
Defines functions addti1 ti_idicators_hline pq_addti_funs

Documented in pq_addti_funs

# Technical,Indicators and Overlays

### technial indicator
# - Support & resistance
# - Trend 
# - Momentum 
# - Volume 
# - Volatility 
# - Breadth	
# - Other

# # leading: 
# - Commodity Channel Index (CCI), 
# - Momentum, 
# - Relative Strength Index (RSI), 
# - Stochastic Oscillator 
# - Williams %R.
# # lagging: 
# - moving averages (exponential, simple, weighted, variable)
# - MACD

# # reference
# # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_analysis
# # https://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:technical_indicators

# library(RcppRoll)
# # rolling max, mean, median, min, prod, sd, sum, var
# run_max = function(x, n = 10, ...) {
#   return(roll_max(x, n = n, align = "right", fill = NA, ...))
# }

# bias = function(x, n=10, maType='SMA') {
#   # bias_orig = 
#     (x/do.call(maType, list(x=x, n=n))-1)*100
#   # bias_orig/runSD(bias_orig, n = 1, cumulative = TRUE)
# }
# maroc = function(x, n=10, m=3, maType='SMA') {
#   ROC(do.call(maType, list(x=x, n=n)), n=m)*100
# }

# "getYahooData"  "stockSymbols" "adjRatios" 
# multiple input arguments
# rollSFM runCov runCor runVar GMMA SNR
# "growth" "lags" "naCheck" 

#' technical functions
#' Technical functions provided in TTR package.
#' @export
pq_addti_funs = function() {
    overlays = c('SMA', 'EMA', 'DEMA', 'WMA', 'EVWMA', 'ZLEMA', 'VWAP', 'VWMA', 'VMA', 'HMA', 'ALMA', 
                 'runMin', 'runMax', 'runMean', 'runMedian', 
                 'BBands', 'PBands', 
                 'DonchianChannel', 'SAR', 'ZigZag'),
    indicators = c('runSD', 'runMAD', 'runSum', 'wilderSum', 'runPercentRank', 'aroon', 'CCI', 'VHF', 'TDI', 'ADX', 'ATR', 'EMV', 'chaikinVolatility', 'volatility', 'OBV', 'chaikinAD', 'CLV', 'CMF', 'MFI', 'williamsAD', 'ROC', 'momentum', 'KST', 'TRIX', 'MACD', 'DPO', 'DVI', 'ultimateOscillator', 'RSI', 'CMO', 'stoch', 'SMI', 'WPR')

# hline for technical indicators in pq_plot
ti_idicators_hline = function() {list(
  bbands = c(0.5, 0, 1),
  aroon  = c(50),
  cci    = c(0, -100, 100),
  tdi    = c(0),
  emv    = c(0),
  chaikinvolatility = c(0),
  clv    = c(0),
  cmf    = c(0),
  mfi    = c(20, 80),
  roc    = c(0),
  momentum = c(0),
  kst    = c(0),
  trix   = c(0),
  macd   = c(0),
  dpo    = c(0),
  dvi    = c(0.5),
  ultimateoscillator = c(50, 30, 70),
  rsi    = c(50, 30, 70),
  cmo    = c(0),
  stoch  = c(0.5),
  smi    = c(0),
  wpr    = c(0.5)

# number of columns returned from ti 
# BBands, PBands, DonchianChannel, 
# aroon, TDI, ADX, ATR, EMV, KST, TRIX, MACD, DVI, stoch, SMI 
# numcol = sapply(unlist(ti_oi()), function(x) {
#   arg_lst = list()
#   arg_lst[['dt']] = dt
#   arg_lst[[x]] = list()
#   ncol(do.call(pq_addti, args = arg_lst)[[1]])
# } )
# unlist(ti_oi())[which(numcol>1)]

# Technical Overlays

# Moving Averages (maType) ------
# SMA(x, n = 10, ...): Simple Moving Average
# EMA(x, n = 10, wilder = FALSE, ratio = NULL, ...): Exponential Moving Average
# DEMA(x, n = 10, v = 1, wilder = FALSE, ratio = NULL): Double Exponential Moving Average
# WMA(x, n = 10, wts = 1:n, ...): Weighted Moving Average
# EVWMA(price, volume, n = 10, ...): Elastic, Volume-Weighted Moving Average
# ZLEMA(x, n = 10, ratio = NULL, ...): Zero Lag Exponential Moving Average
# VWAP(price, volume, n = 10, ...): Volume-Weighted Moving Average Price
# VMA(x, w, ratio = 1, ...): Variable-Length Moving Average
# HMA(x, n = 20, ...): Hull Moving Average
# ALMA(x, n = 9, offset = 0.85, sigma = 6, ...): Arnaud Legoux Moving Average
# GMMA(x, short = c(3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15), long = c(30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60), maType): Guppy Multiple Moving Averages

