read_bam_to_countmatrix: read_bam_to_countmatrix

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


Reads in bam files and creates a count matrix based on a gtf file.


read_bam_to_countmatrix(sampleTable, gtffile, projectfolder = getwd(),
  outPrefix, singleEnd = FALSE, ignore.strand = TRUE, fragments = TRUE)



Sample Table. See Vignette for instructions on how to build this data frame.


GTF file.


File path where to save the output to. Defaults to working directory. Here, it saves the output to a subfolder called "Networks".


Prefix added to output name.


A logical indicating if reads are single or paired-end. In Bioconductor > 2.12 it is not necessary to sort paired-end BAM files by qname. When counting with summarizeOverlaps, setting singleEnd=FALSE will trigger paired-end reading and counting. It is fine to also set asMates=TRUE in the BamFile but is not necessary when singleEnd=FALSE.


A logical indicating if strand should be considered when matching.


A logical; applied to paired-end data only. fragments controls which function is used to read the data which subsequently affects which records are included in counting. When fragments=FALSE, data are read with readGAlignmentPairs and returned in a GAlignmentPairs class. This class only holds 'mated pairs' from opposite strands; same-strand pairs singletons, reads with unmapped pairs and other fragments are dropped. When fragments=TRUE, data are read with readGAlignmentsList and returned in a GAlignmentsList class. This class holds 'mated pairs' as well as same-strand pairs, singletons, reads with unmapped pairs and other fragments. Because more records are kept, generally counts will be higher when fragments=TRUE. The term 'mated pairs' refers to records paired with the algorithm described on the ?readGAlignmentsList man page.


So far, it is only implemented for obtaining read counts for genes based on summarized counts of reads overlapping all exons of each gene.


Writes the count matrix as .txt to file and returns a DESeq data set, which can then be used further with DESeq2.

ShirinG/exprAnalysis documentation built on May 9, 2019, 1:28 p.m.