#' Main function to calculate sigma
#' This function will calculate the value of sigma for each cluster and output a measure object which can be used with all the plotting functions
#' @param expr a data matrix with cells in the columns and genes in the rows, preferably normalized and log-transformed
#' @param clusters a vector of the same length as the number of cells, indicating which cell type they belong to
#' @param exclude a data.frame of variables to reduce in the measure, e.g. total number of transcripts, average expression of MT, Rb or stress genes.
#' The data frame should have the same number of rows as cells (also in the same order), and each column corresponds to a different variable.
#' @param confidence TRUE/FALSE if the confidence interval for SIGMA should be calculated. Caution: Increases computational time significantly.
#' @param exp_genes percentage of variance driving genes to extract per sigificant singular vector
#' @param exclude_outlier_cells TRUE/FALSE if outlier cells should be excluded, default is FALSE (this functions is not fully tested)
#' @param outlier_value cutoff for outlier cells
#' @param p.val the p-value to be used in the test of normality for the singular vectors, default is 0.01
#' @param nu number of left singular vectors to calculate, default is 50. High values increase computational time.
#' @return A measure object:
#' \itemize{
#' \item sigma: sigma for each cluster
#' \item g_sigma: g-sigma for each cluster
#' \item all_info: detailed information about each singular value (see function get_info)
#' \item genes: list of variance driving genes (see function get_var_genes)
#' \item rmt_out: MP object for each cluster (see function fit_mp)
#' \item cell.index: if exclude_outlier_cells = TRUE, then the index of the excluded cells can be found here
#' \item input_parameters: the inputs to the function
#' }
#' @importFrom stats median mad lm p.adjust rnorm
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @examples
#' #Load sample data simulated with splatter
#' library(splatter)
#' data("splatO")
#' expr <- counts(splatO)
#' expr <- expr[rowSums(expr)>0,]
#' #Normalize and log-transform the data
#' expr.norm <- t(t(expr)/colSums(expr))*10000
#' expr.norm.log <- log(expr.norm + 1)
#' #Create toy example of a data set
#' test.cluster <- as.character(splatO$Group)
#' test.cluster[test.cluster == "Group3"] <- "Group2"
#' test.cluster[test.cluster == "Group4"] <- "Group2"
#' #Main funcion that calculates the clusterability
#' out <- sigma_funct(expr = expr.norm.log, clusters = test.cluster,
#' exclude = data.frame(clsm = log(colSums(expr) + 1)))
#' @export
sigma_funct <- function(expr, clusters, exclude = NULL, confidence = F, exp_genes = 0.01, exclude_outlier_cells = F, outlier_value = 10, p.val = 0.01, nu = 50){
celltype <- as.character(clusters)
uclt <- unique(celltype)
thetas.add <- list()
lambdas.add <- list()
lambdas.corr <- list()
angles.add <- list()
angles.add2 <- list()
angles.add_u <- list()
all_r2vals <- list()
gene.list <- list()
sd.up <- list()
sd.down <- list()
sd.up.u <- list()
sd.down.u <- list()
rmt.list <- list()
cell.index <- list()
for(i in 1:length(uclt)){
if(sum(celltype == uclt[i]) >= 10){
cat("Calculating values for cluster ", uclt[i], "\n")
data.small2 <- expr[,celltype == uclt[i]]
filter_genes <- apply(data.small2, 1,
function(x) length(x[x > 1]) >= 2)
out.gene <- t(apply(data.small2, 1, robust_scale))
ind <- rowSums(out.gene>50) <= 10 & rowSums(out.gene>50) > 0
data.small.scale <- t(scale(t(data.small2[filter_genes & !ind,])))
s <- svd(scale(data.small.scale), nu = 0, nv = min(50, ncol(data.small.scale)))
out <- apply(s$v, 2, robust_scale)
