
Defines functions plotResidency_stripes

Documented in plotResidency_stripes

#' plotResidency_stripes
#' Plots residency data by inside, outside stripe. Generates a heatmap by experiment
#' @param FileFilter string to search/subset filenames
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom magrittr "%<>%"
#' @importFrom magrittr "%$%"
#' @export
#' @examples data <- plotResidency_stripes()
plotResidency_stripes <- function(FileFilter,
                                  arena_size = 16.1,
                                  frame_rate = 2,
                                  vid.length = 20,
                                  y_bins = 50,
                                  y_max = 5,
                                  heatmap_palette = "Greys",
                                  plot.direction = 1,
                                  time_bins = 1,
                            ...) {

message("select a file in the folder you want to analyze")
  #### making an interactive option for the base folder:
   if(missing(folderPath)) {
    folderPath <- dirname(file.choose())
  message(paste("using files at or below the folder:", basename(folderPath)))
  plot.direction <- plot.direction
  heatmap_palette <- quo_name(enquo(heatmap_palette))
  breaks <- heatmap_limits
  labels <- as.character(breaks)
  limits <- breaks[c(1,3)]

#### select csv files that match the pattern, with an optional FileFilter
  files <- list.files(file.path(folderPath), pattern = "*.csv", recursive = TRUE)
  files <- files[stringr::str_detect(files, pattern = paste0(FileFilter))]
  filenames <- files
  files <- file.path(folderPath, files)

#get pixelsize in pixels / mm
pixelsize <- files %>%
  stringr::str_subset(., pattern = "preprocess.csv", negate = FALSE) %>%
  read_csv(.) %>% select(pixelSize) %>% as.numeric()

#### correct and determine cue boundaries by luminance:
luminance <- files %>%
  stringr::str_subset(., pattern = "luminance.csv", negate = FALSE) %>%
  data.table::fread(., select = c(1,frame_rate*vid.length*60)) %>%

luminance %<>%
  mutate(ypos = row_number(),
         y_mm = ypos / pixelsize) %>%
  rename(frame1 = V1, frameLast = V2400) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("frame"),
               names_to = "frame",
               values_to = "luminance")

ybinwidth <- arena_size / max(luminance$ypos)

# linear regression to compensate for luminance gradient across devices
luminance <- luminance %>%
  group_by(frame) %>%
  nest() %>%
  # map a linreg to each frame values, then get just the slope and intercept values
  mutate(lmobj = map(data, function(.x) {
    lm(luminance ~ ypos, data = .x) %>% broom::tidy()
  })) %>%
  unnest(lmobj) %>%
  select(-(5:7)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = term, values_from = estimate) %>%
  rename(Intercept = `(Intercept)`, slope = ypos) %>%
  #now correct the slope and binarize:
  unnest(cols = c(data)) %>%
  mutate(norm_lum = luminance - (ypos*slope + Intercept)) %>%
  # the data are still wobbly, so I will use a Loess fit to smooth these
  # out and use these to binarize the luminance data
  nest() %>%
  mutate(smoothed = map(data, function(.x) {
    loess(norm_lum ~ ypos, data = .x, span = 0.1) %>% broom::augment()
  })) %>%
  unnest(smoothed) %>%
  mutate(lum_bin = case_when(
    .fitted >= 0 ~ "buffer",
    TRUE ~ "dye"

#check if boundaries are greater than one worm length between start and end of assay:
first_bound <- luminance %>%
  filter(lum_bin == "dye") %>%
  slice(1) %$% (ypos[1] - ypos[2]) * ybinwidth > 0.5

try(if(first_bound) stop("boundaries unstable"))

second_bound <- luminance %>%
  filter(ypos > max(ypos)/2, lum_bin == "buffer") %>%
  slice(1) %$% (ypos[1] - ypos[2]) * ybinwidth > 0.5

try(if(second_bound) stop("boundaries unstable"))
luminance <- luminance %>%
  filter(frame == "frame1") %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(ypos, lum_bin)

ypos_all <- luminance %>%
  mutate(y_mm = ypos / pixelsize) %>%
  select(y_mm, lum_bin)

