labels, method, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, ...) {
            r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = d, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
            if (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
              tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, attributes(d)$permutation)
              while (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
                newdf <- perm.net.nl(odf, labels, rf = NULL, nperm = 1, progress = FALSE)[[2]]
                r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = newdf, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
            # Extract coefficients
            r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
          }, formula = formula, odf = odf, labels = labels, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...)
      if(any(test2, test3)){
        # Finding node metrics to recompute in case of warning or error along LM on permuted data
        # Extract metrics inside the formula
        arguments <- all.vars(formula)
        # All metrics available in ANTs
        metrics <- c(
          "degree", "outdegree", "indegree", "strength", "outstrength", "instrength", "affinityB", "affinity", "affinityW", "disparity", "indisparity", "outdisparity",
          "eigenB", "eigenU", "outeigen", "ineigen", "eigenW", "eigen", "lpB", "lpW", "reach", "riB", "riW", "ri"
        # Which metric in formula are present in ANTs list
        target.metrics <- metrics[metrics %in% arguments]
        # Removing node metrics from original data frame
        odf <- odf[, -c(df.col.findId(odf, target.metrics))]
        # ANTs data stream group sampling  ------------------------------------------
        if (test2) {
          # Finding scan and control factor to redo data stream permutation
          Scan <- attributes(ant)$scan
          ctrlf <- attributes(ant)$ctrlf
          index <- attributes(ant)$method
          # New environment to store the new gbi, errors and original data
          tmp.env <- new.env()
          tmp.env$new.perm <- 0
          tmp.env$new.oda <- NULL
          tmp.env$error <- NULL
          if (progress) {
            # LM on permuted data
            results <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, index, method, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, odf, oda, target.metrics, Scan = Scan, ctrlf) {
              cat("  Processing file: ", attributes(d)$permutation, "\r")
              attr(oda, "permutation") <- 0
              # LM
              r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = d, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
              # If error
              if (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
                # Extract permutation number
                attr(odf, "permutation") <- attributes(d)$permutation
                # redo data stream permutations with gambit of the group protocol and recompute network metrics
                r <- redo.ds.grp.lm(new.perm = tmp.env$new.perm, gbi = tmp.env$gbi, oda = oda, odf = odf, target.metrics = target.metrics, formula = formula, Scan = Scan, ctrlf = ctrlf, index = index, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...)
                # Store information for future repermutations
                tmp.env$new.perm <- r[[1]]
                tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, r[[1]])
                tmp.env$gbi <- r[[2]]
              # Extract coefficients
              r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
            }, formula, index, method, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, odf, oda, target.metrics, Scan = Scan, ctrlf)
          # If argument progress is FALSE, same as previoulsy but without printing statistical test progress
          else {
            results <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, index, method, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, odf, oda, target.metrics, Scan = Scan, ctrlf) {
              cat("  Processing file: ", attributes(d)$permutation, "\r")
              attr(oda, "permutation") <- 0
              r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = d, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
              if (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
                attr(odf, "permutation") <- attributes(d)$permutation
                r <- redo.ds.grp.lm(new.perm = tmp.env$new.perm, gbi = tmp.env$gbi, oda = oda, odf = odf, target.metrics = target.metrics, formula = formula, Scan = Scan, ctrlf = ctrlf, index = index, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...)
                tmp.env$new.perm <- r[[1]]
                tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, r[[1]])
                tmp.env$gbi <- r[[2]]
              r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
            }, formula, index, method, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, odf, oda, target.metrics, Scan = Scan, ctrlf)
        # ANTs data stream focal sampling  ------------------------------------------
        if (test3) {
          # Finding focals, control factors, alters and method to redo data stream permutation
          focal <- attributes(ant)$focal
          ctrl <- attributes(ant)$ctrl
          alters <- attributes(ant)$alters
          index <- attributes(ant)$method
          # New environment to store the new gbi, errors and original data
          tmp.env <- new.env()
          tmp.env$new.perm <- 0
          tmp.env$gbi <- NULL
          tmp.env$gbi2 <- NULL
          tmp.env$error <- NULL
          if (progress) {
            # LM on permuted data
            results <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, method, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, odf, oda, target.metrics, focal, ctrl, alters, index, ...) {
              cat("  Processing file: ", attributes(d)$permutation, "\r")
              attr(oda, "permutation") <- 0
              # LM
              r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = d, model = model, method = method, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
              # If error
              if (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
                # redo a permutation on raw data
                # Giving to the original data frame of individual characteristics (odf) the permutation number where error or warning were found
                attr(odf, "permutation") <- attributes(d)$permutation
                # redo.ds.grp.first return 3 elements: 1) permutation index, 2) permuted data frame of associations 3) LM estimates
                r <- redo.ds.focal.lm(formula = formula, new.perm = tmp.env$new.perm, gbi = tmp.env$gbi, gbi2 = tmp.env$gbi2, oda = oda, odf = odf, target.metrics = target.metrics, focal = focal, ctrl = ctrl, alters = alters, index = index, model = model, method = method, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...)
