
testrds <- function(fname) readRDS(test_path("data", "analyze_sample", fname))

test_that("analyze_sample filters and categorizes locus-specific sequences", {
  # analyze_sample should filter a sequence table to entries matching the
  # primer(s), length range, and motif of a specific locus, and assign a
  # category (allele, etc.) to each row.
  seq_data <- testrds("seq_data.rds")
  sample_data_expected <- testrds("sample_data.rds")
  sample_data <- analyze_sample(seq_data, list(Locus = "A"), 0.05)
  expect_equal(sample_data, sample_data_expected)
ShawHahnLab/microsat documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 11:16 p.m.