
Defines functions print.summary.comblist summary.comblist print.comblist combinedListDirect

Documented in combinedListDirect

#' Combined List Estimator
#' This function implements the combined list estimator described in Aronow,
#' Coppock, Crawford, and Green (2015): Combining List Experiment and Direct
#' Question Estimates of Sensitive Behavior Prevalence
#' @param formula an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to
#' that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. Should be of
#' the form Y ~ T + X1 + X2, where Y is the list response, T is the treatment
#' indicator, and X1, X2, etc are pretreatment covariates. It is recommended
#' that T be a numeric variable whose values are 0 for subjects in control and
#' 1 for subjects in treatment.
#' @param data an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible
#' by as.data.frame to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If
#' not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula),
#' typically the environment from which combined.list is called. It is good
#' practice to include all variables used in the estimation (list response,
#' treatment indicator, direct response, and optional pre-treatment covariates)
#' in a dataframe rather than calling data from the global environent.
#' @param treat a character string giving the name of the treatment variable.
#' Defaults to "treat".
#' @param direct a character string giving the name of the direct response
#' variable. Defaults to "direct". The direct response variable itself must
#' only contain the values 0 and 1, where 1 refers to subjects who answered
#' "Yes" to the direct question.
#' @return a list containing conventional, direct, and combined prevalence
#' estimates with associated standard errors as well as the results of two
#' placebo tests.
#' @examples
#' # Load data from Aronow, Coppock, Crawford, and Green (2015)
#' data("combinedListExps")
#' # complete case analysis
#' combinedListExps <- na.omit(combinedListExps)
#' # Conduct estimation without covariate adjustment
#' out.1 <- combinedListDirect(list1N ~ list1treat, 
#'                             data = subset(combinedListExps, directsfirst==1), 
#'                             treat = "list1treat", direct = "direct1")
#' summary(out.1)
#' # Conduct estimation with covariate adjustment
#' out.2 <- combinedListDirect(list1N ~ list1treat + gender + 
#'                             ideology + education + race, 
#'                             data = subset(combinedListExps, directsfirst==1), 
#'                             treat = "list1treat", direct = "direct1")
#' summary(out.2)
#' @export combinedListDirect
combinedListDirect <- function(formula, data = parent.frame(), treat="treat", direct="direct"){

  comblist.call <- match.call()

  # set up data frame, with support for standard and modified responses
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)

  # make all other call elements null in mf <- NULL in next line
  # you can remove all the options I have, but make sure to make NULL any option that remains like below
  mf$treat <- mf$direct <- NULL
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf$na.action <- 'na.pass'
  mf <- eval.parent(mf)

  # define design, response data frames
  x.all <- model.matrix.default(attr(mf, "terms"), mf)
  #x.all <- x.all[,-1]
  x.all <- x.all[,setdiff(colnames(x.all), treat)]
  x.all <- as.matrix(x.all)
  y.all <- model.response(mf)
  t.all <- data[,paste(treat)]
  d.all <- data[,paste(direct)]

  # list-wise missing deletion
  na.x <- apply(is.na(x.all), 1, sum)
  na.y <- is.na(y.all)
  na.t <- is.na(t.all)
  na.d <- is.na(d.all)

  keepers <- (na.x==0 & na.y==0 & na.t==0 & na.d==0)

  x.nona <- x.all[keepers, , drop=FALSE]
  y.nona <- y.all[keepers]
  t.nona <- t.all[keepers]
  d.nona <- d.all[keepers]

  if(length(unique(t.nona))!=2){stop("The treatment variable must only contain two unique values.")}
  if(!all(d.nona %in% c(0,1))){stop("The direct response variable must be a numeric variable whose values are 0 or 1.")}

  if(inherits(t.nona, "factor")) {

    levels(t.nona) <- tolower(levels(t.nona))

    if (length(which(levels(t.nona) == "control")) == 1) {
      t.nona <- relevel(t.nona, ref = "control")
    } else {
      warning("Note: using the first level of the treatment variable as the control condition, but it is not labeled 'control'.")

    t.nona <- as.numeric(t.nona) - 1

  } else {
    if(!all(t.nona %in% c(0,1))){stop("The treatment variable must be a numeric variable whose values are 0 or 1.")}

  ## so that the output data has the same dimension as x.all and y.all
  data <- data[keepers, , drop = FALSE]

  # Direct Estimate
  d.bar <- mean(d.nona)
  direct.var.est <- var(d.nona)/length(d.nona)

  # Conventional List Estimate
  conv.fit <- lm(y.nona ~ t.nona + x.nona)
  conv.est <- coef(conv.fit)[2]
  conv.resids <- residuals(conv.fit)
  conv.var.t.1 <- var(conv.resids[t.nona==1])
  conv.var.t.0 <- var(conv.resids[t.nona==0])
  conv.var.est <- conv.var.t.1/sum(t.nona) + conv.var.t.0/sum(1-t.nona)