# rolling function over a n-period moving window ------
# runMin(x, n = 10, cumulative = FALSE): returns minimums 
# runMax(x, n = 10, cumulative = FALSE): returns maximums 
# runMean(x, n = 10, cumulative = FALSE): returns means 
# runMedian(x, n = 10, non.unique = "mean", cumulative = FALSE): returns medians 
# runCov(x, y, n = 10, use = "all.obs", sample = TRUE, cumulative = FALSE): returns covariances 
# runCor(x, y, n = 10, use = "all.obs", sample = TRUE, cumulative = FALSE): returns correlations 
# runVar(x, y = NULL, n = 10, sample = TRUE, cumulative = FALSE): returns variances 
# runSD(x, n = 10, sample = TRUE, cumulative = FALSE): returns standard deviations 
# runMAD(x, n = 10, center = NULL, stat = "median", constant = 1.4826, non.unique = "mean", cumulative = FALSE): returns median/mean absolute deviations 
# runSum(x, n = 10, cumulative = FALSE): returns sums 
# wilderSum(x, n = 10): retuns a Welles Wilder style weighted sum 

# Bands/Channels ------
# BBands(HLC, n = 20, maType, sd = 2, ...): Bollinger Bands
# PBands(prices, n = 20, maType = "SMA", sd = 2, ..., fastn = 2, centered = FALSE, lavg = FALSE): Construct volatility bands around prices
# DonchianChannel(HL, n = 10, include.lag = FALSE): Donchian Channel

# SAR(HL, accel = c(0.02, 0.2)): Parabolic Stop-and-Reverse
# ZigZag(HL, change = 10, percent = TRUE, retrace = FALSE, lastExtreme = TRUE): Zig Zag

# Technical Indicators

# trend direction/strength ------
# aroon(HL, n = 20): Aroon
# CCI(HLC, n = 20, maType, c = 0.015, ...): Commodity Channel Index
# ADX(HLC, n = 14, maType, ...): Welles Wilder’s Directional Movement Index
# TDI(price, n = 20, multiple = 2): Trend Detection Index
# VHF(price, n = 28): Vertical Horizontal Filter
# EMV(HL, volume, n = 9, maType, vol.divisor = 10000, ...): Arms' Ease of Movement Value

# volatility measure ------
# ATR(HLC, n = 14, maType, ...): True Range / Average True Range
# chaikinVolatility(HL, n = 10, maType, ...): Chaikin Volatility
# volatility(OHLC, n = 10, calc = "close", N = 260, mean0 = FALSE, ...): Volatility
# SNR(HLC, n, ...): Signal to Noise Ratio

# measure of the money flowing into or out of a security ------
# OBV(price, volume): On Balance Volume
# chaikinAD(HLC, volume): Chaikin Accumulation / Distribution
# CLV(HLC): Close Location Value
# CMF(HLC, volume, n = 20): Chaikin Money Flow
# MFI(HLC, volume, n = 14): Money Flow Index
# williamsAD(HLC): Williams Accumulation / Distribution

# Rate of Change / Momentum: ------
# ROC(x, n = 1, type = c("continuous", "discrete"), na.pad = TRUE): Rate of Change
# momentum(x, n = 1, na.pad = TRUE): Momentum
# KST(price, n = c(10, 10, 10, 15), nROC = c(10, 15, 20, 30), nSig = 9, maType, wts = 1:NROW(n), ...): Know Sure Thing
# TRIX(price, n = 20, nSig = 9, maType, percent = TRUE, ...): Triple Smoothed Exponential Oscillator

# Oscillator ------
# MACD(x, nFast = 12, nSlow = 26, nSig = 9, maType, percent = TRUE, ...)
# DPO(x, n = 10, maType, shift = n/2 + 1, percent = FALSE, ...): De-Trended Price Oscillator
# DVI(price, n = 252, wts = c(0.8, 0.2), smooth = 3, magnitude = c(5, 100, 5), stretch = c(10, 100, 2), exact.multiplier = 1): DV Intermediate Oscillator
# ultimateOscillator(HLC, n = c(7, 14, 28), wts = c(4, 2, 1)): The Ultimate Oscillator

