Defines functions name_params XAJ_param_range IUH XAJ .onLoad

Documented in name_params XAJ XAJ_param_range

#' XAJ: An R implementation of three-source Xinanjiang model by Renjun Zhao.
#' @name XAJ
#' @aliases XAJ-package
#' @docType package
#' @references Zhao and Liu, 1995. The Xinanjiang model, Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology, Water Resources Publication, Highlands Ranch, CO (1995), pp. 215-232
#' @keywords Xinanjiang hydrological model

#' @useDynLib XAJ
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  op <- options()

  param.names = c('KC', 'IM', 'WUM', 'WLM', 'WDM', 'C', 'B', 'SM', 'EX', 'KI', 'KG', 'CI', 'CG', 'N', 'NK')
  xaj.opts <- list(
    XAJ.param.range = data.frame(
      lower     = c(0.20, 0.00,   5.0,  10.0,  10.0, 0.05, 0.1, 10.0, 0.50, 0.01, 0.01, 0.50, 0.95, 0.1, 1.0),
      upper     = c(1.50, 0.05,   20.,  90.0,  60.0, 0.20, 0.6, 60.0, 2.00, 0.70, 0.70, 0.90, 0.998,5.0, 6.0),
      row.names = param.names
    XAJ.param.names = param.names

  toset <- !(names(xaj.opts) %in% names(op))
  if(any(toset)) options(xaj.opts[toset])

#' Run Xinanjiang (XAJ) model (three sources, lumped).
#' @description An R implementation of three-source Xinanjiang model
#'              by Renjun Zhao, used for daily streamflow simulation.
#' @param PREC Time series of precipitation (daily)
#' @param EVAP Time series of pan evaporation
#'             or potential evapotranspiration (daily), length must
#'             equal to \code{PREC}
#' @param params Parameters (see below)
#' @param area Basin area.
#' @param full.UH Use the unit hydrograph defined by user, rather than the
#'                instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) of Nash, for routing
#'                of surface runoff. Default FALSE.
#' @details This function is an R implementation of the Xinanjiang (XAJ)
#'          hydrological model. The lumped XAJ model has 13 parameters, including:
#'          KC,   Ratio of potential evap to pan evap
#'          IM,   Fraction of impermeable area
#'          WUM,  Soil moisture capacity of upper layer
#'          WLM,  Soil moisture capacity of lower layer
#'          WDM,  Soil moisture capacity of deep layer
#'          C,    Coefficient of deep evap
#'          B,    Exponent of the soil moisture storage capacity curve
#'          SM,   Areal mean free water capacity of the surface soil layer
#'          EX,   Exponent of the free water capacity curve
#'          KI,   outflow coefficients of the free water storage to interflow
#'          KG,   outflow coefficients of the free water storage to groundwater
#'          CI,   recession constant of the lower interflow storage
#'          CG,   recession constant of groundwater storage
#'          If use the instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) of Nash for routing
#'          of surface runoff, should provided two other parameters:
#'          N,    number of reservoirs in the instantaneous unit hydrograph
#'          NK,   common storage coefficient in the instantaneous unit hydrograph
#'          Else should provided the whole unit hydrograph defined by user,
#'          and set \code{full.UH} become \code{TRUE}.
#'          The parameter \code{params} must be a numeric vector looks like:
#'          \code{c(KC, IM, WUM, WLM, WDM, C, B, SM, EX, KI, KG, CI, CG, N, NK)}
#'          when use the instantaneous unit hydrograph of Nash, or looks like:
#'          \code{c(KC, IM, WUM, WLM, WDM, C, B, SM, EX, KI, KG, CI, CG, UH_1, UH_2, ..., UH_n)}
#'          UH_1, UH_2, ..., UH_n means the series of the unit hydrograph.
#' @return This function returns a data frame of some common variables of the XAJ
#'         model at each time step, such as evaporation, soil moisture, surface
#'         and underground runoff.
#'         The variables of the table including:
#'         E,   Total evaporation (mm)
#'         EU,  Evaporation (mm) of upper soil layer
#'         EL,  Evaporation (mm) of lower soil layer
#'         ED,  Evaporation (mm) of deep soil layer
#'         W,   Total soil moisture (mm)
#'         WU,  Soil moisture (mm) of upper soil layer
#'         WL,  Soil moisture (mm) of lower soil layer
#'         WD,  Soil moisture (mm) of deep soil layer
#'         R,   Total runoff (mm) of each time step
#'         RS,  Surface runoff (mm) of each time step
#'         RI,  Interflow (mm) of each time step
#'         RG,  Underground runoff (mm) of each time step
#'         Q,   Total runoff (m^3/s) at the outlet of the basin
#'         QS,  Surface runoff (m^3/s) at the outlet of the basin
#'         QI,  Interflow runoff (m^3/s) at the outlet of the basin
#'         QG,  Underground runoff (m^3/s) at the outlet of the basin
#' @references Zhao and Liu, 1995. The Xinanjiang model, Computer Models of
#'             Watershed Hydrology, Water Resources Publication, Highlands
#'             Ranch, CO (1995), pp. 215-232
#' @export
XAJ <- function(PREC, EVAP, params, area, dt = 24, full.UH = FALSE) {
    UH <- params[14:length(params)]
  } else {
    # Create instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH)
    UH <- IUH(params[14], params[15])

  # Run XAJ model.
  out <- data.frame(XAJrun(PREC, EVAP, params[1:13], UH, area, dt))
  names(out) <- c("E", "EU", "EL", "ED", "W", "WU", "WL", "WD",
                  "R", "RS", "RI", "RG", "Q", "QS", "QI", "QG")

# Create IUH
IUH <- function(N, NK) {
  UH <- pgamma(0:96, N, scale = NK)
  UH <- diff(UH)
  UH <- UH/sum(UH)

#' Get upper and lower boundary of the parameters of XAJ model.
#' @description Get upper and lower boundary of the parameters of XAJ model.
#'              Calibration of XAJ model patameters would follow by those ranges.
#'              Meaning of the parameters see `?XAJ`.
#' @export
XAJ_param_range <- function() {

#' Set the names of the parameters.
#' @description Set the names of the parameters to output so that to
#'              see what parameter the parameters are.
#' @param params The vector of the XAJ parameters
#' @export
name_params <- function(params) {
  c(params, names = options('XAJ.param.names')[[1]])

#par(mar=c(5,5,4,5) + 0.1)
#bar <- barplot(prec[-(1:365)], axes=F, ylim=c(35,0), col="grey",
#               border=NA, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", space=0)
#par(new = T)
#plot(ds, tmp$Q,ylim=c(0,1.3), xlab="", ylab="Streamflow", type="l", xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
Sibada/XAJ documentation built on Jan. 10, 2022, 9:36 p.m.