ind.cells <- unique(unlist(apply(out, 2, function(y) which(abs(y) > outlier_value))))
if(length(ind.cells) > 0 & length(ind.cells) <= 5){
cell.index[[uclt[i]]] <- ind.cells
data.small2 <- data.small2[,-ind.cells]
filter_genes <- apply(data.small2, 1,
function(x) length(x[x > 1]) >= 2)
out.gene <- t(apply(data.small2, 1, robust_scale))
ind <- rowSums(out.gene>20) <= 10 & rowSums(out.gene>20) > 0
data.small.scale <- t(scale(t(data.small2[filter_genes & !ind,])))
data.small.scale[data.small.scale < - sqrt(ncol(data.small.scale))] <- - sqrt(ncol(data.small.scale))
data.small.scale[data.small.scale > sqrt(ncol(data.small.scale))] <- sqrt(ncol(data.small.scale))
cat("Dim: ",dim(data.small.scale), "\n")
if(ncol(data.small.scale) >= 50){
L <- fit_mp(expr = data.small.scale, sample = FALSE, cor = T, p.val = p.val, nu = nu)
L <- fit_mp(expr = data.small.scale, sample = TRUE, cor = T, p.val = p.val, nu = nu)
rmt.list[[uclt[i]]] <- L
nn <- max(round((exp_genes)*nrow(data.small.scale)), 10)
if(length(L$sig_vectors) > 0){
sel.genes <- data.frame(apply(L$svd$u[,L$sig_vectors, drop = F], 2, function(x){
as.character(c(rownames(data.small.scale)[order(x, decreasing = T)[1:nn]], rownames(data.small.scale)[order(x, decreasing = F)[1:nn]]))
}), stringsAsFactors = F)
rownames(sel.genes) <- c(paste0("Highest-", 1:nn), paste0("Lowest-", 1:nn))
colnames(sel.genes) <- paste0("Singular vector-", L$sig_vectors)
sel.genes <- data.frame(sel.genes)
gene.list[[uclt[i]]] <- sel.genes
#regress out unwanted variations
df.responds <- data.frame(x = L$eigen$vectors[,L$sig_vectors])
df.fit <- data.frame(exclude[celltype == uclt[i],])
if(length(cell.index[[uclt[i]]]) > 0){
df.fit <- df.fit[-ind.cells,, drop = F]
df.fit <- data.frame(t(t(df.fit)/sqrt(colSums(df.fit^2))))
r2vals <- apply(df.responds,2, function(k){
lr <- lm(k ~ ., data = df.fit[,, drop = FALSE])
lrs <- summary(lr)
r2vals <- rep(0, length(L$sig_vectors))
r2vals[r2vals < 0] <- 0
perc.lambda <- (1 - r2vals)*(L$eigen$values[L$sig_vectors])
perc.sigma <- sqrt(perc.lambda*(L$M - 1))
#save resulting angle
all_r2vals[[uclt[i]]] <- r2vals
names(all_r2vals[[uclt[i]]]) <- L$sig_vectors
thetas.add[[uclt[i]]] <- obtain_theta_sv(lambda = perc.sigma/sqrt(L$M-1), L = L)
names(thetas.add[[uclt[i]]]) <- L$sig_vectors
lambdas.add[[uclt[i]]] <- L$svd$d[L$sig_vectors]/sqrt(L$M-1)
names(lambdas.add[[uclt[i]]]) <- L$sig_vectors
lambdas.corr[[uclt[i]]] <- perc.sigma/sqrt(L$M-1)
names(lambdas.corr[[uclt[i]]]) <- L$sig_vectors
angles.add[[uclt[i]]] <- vec_norm_sv(theta = thetas.add[[uclt[i]]], L = L)
names(angles.add[[uclt[i]]]) <- L$sig_vectors
angles.add_u[[uclt[i]]] <- vec_norm_sv_u(theta = thetas.add[[uclt[i]]], L = L)
names(angles.add_u[[uclt[i]]]) <- L$sig_vectors
#Calculating confidence intervals
sig.ind <- L$sig_vectors
s.signal <- L$svd$u[,sig.ind]%*%diag(sqrt(L$M - 1)*thetas.add[[uclt[i]]], nrow = length(L$sig_vectors), ncol = length(L$sig_vectors))%*%t(L$svd$v[,sig.ind])
conf.out <- unlist(mclapply(1:50, function(x){
mat.nois <- matrix(rnorm(L$M*L$N, mean = 0, sd = 1), ncol = L$N)
new_mat <- mat.nois + s.signal
L2 <- svd(new_mat, nu = 0, nv = 0)
return(max(L2$d/sqrt(L$M - 1)))
thetas.conf <- obtain_theta_sv(lambda = conf.out, L = L)
vec.conf <- vec_norm_sv(theta = thetas.conf, L = L)
up.ind <- vec.conf >= max(angles.add[[uclt[i]]])
sd.up[[uclt[i]]] <- sqrt((1/(sum(up.ind) - 1))*sum((vec.conf[up.ind] - max(angles.add[[uclt[i]]]))^2))
sd.down[[uclt[i]]] <- sqrt((1/(sum(!up.ind) - 1))*sum((vec.conf[!up.ind] - max(angles.add[[uclt[i]]]))^2))
#For g-sigma
vec.conf.u <- vec_norm_sv_u(theta = thetas.conf, L = L)
up.ind <- vec.conf.u >= max(angles.add_u[[uclt[i]]])
