
Defines functions postpi

Documented in postpi

#' postpi function provides the corrected inference result table using a bootstrap approach for continuous / catigorical outcomes
#' This function is required to take in the relationship model from `postpi_relate()`, a validation set, and the inference formula.
#' Through a bootstrap approach, the function quantifies biases using the relationship model
#' and then corrects the inference results in the validation set based on the input inference formula.
#' The default number of bootstrapping is 100 and the seed is 1234. Both parameters can be defined by users.
#' @import broom
#' @import matrixStats
#' @param valid_dat validation set that contains only the predicted outcomes and covariates of interest
#' @param rel_model model object created by `postpi_relate()`
#' @param inf_formula inference formula for fitting predicted outcomes ~ covariates, eg. yp ~ x1
#' @param method parametric or non-parametric method to estimate standard error of estimates. Method = "par" or "non-par". The default value is "par", parametric method.
#' @param bs number of bootstrap times. The default value is 100 times.
#' @param seed seed number. The default value is 1234
#' @return tidytable a tidy table for inference results. It contains conlumns: term, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(RINdata,package="postpi")
#' testing    <- RINdata[1:2000,]
#' validation <- RINdata[2001:nrow(RINdata),]
#' relation_dat   <- data.frame(actual = testing$actual, predictions = testing$predictions)
#' relation_model <- postpi_relate(relation_dat,actual)
#' inf_par    <- postpi(validation, relation_model, predictions ~ region_1)
#' inf_nonpar <- postpi(validation, relation_model, predictions ~ region_1, method = "non-par")
postpi <- function(valid_dat, rel_model, inf_formula, method = "par", bs = 100, seed = NULL){


  ## ss: sample size
  ss <- nrow(valid_dat)

  ## find outcome and covariate names from the inference formula
  ypred      <- all.vars(inf_formula)[1]
  covariates <- all.vars(inf_formula)[-1]

  ## bootstrap data, simulate y outcomes from the relationship model, and fit inference model on simulated data
  table_list <- lapply(1:bs, function(i){

    bs_idx <- sample(1:ss,ss,replace = TRUE)

    bs_data <- valid_dat[bs_idx,]

    if (is.numeric(valid_dat[[ypred]])){

      sim_y           <- rnorm(ss, mean = predict(rel_model, bs_data), sd = sigma(rel_model))

      bs_data$sim_y   <- sim_y

      sim_inf_formula <- update(inf_formula, sim_y ~ . )

      sim_inf_table   <- tidy(lm(sim_inf_formula, bs_data))


      prob  <- predict(rel_model, bs_data, type = "prob")

      sim_y <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(prob), function(x) {

        cat_matrix <- rmultinom(1, 1, prob[x,])
        result     <- rownames(cat_matrix)[which(cat_matrix == 1)]


      bs_data$sim_y   <- as.factor(sim_y)

      sim_inf_formula <- update(inf_formula, sim_y ~ .)

      sim_inf_table   <- tidy(suppressWarnings(glm(sim_inf_formula, bs_data, family = binomial(link = "logit"))))

    if (all(sapply(data.frame(valid_dat[,covariates]),class) == "numeric")){
      term      <- sim_inf_table$term[-1]

      estimate  <- sim_inf_table$estimate[-1]

      std.error <- sim_inf_table$std.error[-1]

      ## check whether any covariate contains all 0s and don't have the inference results when fitting the inference model
      match_cov <- match(covariates,sim_inf_table$term[-1])

      if (anyNA(match_cov)){

        na_cov   <- covariates[which(is.na(match_cov))]

        term     <- c(term, na_cov)

        estimate <- c(estimate, rep(NA, length(na_cov)))

        std.error<- c(std.error, rep(NA, length(na_cov)))


      sim_table <- data.frame(term, estimate, std.error)

      sim_table <- sim_table[match(covariates, sim_table$term),]

    } else {
      sim_table <- sim_inf_table[-1,]


  }) ## end table_list

  ## parametric method
  ## calculate medians to each covariate's estimate, standeard error over bootstrap procedures
  para_table <- lapply(1:nrow(table_list[[1]]), function(cov){

    rowMedians(sapply(table_list, function(x) as.numeric(x[cov,-1])),
               na.rm = TRUE)


  ## non-parametric method
  non_para_table <- lapply(1:nrow(table_list[[1]]), function(cov){

    sd(sapply(table_list, function(x) as.numeric(x[cov,"estimate"])),na.rm = TRUE)


  if (method == "par"){

    std.error <- do.call(rbind, para_table)[,2]

  }else if (method == "non-par"){

    std.error <- do.call(rbind, non_para_table)

  }else {
    print("method input 'par' or 'non-par' ")

  term <- as.character(table_list[[1]]$term)
  estimate <- do.call(rbind, para_table)[,1] %>% as.character() %>% as.numeric()
  std.error <- std.error %>% as.character() %>% as.numeric()

  ## create a tidy table similar to broom output with term, estimate, std.error, p.value
  tidytable           <- data.frame(term = term, estimate = estimate, std.error = std.error)

  tidytable           <- na.omit(tidytable)

  tidytable$statistic <- tidytable$estimate / tidytable$std.error

  tidytable$p.value   <- 2*pt(-abs(tidytable$statistic),df = ss -1 - length(covariates))



SiruoWang/IAP documentation built on Sept. 20, 2020, 4 a.m.