#' Summarize Bayesian MCMC Output
#' R function for summarizing MCMC output in a regression-style table.
#' @param sims Bayesian model object generated by R2jags, rjags, R2WinBUGS,
#' R2OpenBUGS, MCMCpack, rstan, and rstanarm.
#' @param ci desired level for credible intervals; defaults to c(0.025, 0.975).
#' @param pars character vector of parameters to be printed; defaults to \code{NULL}
#' (all parameters are printed). If not \code{NULL}, the user can either specify the exact names of
#' parameters to be printed (e.g. \code{c("alpha", "beta1", "beta2")}) or part of a name
#' so that all parameters containing that name will be printed (e.g. \code{"beta"} will print \code{beta1}, \code{beta2}, etc.).
#' @param Pr print percent of posterior draws with same sign as median; defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ROPE defaults to \code{NULL}. If not \code{NULL}, a vector of two values defining the region of
#' practical equivalence ("ROPE"); returns \% of posterior draws to the left/right of ROPE. For this quantity
#' to be meaningful, all parameters must be on the same scale (e.g. standardized coefficients
#' or first differences). See Kruschke (2013, Journal of Experimental
#' Psychology 143(2): 573-603) for more on the ROPE.
#' @param regex use regular expression matching with \code{pars}?
#' @references Kruschke, John K. 2013. “Bayesian Estimation Supersedes the T-Test.” Journal of
#' Experimental Psychology: General 142 (2): 573–603. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0029146.
#' @return a data frame containing MCMC summary statistics.
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{.old_wd <- setwd(tempdir())}
#' \donttest{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' data("jags_logit")
#' ## printing out table
#' object <- mcmcTab(jags_logit,
#' ci = c(0.025, 0.975),
#' pars = NULL,
#' Pr = FALSE,
#' object
#' }
#' }
#' \dontshow{setwd(.old_wd)}
#' @export
mcmcTab <- function(sims,
ci = c(0.025, 0.975),
pars = NULL,
regex = FALSE) {
if (inherits(sims, what = c("jags", "rjags"))) {
sims <- as.matrix(coda::as.mcmc(sims))
if (inherits(sims, what = "bugs")) {
sims <- sims$sims.matrix
if (inherits(sims, what = c("mcmc", "mcmc.list", "stanfit", "stanreg",
"brmsfit"))) {
sims <- as.matrix(sims)
ROPE <- check_ROPE_argument(ROPE)
if (is.null(pars)) {
dat <- sims
} else if (regex) {
dat <- sims[, grepl(x = colnames(sims), pattern = paste(pars, collapse = "|"))]
} else {
dat <- matrix(sims[, pars], nrow = nrow(sims), byrow = FALSE,
dimnames = list(NULL, pars))
dat_wide <- t(dat)
mcmctab <- apply(dat_wide, 1,
function(x) c(Median = round(median(x), digits = 3), # Posterior median
SD = round(sd(x), digits = 3), # Posterior SD
Lower = as.numeric(round(quantile(x, probs = ci[1]), digits = 3)), # Lower CI of posterior
Upper = as.numeric(round(quantile(x, probs = ci[2]), digits = 3)), # Upper CI of posterior
Pr = round(ifelse(median(x) > 0, length(x[x > 0]) / length(x), length(x[x < 0]) / length(x)), digits = 3) # % of posterior draws with same sign as median
if(Pr == FALSE){
mcmctab <- apply(dat_wide, 1,
function(x) c(Median = round(median(x), digits = 3), # Posterior median
SD = round(sd(x), digits = 3), # Posterior SD
Lower = as.numeric(round(quantile(x, probs = ci[1]), digits = 3)), # Lower CI of posterior
Upper = as.numeric(round(quantile(x, probs = ci[2]), digits = 3))))
message("This table contains an estimate for parameter values outside of the region of
practical equivalence (ROPE). For this quantity to be meaningful, all parameters
must be on the same scale (e.g. standardized coefficients or first differences).")
mcmctab <- apply(dat_wide, 1,
function(x) c(Median = round(median(x), digits = 3), # Posterior median
SD = round(sd(x), digits = 3), # Posterior SD
Lower = as.numeric(round(quantile(x, probs = ci[1]), digits = 3)), # Lower CI of posterior
Upper = as.numeric(round(quantile(x, probs = ci[2]), digits = 3)),
PrOutROPE = round(ifelse(median(x) > 0, length(x[x > ROPE[2]]) / length(x), length(x[x < ROPE[1]]) / length(x)), digits = 3)))
# return(t(mcmctab))
out_dat <- data.frame("Variable" = colnames(mcmctab),
row.names = NULL,
stringsAsFactors = TRUE) # check this, new with R 4.0.0
# recommended if sort order used
# in the string to factor conversion
# does not matter
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