sd.up.u[[uclt[i]]] <- sqrt((1/(sum(up.ind) - 1))*sum((vec.conf.u[up.ind] - max(angles.add_u[[uclt[i]]]))^2))
sd.down.u[[uclt[i]]] <- sqrt((1/(sum(!up.ind) - 1))*sum((vec.conf.u[!up.ind] - max(angles.add_u[[uclt[i]]]))^2))
gene.list[[uclt[i]]] <- "No further clusters"
#save resulting angle
all_r2vals[[uclt[i]]] <- 0
names(all_r2vals[[uclt[i]]]) <- 0
thetas.add[[uclt[i]]] <- 0
names(thetas.add[[uclt[i]]]) <- 0
lambdas.add[[uclt[i]]] <- 0
names(lambdas.add[[uclt[i]]]) <- 0
lambdas.corr[[uclt[i]]] <- 0
names(lambdas.corr[[uclt[i]]]) <- 0
angles.add[[uclt[i]]] <- 0
names(angles.add[[uclt[i]]]) <-0
angles.add_u[[uclt[i]]] <- 0
names(angles.add_u[[uclt[i]]]) <- 0
sd.up[[uclt[i]]] <- 0
sd.down[[uclt[i]]] <- 0
sd.up.u[[uclt[i]]] <- 0
sd.down.u[[uclt[i]]] <- 0
pvals.mp <- c()
u.cl <- unique(clusters)
for(i in u.cl){
pvals.mp <- c(pvals.mp, rmt.list[[i]]$p.value_mp_fit)
names(pvals.mp) <- u.cl
pvals.mp <- c(p.adjust(pvals.mp[!is.na(pvals.mp)], "BH"), pvals.mp[is.na(pvals.mp)])
maximum_measure <- data.frame( EV = unlist(lapply(angles.add, max)), upper = unlist(lapply(angles.add, max)) + unlist(sd.up),
lower = unlist(lapply(angles.add, max)) - unlist(sd.down))
maximum_measure.u <- data.frame( EV = unlist(lapply(angles.add_u, max)), upper = unlist(lapply(angles.add_u, max)) + unlist(sd.up.u),
lower = unlist(lapply(angles.add_u, max)) - unlist(sd.down.u))
maximum_measure <- unlist(lapply(angles.add, max))
maximum_measure.u <- unlist(lapply(angles.add_u, max))
all_info <- data.frame(sigma = unlist(angles.add), g_sigma = unlist(angles.add_u), lambda = unlist(lambdas.add),
r2vals = unlist(all_r2vals), lambda_corrected = unlist(lambdas.corr), theta = unlist(thetas.add))
all_info$singular_value <- unlist(lapply(angles.add, names))
all_info$celltype <- rep(names(angles.add), lengths(angles.add))
rownames(all_info) <- NULL
return(list(sigma = maximum_measure, g_sigma = maximum_measure.u, all_info = all_info, genes = gene.list, rmt_out = rmt.list, cell.index = cell.index, p.val.mp.fit = pvals.mp,
input_parameters = list(expr = expr, clusters = clusters, exclude = exclude)))
#Auxillary functions
robust_scale <- function(x) {
return((x - median(x)) / (mad(x) + .Machine$double.eps))
max_eig_sv <- function(theta, L){ # function that calculates lambda_max
Q <- L$N/L$M
v <- c() #where to save the output
gbplus <- Q^(1/4) # 1/G(b+) threshold
for(i in 1:length(theta)){
if(abs(theta[i]) > gbplus ){
v <- c(v, sqrt( ((1 + theta[i]^2)*(Q + theta[i]^2))/theta[i]^2) ) # G inverse of 1/theta for (v): see above
v <- c(v, 1 + sqrt(Q) ) # maximum MP otherwise
vec_norm_sv <- function(theta, L){ # function that calculates lambda_max
Q <- L$N/L$M
v <- c() #where to save the output
gbplus <- Q^(1/4) # 1/G(b+) threshold
for(i in 1:length(theta)){
if(abs(theta[i]) > gbplus ){
v <- c(v, 1 - (Q*(1 + theta[i]^2)/( theta[i]^2*(theta[i]^2 + Q)))) # G inverse of 1/theta for (v): see above 1 - ( (Q+theta[i]^2)/(theta[i]^2*(theta[i]^2 + 1)) )
v <- c(v, 0 ) # maximum MP otherwise
vec_norm_sv_u <- function(theta, L){ # function that calculates lambda_max
Q <- L$N/L$M
v <- c() #where to save the output
gbplus <- Q^(1/4) # 1/G(b+) threshold
for(i in 1:length(theta)){
if(abs(theta[i]) > gbplus ){
v <- c(v, 1 - ((Q + theta[i]^2)/( theta[i]^2*(theta[i]^2 + 1)))) # G inverse of 1/theta for (v): see above 1 - ( (Q+theta[i]^2)/(theta[i]^2*(theta[i]^2 + 1)) )
v <- c(v, 0 ) # maximum MP otherwise
obtain_theta_sv <- function(lambda, L){
Q <- L$N/L$M
v <- c()
aa <- 1 - sqrt(Q)
bb <- 1 + sqrt(Q)
for(i in 1:length(lambda)){
if(abs(lambda[i]) > bb){
v <- c( v, sqrt(2*Q/( lambda[i]^2 - (Q+1) - sqrt( (lambda[i]^2 - (Q+1))^2 - 4*Q ) )) )
v <- c(v, 0)
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