# Relative Strength Index: ------
# RSI(price, n = 14, maType, ...): Relative Strength Index
# CMO(x, n = 14): Chande Momentum Oscillator

# Stochastic Oscillator / Momentum Index: ------
# stoch(HLC, nFastK = 14, nFastD = 3, nSlowD = 3, maType, bounded = TRUE, smooth = 1, ...): Stochastic Oscillator
# WPR(HLC, n = 14): William's %R
# SMI(HLC, n = 13, nFast = 2, nSlow = 25, nSig = 9, maType, bounded = TRUE, ...): Stochastic Momentum Index

# formals(TTR::CCI) # args(TTR::CCI)
# getNamespaceExports("TTR")
# ls(getNamespace("TTR"))
# options(addti = c('bias', 'maroc'))
# getOption('addti')

# ti_fst_arg = function() {
#   list(
#     OHLC = 'volatility',
#     HLC  = c('CCI', 'ADX', 'ATR', 'chaikinAD', 'CLV', 'CMF', 'MFI', 'williamsAD', 'BBands', 'ultimateOscillator', 'stoch', 'WPR', 'SMI', 'SNR'),
#     HL   = c('aroon', 'EMV', 'chaikinVolatility', 'DonchianChannel', 'SAR', 'ZigZag'), 
#     price  = c('TDI', 'VHF', 'OBV', 'KST', 'TRIX', 'EVWMA', 'VWAP', 'DVI', 'RSI'),
#     prices = c('PBands', 'VWMA'),
#     x = c('ROC','momentum','SMA','EMA','DEMA','WMA','ZLEMA','VMA','HMA','ALMA','GMMA','runSum','runMin','runMax','runMean','runMedian','runCov','runCor','runVar','runSD','runMAD','wilderSum','MACD','DPO','CMO', 'bias', 'maroc')
#   )
# }
# ti_sec_arg = function() {
#   list(
#     volume = c('EMV','OBV','chaikinAD','CMF','MFI','EVWMA','VWAP', 'VWMA'),
#     y = c('runCov', 'runCor', 'runVar'), 
#     w = 'VMA'
#   )
# }

# add one technical indicator
#' @import TTR
addti1 = function(dt, ti, col_formula = FALSE, ...) {
  dt = setDT(copy(dt))
  setnames(dt, tolower(names(dt)))
  # arguments
  arg_lst_default = formals(ti)
  arg_lst_input = list(...)
  arg_lst_output = list()
  ## first argument ## OHLC, HLC, HL, price, prices, x
  arg1st = names(arg_lst_default)[1]
  newlst = list()
  if (arg1st %in% c('OHLC', 'HLC', 'HL')) {
    sel_cols = c(O='open', H='high', L='low', C='close')[unlist(strsplit(arg1st, ''))]
    newlst[[arg1st]] = dt[, sel_cols, with = FALSE]
  } else if (arg1st %in% c('price', 'prices', 'x', 'Ra')) {
    arg1st_input = arg_lst_input[intersect(c('price', 'prices', 'x', 'Ra'), names(arg_lst_input))]
    if (length(arg1st_input) == 0) {
      sel_cols = intersect(c('close', 'value'), names(dt))[1]
    } else if (length(arg1st_input) == 1) {
      sel_cols = arg1st_input[[1]]
    } else if (length(arg1st_input) > 1) {
      sel_cols = arg1st_input[[arg1st]]
    } else stop(sprintf('%s is missing', arg1st))
    if (all(inherits(sel_cols, 'character'))) {
      newlst[[arg1st]] = dt[, sel_cols, with = FALSE]
    } else {
      newlst[[arg1st]] = sel_cols
  arg_lst_output = c(arg_lst_output, newlst)
  ## second argument ## volume, y, w
  arg2nd = names(arg_lst_default)[2]
  newlst = list()
  if (arg2nd %in% c('volume')) {
    newlst = list(volume=dt[,.(volume)])
  } else if (arg2nd %in% c('y', 'w', 'Rb')) {
    arg2nd_input = arg_lst_input[intersect(c('y', 'w', 'Rb'), names(arg_lst_input))]
    if (length(arg2nd_input)==1) sel_cols = arg2nd_input[[2]]
    newlst = list()
    if (all(inherits(sel_cols, 'character'))) {
      newlst[[arg2nd]] = dt[, sel_cols, with = FALSE]
    } else {
      newlst[[arg2nd]] = sel_cols
  arg_lst_output = c(arg_lst_output, newlst)
  arg_lst_output = c(
    arg_lst_input[setdiff(names(arg_lst_input), c(
        'color', 'position', 'hline', 'height',
        'OHLC', 'HLC', 'HL', 
        'price', 'prices', 'x', 'Ra', 
        'volume', 'y', 'w', 'Rb'
  arg_lst_output = arg_lst_output[unique(names(arg_lst_output))]
  dtti = data.table(do.call(ti, args = arg_lst_output))
  # parameters
  param = c('n', 'sd', 'v', 'nFast', 'nSlow', 'nSig', 'accel', 'change')
  param_list = c(
    arg_lst_input[intersect(param, names(arg_lst_input))],
    arg_lst_default[intersect(param, names(arg_lst_default))]
  param_list = param_list[intersect(param, names(param_list))]
  if (ti == 'KST') param_list = NULL
  # setnames for dtti
  par_str = paste(unlist(lapply(param_list, eval) ), collapse='_') 
  if (ncol(dtti)  == 1) {
    setnames(dtti, tolower(paste(ti, par_str, sep = '_')))
  } else if (ncol(dtti)  >  1) {
    setnames(dtti, tolower(paste(ti, names(dtti), sep = '_')))
  if (tolower(ti) == 'adx') dtti = dtti[,.(adx_dx, adx_adx, adx_dip, adx_din)]
  # formula
  if (col_formula) {
    dtti = dtti[, formula_str := sprintf(
      '%s(%s)', ti, paste(unlist(param_list), collapse=',') 