  # Combined List Estimate
  comb.fit <- lm(y.nona ~ t.nona + x.nona, subset=d.nona==0)
  intermediate.est <- coef(comb.fit)[2]
  mu.hat <- d.bar + (1-d.bar)*(intermediate.est)

  comb.resids <- residuals(comb.fit)

  comb.var.t.1 <- var(comb.resids[t.nona[d.nona==0]==1])
  comb.var.t.0 <- var(comb.resids[t.nona[d.nona==0]==0])

  gamma.hat <- mean(t.nona)
  comb.var.est <- ((((1-mu.hat)^2)/(1-d.bar))*d.bar +
                (1-d.bar)*(comb.var.t.1/gamma.hat + comb.var.t.0/(1-gamma.hat)))/length(t.nona)

  # Placebo Test I

  placebo.I.fit <- lm(y.nona ~ t.nona + x.nona, subset=d.nona==1)
  placebo.I.est <- as.numeric(coef(placebo.I.fit)[2])
  placebo.I.resids <- residuals(placebo.I.fit)
  placebo.I.var <- (var(placebo.I.resids[t.nona[d.nona==1]==1]))/sum(t.nona[d.nona==1]==1) +
  placebo.I.se <- as.numeric(sqrt(placebo.I.var))
  placebo.I.p <- as.numeric(2*pnorm(- abs(placebo.I.est -1)/ placebo.I.se))
  placebo.I.n <- as.numeric(sum(d.nona==1))

  placebo.I.list <- list(estimate = placebo.I.est, se = placebo.I.se,
                         p = placebo.I.p, n = placebo.I.n)

  # Placebo Test II

  placebo.II.fit <- lm(d.nona ~ t.nona + x.nona)
  placebo.II.est <- as.numeric(coef(placebo.II.fit)[2])
  placebo.II.resids <- residuals(placebo.II.fit)
  placebo.II.var <- var(placebo.II.resids[t.nona==1])/(sum(t.nona==1)) +
  placebo.II.se <- as.numeric(sqrt(placebo.II.var))
  placebo.II.p <- as.numeric(2*pnorm(- abs(placebo.II.est)/ placebo.II.se))
  placebo.II.n <- as.numeric(length(t.nona))

  placebo.II.list <- list(estimate = placebo.II.est, se = placebo.II.se,
                         p = placebo.II.p, n = placebo.II.n)

  return.object <- list(comb.est=mu.hat, comb.se=sqrt(comb.var.est),
                        direct.est=d.bar, direct.se=sqrt(direct.var.est),
                        conv.est=conv.est, conv.se=sqrt(conv.var.est),
                        placebo.I = placebo.I.list,
                        placebo.II = placebo.II.list,
                        call = match.call(),
                        data = data, x = x.nona, y = y.nona, treat = t.nona, direct=d.nona)

  class(return.object) <- "comblist"



print.comblist <- function(x, ...){

  cat("\n Combined List Estimates \n\nCall: ")


  cat("\n Prevalence estimate\n")

  tb <- as.matrix(c(x$comb.est, x$comb.se))
  rownames(tb) <- c("Estimate", "Standard Error")
  colnames(tb) <- "Prevalence"


summary.comblist <- function(object, ...) {
  structure(object, class = c("summary.comblist", class(object)))

print.summary.comblist <- function(x, ...){

  cat("\n Combined List Estimates \n\nCall: ")


  cat("\n Prevalence estimates\n")

  estimates <- c(x$comb.est, x$direct.est, x$conv.est)
  ses <- c(x$comb.se, x$direct.se, x$conv.se)

  tb <- rbind(estimates, ses)
  colnames(tb) <- c("Combined", "Direct", "Conventional")
  rownames(tb) <- c("Estimate", "Standard Error")


  cat("\n Placebo Test I
       Beta is the conventional list experiment estimate among those who answer 'Yes' to the direct question.
       Ho: beta = 1
       Ha: beta != 1
      \n ")
  pItb <- t(as.matrix(unlist(x$placebo.I)))
  colnames(pItb) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "p", "n")
  rownames(pItb) <- "beta"

  cat("\n Placebo Test II
       Delta is the average effect of the receiving the treatment list on the direct question response.
       Ho: delta = 0
       Ha: delta != 0
      \n ")
  pIItb <- t(as.matrix(unlist(x$placebo.II)))
  colnames(pIItb) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "p", "n")
  rownames(pIItb) <- "delta"

#' Five List Experiments with Direct Questions
#' A dataset containing the five list experiments in 
#' Aronow, Coppock, Crawford, and Green (2015)
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name combinedListExps
#' @usage data(combinedListExps)
#' @format A data frame with 1023 observations and 23 variables
SensitiveQuestions/list documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 10:51 a.m.