#### use y position data to generate relative residence
ymat <- files %>%
  stringr::str_subset(., pattern = "ymat.csv", negate = FALSE)  %>%
  data.table::fread() %>%
  tibble() %>%
  mutate(worm = row_number()) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -worm, names_to = "time", values_to = "ypos") %>%
  separate("time", into = c("spacer", "time"), sep = "V") %>%
  mutate(time = as.numeric(time),
         ypos = round(ypos,0)) %>%
  select(worm, time, ypos)

#merge luminance and yposition:
raw_residence <- full_join(luminance, ymat) %>%
  filter(!is.na(worm), !is.na(ypos)) %>%
  #censor outermost 1mm due to edge effects
  filter(!ypos < pixelsize, !ypos > max(ypos)-pixelsize) %>%
  mutate(y_mm = ypos / pixelsize)

if(time_bins > 1) {
  raw_residence <- raw_residence %>%
  mutate(time_bin = as.numeric(cut(time, time_bins)))

# calculate relative che index:
left_bound <-
  ypos_all %>%
  filter(lum_bin == "dye") %>% slice(1) %>%
  select(y_mm) %>% as.numeric()

right_bound <-
  ypos_all %>%
  filter(y_mm > 6, lum_bin == "buffer") %>% slice(1) %>%
  select(y_mm) %>% as.numeric()

# subtract 1mm from each side for tack counts
length_buffer <- (left_bound - 1) + (max(ypos_all$y_mm - 1) - right_bound)
length_dye <- right_bound - left_bound
total_length <- max(ypos_all$y_mm) - 2

track_counts <- raw_residence %>%
  count(y_mm) %>%
  full_join(ypos_all) %>%
  mutate(n = ifelse(is.na(n),0,n)) %>%
  group_by(lum_bin) %>%
  summarize(n = sum(n)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = lum_bin, values_from = n) %>%
  mutate(time_bin = 0,
         n_tracks = buffer + dye,
    length_buffer = length_buffer,
         length_dye = length_dye,
         length_total = total_length,
         norm_tot_buf = (buffer / (length_buffer/total_length)),
         norm_tot_dye = dye / (length_dye/total_length),
         index = (norm_tot_dye - norm_tot_buf ) / (norm_tot_dye + norm_tot_buf))

if( time_bins > 1 )
  track_counts.binned <- raw_residence %>%
    count(time_bin, y_mm) %>%
    full_join(ypos_all) %>%
    mutate(n = ifelse(is.na(n),0,n)) %>%
    group_by(time_bin, lum_bin) %>%
    summarize(n = sum(n)) %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = lum_bin, values_from = n) %>%
    mutate(n_tracks = buffer + dye,
           length_buffer = length_buffer,
           length_dye = length_dye,
           length_total = total_length,
           norm_tot_buf = (buffer / (length_buffer/total_length)),
           norm_tot_dye = dye / (length_dye/total_length),
           index = (norm_tot_dye - norm_tot_buf ) / (norm_tot_dye + norm_tot_buf))

if (time_bins >1)
track_counts <- rbind(track_counts, track_counts.binned)

if(time_bins >1) {
 ypos_all <- ypos_all %>%
   slice(rep(1:n(), each=time_bins)) %>%
   mutate(time_bin = rep(1:time_bins, n()/time_bins)


#convert missing y positions to 0

rel_residence <- raw_residence %>%
  count(y_mm) %>%
  full_join(ypos_all) %>%
  mutate(n = ifelse(is.na(n),0,n)) %>%
  mutate(ybin = cut(y_mm, y_bins),
         ybin_numeric = as.numeric(as.factor(ybin))) %>%
  group_by(ybin,ybin_numeric,lum_bin) %>%
  summarize(count = sum(n),) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(y_mm = seq(0,16.2, length.out = nrow(.)))

if (time_bins >1) {
  rel_residence.binned <- raw_residence %>%
    count(time_bin, y_mm) %>%
    full_join(ypos_all) %>%
    mutate(n = ifelse(is.na(n),0,n)) %>%
    mutate(ybin = cut(y_mm, y_bins),
           ybin_numeric = as.numeric(as.factor(ybin))) %>%
    group_by(ybin,ybin_numeric,lum_bin,time_bin) %>%
    summarize(count = sum(n),) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(y_mm = seq(0,16.2, length.out = nrow(.)))