# add technical indcators for one dataset
pq1_addti = function(dt, ...) {
  ti_lst_input = list(...)
  ti_names = names(ti_lst_input)
  ti_ttr_func = getNamespaceExports("TTR")
  col_formula = FALSE
  if ("col_formula" %in% ti_names)  col_formula = ti_lst_input[["col_formula"]]
  col_kp = TRUE
  if ("col_kp"      %in% ti_names)  col_kp      = ti_lst_input[["col_kp"]]
  #setdiff(names(), c('col_kp','col_formula'))
  dtti_list = list()
  for (i in seq_along(ti_lst_input)) {
    ti1_nam = ti_names[i]
    if (ti1_nam %in% c('col_kp','col_formula')) next
    # check ti 
    if (!(ti1_nam %in% ti_ttr_func)) {
      ti1_nam2 = ti_ttr_func[which(tolower(ti1_nam) == tolower(ti_ttr_func))]
      if (length(ti1_nam2) == 1) ti1_nam = ti1_nam2
    # if (length(ti1_nam) == 0) {
    #   warning(sprintf('The technical indicator %s is not available in TTR package.', ti_names[i]))
    #   next
    # }
    arg_lst = list(dt=dt, ti=ti1_nam, col_formula = col_formula)
    dtti_listi = try(
      do.call(addti1, args = c(arg_lst, ti_lst_input[[i]])),
      silent = TRUE
    if (inherits(dtti_listi, 'try-error')) {
      warning(sprintf("object '%s' was not found", ti1_nam))
    dtti_list[[i]] = dtti_listi
    # print(ti1_nam)
  ti_df = setDT(unlist(dtti_list, recursive = FALSE))[] # do.call(cbind, dtti_list) # 
  # merge ti-df with dt
  if (is.logical(col_kp) & isTRUE(col_kp)) {
    ti_df = cbind(dt, ti_df)
  } else {
    col_inter = intersect(names(dt), col_kp)
    if (!is.null(col_kp) & length(col_inter) > 0) {
      ti_df = cbind(dt[,col_inter,with=FALSE], ti_df)

