TF_networks: TF_networks.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Examples


Ceates the input files for TF network analysis using Biolayout3D and Cytoscape.


TF_networks(expmatrix, nodeAnno, GeneName = "row.names",
  projectfolder = getwd(), organism = "human", outPrefix = "outPrefix")



An input matrix with gene names as row names and sample names as column names.


A data frame with node annotation, e.g. logFC and differential expression (e.g. limma output). Rownames have to correspond to rownames of expmatrix!


Column name with Gene Symbol to be annotated to TF name.


File path where to save the output to. Defaults to working directory. Here, it saves the output to a subfolder called "Networks".


Organism. Can be human or mouse. For human, the longer published list of TFs is used; for mouse the shorter list provided by Bonn (for which I don't have any more info on where it comes from).


Prefix added to output name.


The .expression matrix of TF expression data will have to be opened with Biolayout3D: Set Minimum Correlation and Correlation metric (by default 0.7 and Pearson). Then choose a suitable correlation coefficient (Graph Degree Distribution should be close to linear). Save the resulting network as a TGF file. Open the TGF file in Cytoscape: Open network from file. Then got to Advanced Options: untick "Use first column names" and add " to "Other:". Now set Column 2 as Source and Column 5 as Target. Then open the node annotation table that was also saved by this function: Open table from file, import data as Node Table Columns. YOu can then customize the look of your network.


A .expression output matrix of gene expression of transcription factors in dataset used as Biolayout3D input. And based on these TFs, it also produces a .txt with node annotations of e.g. logFC and differential expression (e.g. limma output)



ShirinG/exprAnalysis documentation built on May 9, 2019, 1:28 p.m.