  mean_res <- mean(rel_residence$count)

  rel_residence <- rel_residence %>%
  mutate(relres = count / mean_res)

  if(time_bins >1) {
    means <- rel_residence.binned %>%
      group_by(time_bin) %>%
      summarize(mean_res = mean(count))

    rel_residence.binned <- full_join(rel_residence.binned, means) %>%
      mutate(relres = count / mean_res )

#to plot histogram

p.histogram <- raw_residence %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = y_mm)) +
  geom_histogram(aes(x = stat(count) / mean(count), fill = lum_bin), bins = y_bins) +
  labs(y = "position (mm)",
       x = "relative residence") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey", "lightblue")) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim=c(0,y_max), ylim = c(1,15), expand = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

if( time_bins > 1) {
  p.histogram.binned <- raw_residence %>%
    ggplot(aes(y = y_mm)) +
    geom_histogram(aes(x = stat(count) / mean(count), fill = lum_bin), bins = y_bins) +
    labs(y = "position (mm)",
         x = "relative residence") +
    scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey", "lightblue")) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim=c(0,y_max), ylim = c(1,15), expand = FALSE) +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +

# to plot heatmap
  p.heatmap <- rel_residence %>%
    drop_na(relres) %>%
    ggplot(aes(y = y_mm)) +
    geom_raster(aes(fill = relres, x = 1)) +
    #     fill = stat(count) / mean(count),
    #     color = stat(count) / mean(count)),
    # na.rm = FALSE,
    # geom = "tile",
    # position = "identity",
    # bins = y_bins) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim=c(0.5,1.5), ylim = c(0,16.2), expand = FALSE) +
    labs(fill = "relative residence",
         y = "position (mm)") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
          axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
          legend.position = "bottom") +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0,5,10,15)) +
      breaks = breaks,
      labels = labels,
      limits = limits,
      palette = heatmap_palette,
      direction = plot.direction)

if (time_bins > 1 ) {
  p.heatmap.binned <- rel_residence.binned %>%
    drop_na(relres) %>%
    ggplot(aes(y = y_mm)) +
    geom_raster(aes(fill = relres, x = 1)) +
    #     fill = stat(count) / mean(count),
    #     color = stat(count) / mean(count)),
    # na.rm = FALSE,
    # geom = "tile",
    # position = "identity",
    # bins = y_bins) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim=c(0.5,1.5), ylim = c(0,16.2), expand = FALSE) +
    labs(fill = "relative residence",
         y = "position (mm)") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
          axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
          legend.position = "bottom") +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0,5,10,15)) +
      breaks = breaks,
      labels = labels,
      limits = limits,
      palette = heatmap_palette,
      direction = plot.direction) +

write_csv(track_counts, file = file.path(folderPath,paste0(basename(folderPath),"index.csv")))
write_csv(raw_residence, file = file.path(folderPath,paste0(basename(folderPath),"raw_residence.csv")))
write_csv(rel_residence, file = file.path(folderPath,paste0(basename(folderPath),"rel_residence.csv")))

if (time_bins >1 ) {
  write_csv(rel_residence.binned, file = file.path(folderPath,paste0(basename(folderPath),"rel_residence_binned.csv")))

  ggsave(plot = p.heatmap,
         filename = file.path(folderPath,paste0(basename(folderPath),"_heatmap.pdf")),
         width = 1,
         height = 4,
         units = "in")

  if (time_bins >1)
  ggsave(plot = p.heatmap.binned,
         filename = file.path(folderPath,paste0(basename(folderPath),"_heatmap_binned.pdf")),
         width = 1*time_bins,
         height = 4,
         units = "in")

ggsave(plot = p.histogram,
       filename = file.path(folderPath,paste0(basename(folderPath),"_histogram.pdf")),
       width = 4,
       height = 4,
       units = "in")

if(time_bins >1)
  ggsave(plot = p.histogram.binned,
         filename = file.path(folderPath,paste0(basename(folderPath),"_histogram_binned.pdf")),
         width = 4,
         height = 4,
         units = "in")

if (time_bins == 1) {

} else {

SenguptaLab/MF.matR documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 4:57 p.m.