#' adding technical indicators
#' `pq_addti` creates technical indicators using the functions provided in TTR package.
#' @param dt a list/dataframe of time series datasets.
#' @param ... list of technical indicator parameters: sma = list(n=50), macd = list().
#' 1. There are four types of parameters. 
#' \itemize{
#'    \item set by default and do not required, such as 'OHLC', 'HLC', 'HL' and 'volume'.
#'    \item set by default and can be modified, such as 'price', 'prices', 'x'. Its default value is 'close' or 'value' column.
#'    \item always required, such as 'y', 'w'.
#'    \item numeric parameters, such as 'n', 'sd', 'v', 'nFast', 'nSlow', 'nSig', 'accel'. These parameters should be provided, otherwise using default values in corresponding function.
#' }
#' 2. TTR functions are summarized in below. See TTR package's help document for more detailed parameters. 
#' \itemize{
#'    \item moving averages: SMA, EMA, DEMA, WMA, EVWMA, ZLEMA, VWAP, VMA, HMA, ALMA, GMMA
#'    \item rolling functions: runMin, runMax, runMean, runMedian; runCov, runCor; runVar, runSD, runMAD; runSum, wilderSum
#'    \item bands / channels: BBands, PBands, DonchianChannel
#'    \item SAR, ZigZag
#'    \item trend direction/strength: aroon, CCI, ADX, TDI, VHF, EMV
#'    \item volatility measures: ATR, chaikinVolatility, volatility, SNR
#'    \item money flowing into/out: OBV, chaikinAD, CLV, CMF, MFI, williamsAD
#'    \item rate of change / momentum: ROC, momentum, KST, TRIX
#'    \item oscillator: MACD, DPO, DVI, ultimateOscillator; RSI, CMO; stoch, SMI, WPR
#' }
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' # load data
#' data('dt_ssec')
#' # add technical indicators
#' dt_ti1 = pq_addti(dt_ssec, sma=list(n=20), sma=list(n=50), macd = list())
#' # specify the price column x
#' dt_ti11 = pq_addti(dt_ssec, sma=list(n=20, x='open'), sma=list(n=50, x='open'))
#' dt_ti12 = pq_addti(dt_ssec, x='open', sma=list(n=20), sma=list(n=50))
#' # only technical indicators
#' dt_ti2 = pq_addti(
#'   dt_ssec, sma=list(n=20), sma=list(n=50), macd = list(), 
#'   col_kp = c('symbol', 'name')
#' )
#' dt_ti3 = pq_addti(
#'   dt_ssec, sma=list(n=20), sma=list(n=50), macd = list(), 
#'   col_kp = NULL
#' )
#' # self-defined technical indicators
#' bias = function(x, n=50, maType='SMA') {
#'     library(TTR)
#'     (x/do.call(maType, list(x=x, n=n))-1)*100
#' }
#' dt_ti3 = pq_addti(dt_ssec, bias = list(n = 200))
# maroc = function(x, n=10, m=3, maType='SMA') {
#   ROC(do.call(maType, list(x=x, n=n)), n=m)*100
# }
#' }
#' @export
pq_addti = function(dt, ...) {
  # col_kp, col_formula
  symbol = NULL
  # bind list of dataframes
  dt = check_dt(dt)
  # arguments
  args = list(...)
  x = args$x
  args$x = NULL
  args = arg_addti(args, x)
  ## single series
  dt_list = lapply(
      split(dt, by = 'symbol'), 
      function(dt_syb) {
          setkeyv(dt_syb, "date")
          dt_syb_ti = do.call('pq1_addti', args = c(list(dt=dt_syb), args))

# add x to each ti arguments
arg_addti = function(addti, x) {
    if (is.null(addti) || is.null(x)) return(addti)
    lapply(addti, function(a) {
        if (inherits(a, 'list')) a$x = x

# bias 
bias = function(x, n=50, nSig=1, maType='SMA') {
    b = x/do.call(maType, list(x=x, n=n))-1
    b = do.call(maType, list(x=b, n=nSig))

# swing range 
swing = function(x, n) {
    a = runMax(x, n)
    b = runMin(x, n)
    (a - b) / ((a+b) / 2)

# ma rate of change
maroc = function(x, n, nSig=1, maType='SMA', method='arithmetic') {
    if (method=='arithmetic') typ = 'discrete' else typ = 'continuous'
    do.call(maType, list(x=x, n=n)) |>
        ROC(n=nSig, type=typ)


ma2roc = function(x, n, nSig=1, maType='SMA', method='arithmetic') {
    maroc(x, n, nSig, maType, method) |> 
# ma rate of fast over slow 
marfs = function(x, nfast, nslow) {
    SMA(x, nfast) / SMA(x, nslow) -1
ShichenXie/getpedr documentation built on May 20, 2024, 4:14 p.m.