
# ref 

md_stock_adj1ohlc = function(dt, adjust=FALSE, forward=TRUE, source=NULL, ...) {
    close_adj = close_prev = adjratio_cumchg = change_pct = adjratio = NULL
    # param: OHLC columns
    cols_ohlc = c('open', 'high', 'low', 'close')
    # source
    if (is.null(source)) {
        if ('close_prev' %in% names(dt) && dt[!, .N>0]) source = '163'
    # return original data
    if (!all(cols_ohlc %in% names(dt)) || is.null(adjust) || is.null(source)) return(dt)
    # adjust ohlc
    ## create close_adj for 163 prices
    if ('close_prev' %in% names(dt)) {
        if (as.character(source) == '163') {
            dt = copy(dt)[
            ][!, adjratio_cumchg := cumprod(close/close_prev)
            ][, adjratio_cumchg := 1
            if (isTRUE(forward)) {
                dt = dt[!, close_adj := close[.N]/adjratio_cumchg[.N]*adjratio_cumchg
            } else {
                dt = dt[!, close_adj := close[1]/adjratio_cumchg[1]*adjratio_cumchg
            dt[, (c('adjratio_cumchg')) := NULL][]
    ## create change_pct for yahoo data
    if (!('change_pct' %in% names(dt)) & ('close_adj' %in% names(dt))) {
        if (as.character(source) == 'yahoo') {
            dt = copy(dt)[
            ][, change_pct := (close_adj/shift(close_adj, 1, type = 'lag')-1)*100]
    ## adjust ohlc columns
    if (isTRUE(adjust)) {
        dt = copy(dt)[, adjratio := close_adj/close
        ][, (cols_ohlc) := lapply(.SD, function(x) x*adjratio), .SDcols = cols_ohlc
        ][, adjratio := NULL]

#' adjust stock price for split and dividend
#' \code{md_stock_adjust} adjusts the open, high, low and close stock prices for split and dividend. 
#' @param dt a list/dataframe of time series datasets that didnt adjust for split or dividend.
#' @param adjust whether to adjust the OHLC prices. Defaults to FALSE, which creates close_adj or change_pct column if not exist; if it is TRUE, adjusts all open, high, low, close columns and creates close_adj or change_pct column if not exist; if it is NULL, returns the original data. The adjustment is based on the cumulative products of close/close_prev.
#' @param forward forward adjust or backward adjust, defaults to TRUE.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' data("dt_banks")
#' dtadj1 = md_stock_adjust(dt_banks, adjust = FALSE)
#' dtadj2 = md_stock_adjust(dt_banks, adjust = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
md_stock_adjust = function(dt, adjust = FALSE, forward = TRUE, ...) {
    symbol = NULL
    # param
    args = list(...)
    adj_vol = args[['adj_vol']]
    # dt
    dt = check_dt(dt)
    # adjusted data list
    dat_list = lapply(
        xefun:::c_list(dt[, unique(symbol)]), 
        function(s) {
            dtadj =
                args = list(dt = dt[symbol == s], adjust=adjust, forward=forward, source = args[['source']]) 
            if (isTRUE(adj_vol)) dtadj = md_stock_adj1vol(dtadj, adjfactor = args[['adjfactor']][symbol == s], col_vol = args[['col_vol']], adj_ohlc = FALSE)

md_stock_adj1vol = function(dt, adjfactor, col_vol = 'volume', adj_ohlc = FALSE) {
    # dt = md_stock('600547', date_range = 'max', source = '163')
    # adjfactor = md_stock('600547', date_range = 'max', source = '163', type = 'adjfactor')
    . = symbol = from = to = splits_cum = splits = dividends = adjfactor_spl = adjfactor_div = volume_adjspl = close_adjspl = close_spl = NULL
    dt = check_dt(dt)
    divspl = check_dt(adjfactor, symb_name = FALSE)
    symbol1 = sub('([0-9]+).+', '\\1', dt[1, symbol])
    if (is.null(divspl)) {
        # div <- getDividends(, from="1900-01-01")
        # splits <- getSplits(, from="1900-01-01")
        divspl = try(md_stock1_divsplit_163(symbol1), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(divspl, 'data.frame')) {
        dtfromto = dt[,.(from = min(date), to = max(date)), by = symbol]
        divspl = divspl[dtfromto, on = 'symbol'][date >= from & date <= to]
    if (nrow(divspl) == 0 || inherits(divspl, 'try-error')) {
        warning(sprintf('Returning original data for %s',symbol1))
    } else {
        # data to calculate adjusting factor
        # dt_divspl = merge(
        #     dt, divspl, all = TRUE, 
        #     by = c("symbol", "date")
        # )[,.(
        #     symbol, date, close, dividends, splits, issue_rate, issue_price
        # )][!( & &
        # ][!]
        dt_divspl = copy(divspl)
        dt_divspl[] = 0
        # adjusting factor for split and dividend
        adj_divspl = copy(dt_divspl)[
            order(symbol, -date)
        ][, splits_cum := cumprod(1+splits),  # cumprod(1+splits+issue_rate), 
          by = 'symbol'
        ][][, `:=`(
            # adjfactor_spl = cumprod(1 + issue_price/close*issue_rate)/splits_cum,
            adjfactor_spl = 1/splits_cum,
            adjfactor_div = cumsum(dividends/splits_cum)
        ), by = 'symbol'
        ][order(symbol, date)
        ][,.(symbol, date, adjfactor_spl, adjfactor_div)]
        # adjusting ohlc price
        cols_adj = c('adjfactor_spl', 'adjfactor_div')
        cols_ohlc = c('open', 'high', 'low', 'close')
        dt_adj = merge(
            dt, adj_divspl, by = c('symbol', 'date'), all.x = TRUE
        )[order(symbol, date)
        ][, (cols_adj) := lapply(.SD, function(x) fillna(x, from_last = TRUE)), 
          by = 'symbol', .SDcols = cols_adj
        ][, adjfactor_spl := 1
        ][, adjfactor_div := 0
        if (adj_ohlc) {
            dt_adj = dt_adj[, (cols_ohlc) := lapply(.SD, function(x) {
                # xadj = x*adjfactor_spl # adjust split only 
                xadj = x*adjfactor_spl - adjfactor_div
                xadj = round(xadj, 2)
            }), .SDcols = cols_ohlc
        dt_adj = dt_adj[
            order(symbol, date)
        ][, volume_adjspl := get(col_vol)/adjfactor_spl
        ][, close_adjspl := close * adjfactor_spl
        ][, close_adjspl := fillna(close_spl), by = 'symbol'
        ][, c(names(dt), 'close_adjspl', 'volume_adjspl'), with = FALSE]#[!]

# md_stock_adjvol = function(dt, adjfactor, col_vol = 'volume', adj_ohlc = FALSE, ...) {
#     symbol = NULL
#     # dt
#     dt = check_dt(dt)
#     # adjusted data list
#     dat_list = lapply(
#         xefun:::c_list(dt[, unique(symbol)]), 
#         function(s) {
#             # print(s)
#             'md_stock_adj1vol', 
#             args = list(dt = dt[symbol == s], adjfactor=adjfactor[symbol == s], col_vol=col_vol, adj_ohlc=adj_ohlc) 
#         )}
#     )
#     return(dat_list)
# }
ShichenXie/getpedr documentation built on May 20, 2024, 4:14 p.m.