                tmp.env$new.perm <- r[[1]]
                tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, r[[1]])
                tmp.env$gbi <- r[[2]]
                tmp.env$gbi2 <- r[[3]]
                result <- r[[4]]
              # Extract coefficients
              r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
            }, formula = formula, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, odf = odf, oda = oda, target.metrics = target.metrics, focal = focal, ctrl = ctrl, alters = alters, index = index, ...)
          # If argument progress is FALSE, same as previoulsy but without printing statistical test progress
          else {
            results <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, method, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, odf, oda, target.metrics, focal, ctrlf, alters, index, ...) {
              attr(oda, "permutation") <- 0
              r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = d, model = model, method = method, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
              if (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
                # redo a permutation on raw data
                # Giving to the original data frame of individual characteristics (odf) the permutation number where error or warning were found
                attr(odf, "permutation") <- attributes(d)$permutation
                # redo.ds.grp.first return 3 elements: 1) permutation index, 2) permuted data frame of associations 3) LM estimates
                r <- redo.ds.focal.lm(formula = formula, new.perm = tmp.env$new.perm, new.odf = tmp.env$new.oda, oda = oda, odf = odf, target.metrics = target.metrics, focal = focal, ctrl = ctrl, alters = alters, index = index, model = model, method = method, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...)
                tmp.env$new.perm <- r[[1]]
                tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, r[[1]])
                tmp.env$new.oda <- r[[2]]
                result <- r[[3]]
              r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
            }, formula = formula, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, odf = odf, oda = oda, target.metrics = target.metrics, focal = focal, ctrlf = ctrlf, alters = alters, index = index, )

      if (test4) {
        # Create en environment to store the permutations that return model errors
        tmp.env <- new.env()
        tmp.env$error <- NULL
        # Store label permutation information (random factors and permuted labels)
        ctrl <-NULL
        labels <- attributes(ant)$labels
        if (progress) {
          # LM on permuted data
          results <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, ctrl = ctrl, odf, labels, method, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, ...) {
            cat("  Processing permutation : ", attributes(d)$permutation, "\r")
            # LM
            r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = d, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
            # If error or warning
            if (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
              # Extract permutation number
              tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, attributes(d)$permutation)
              # While error or warning
              while (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
                # Permuted labels
                newdf <- perm.net.nl.str(odf, labels, rf = NULL, nperm = 1, progress = FALSE)[[2]]
                # Redo LM
                r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = newdf, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
            r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
          }, formula = formula, odf = odf, labels = labels, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...)
        # If argument progress is FALSE, same as previoulsy but without printing statisitical test progress
        else {
          results <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, ctrl = ctrl, odf, labels, method, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, ...) {
            r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = d, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
            if (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
              tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, attributes(d)$permutation)
              while (is(r, "error") | is(r, "warning")) {
                newdf <- perm.net.nl.str(odf, labels, rf = NULL, nperm = 1, progress = FALSE)[[2]]
                r <- tryCatch(lm(formula = formula, data = newdf, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...), error = identity)
            # Extract coefficients
            r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
          }, formula = formula, odf = odf, labels = labels, method = method, model = model, x = x, y = y, qr = qr, singular.ok = singular.ok, contrasts = contrasts, ...)

  # Merge list of coefficients
  results <- do.call("rbind", results)
  # Create an object with the original model, the permuted coefficients, the permutation numbers that require repermutations
  result <- list("Original.model" = t, "permutations" = results, "errors" = tmp.env$error)
  attr(result, "class") <- "ant lm"
  attr(result, "formula") <- paste(format(formula))
SebastianSosa/ant documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 7:06 a.m.