
# Spell Lengths
#' @title Spell lengths.
#' @name spell_lengths
#' @author Fanuel, Andree and Steve 2015 (AMI)

#' @description \code{Spell lengths} 
#' produces yearly table(s) of spell lengths  and longest dry spell for a specified period(s) in a year.
#' @param years A vector of numeric years from which to get the extreme, default is all years in the data.
#' @param doy_m A list of vector(s) of period(s) from which you want to get the longest dry spel. Must be days of the year (i.e 1-366).
#' @param threshold A value below which a day is considered dry.
#' @param print_table A logical scalar. Should the table of spell lengths be computed?. print_table=TRUE prints
#' tables of spell lengths per year and print_table=FALSE prints longest dry spell per year.
#' @param months_list Labels for months needed for the table of spell lengths.
#' @param separate A logical scalar. Should the years be handles separately. Separate==TRUE treats the years separately, 
#' otherwise previous years are considered when computing dry spell for the current year.
#' @param na.rm A logical scalar. Should the NAs (including NaN) be removed?
#' @param df.names Column names of longest spell lengths.
#' @examples
#' ClimateObj <- climate( data_tables = list( dataframe=dataframe ), date_formats = list( "%m/%d/%Y" ) )
#' Default dateformats: "%Y/%m/%d"
#' where "data" is a data.frame containing the desired data to be computed.
#' climateObj$spell_lengths() 
#' @return return yearly table(s) of spell lengths  and longest dry spell for period(s) in a year.The default
#' is longest dry spell per season.

climate$methods(spell_lengths=function(data_list=list(), years, doy_m, threshold= 0.85, print_table=FALSE, months_list=month.abb,separate=FALSE,na.rm=TRUE,
                                       df.names="spell length")
  data_list = add_to_data_info_required_variable_list(data_list, list(rain_label))
  data_list=add_to_data_info_time_period(data_list, daily_label)
  climate_data_objs_list = get_climate_data_objects(data_list)
  for(data_obj in climate_data_objs_list){
    if( missing( doy_m ) ) {
      warning( "Since no range of values has been specified, the whole year will be considered.")
      doy_m =list(c( 1, 366 ))
    }else {
      if( !( class( doy_m) == "list" ) ){ stop( "The input doy_m must be of type list, consiting of elements of length 2")}
    threshold = data_obj$get_meta(threshold_label,missing(threshold),threshold)
    #if doy or dos is not in the data create it
    if( !( data_obj$is_present(dos_label) && data_obj$is_present(season_label) ) ) {
    # add month column if not present
    if( !( data_obj$is_present(month_label)) && !( data_obj$is_present(day_label)) ) {

    # get names of columns in the data
    rain_col  = data_obj$getvname(rain_label)   
    dos_col   = data_obj$getvname(dos_label)  
    season_col= data_obj$getvname(season_label) 
    month_col = data_obj$getvname(month_label)
    day_col   = data_obj$getvname(day_label)
    curr_data_list = data_obj$get_data_for_analysis(data_list)
    for( curr_data in curr_data_list ){
      if(missing(years)){  warning("Since no years have been specified, we will take the whole years in the
                              data set by default") 
                          years = unique(curr_data[[season_col]])
      else {  years = unique(years)}           
      # initialise the variable which will contain the results
      # --------------------------------------------------------------#
      dry_spell = list()
      my = c()  
      for( season in years) {
        if( !(season %in% unique(curr_data[[season_col]]) ) ) {
          warning(paste0("There is no data for the season ", season))
          dry_spell[season-(min(years)-1)] = NA
          # ----------------------------------------------#
          #Subset the data for a particular year
          # ----------------------------------------------#          
          season_data <-  curr_data[  curr_data[[season_col]]==season,  c(dos_col, rain_col, season_col, month_col, day_col)  ]
          season_data_1 <-  curr_data[  curr_data[[season_col]]==(season-1), c(dos_col, rain_col, season_col, month_col, day_col)  ]    
          # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
          # Add a column called spell_length to season_data and season_data_1 which will contain 1 if that day is dry and 0 otherwise
          # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
          season_data$Spell_length <- "--"
          # ----------------------------------------------------#
          #Get all the indices where all the obsevations are NA
          # ------------------------------------------------------#
          indic = which(season_data[,2] %in% NA)
          indic_1 = which(season_data_1[,2] %in% NA)
          s = which( indic %in% 60)
          s_1 = which( indic_1 %in% 60)
          # ----------------------------------------------#
          #Assign all the other NA's observations to 0
          # -----------------------------------------------#
          if( length(indic) >1 && length(s) >= 1) {
            season_data[ indic[-s], 2] <- 0  }
          else if(  length( indic ) >= 1 ) {  
            season_data[ indic, 2] <- 0  }
          if( length(indic_1) >1  && length(s_1) >= 1) {
            season_data_1[ indic_1[-s_1], 2] <- 0 }
          else  if(  length( indic_1 ) >= 1 ){  
            season_data_1[ indic_1, 2] <- 0  }
          # ---------------------------------------------------------------#
          #if 60 is among those indices then remove that observation
          # --------------------------------------------------------------#
          if(60 %in% indic){
            season_data <- season_data[-60 , ]
          if(60 %in% indic_1){
            season_data_1 <- season_data_1[-60, ]
          #loop through elements in doy_m and get the maximum spell length 
          # for the different period required for that year or for all the years
          period_m = c()
          for( j in 1 : length(doy_m) ) {
            period = doy_m[[ j ]]          
            if( !(length( period )==2) ){stop( paste0( "Please enter only a vector of length 2 for element ",j, 
                                                       " in input doy_m. The first for the start of the  period and the second for the end.") ) }
            if( period[1] >= period[2] ){ stop( paste0( "Please the day of season corresponding to the start of the period for which the longest ", "",
                                                        "dry spell is required, should be less than the day of year corresponding to the end ", "", 
                                                        "of the period for element ",j, " in input doy_m.") )  } 
            # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
            #Take the indic in season_data, where the day of year is doym[1] and another one where it is doym[2]  
            # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
            ind1 = which( season_data[[ 1 ]] %in% period[ 1 ] )
            ind2 = which( season_data[[ 1 ]] %in% period[ 2 ] )
            # --------------------------------------------------#
            #subset season_data within the range of ind1 and ind2
            # ---------------------------------------------------#
            season_data_doy = season_data[ ind1:ind2, ]
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------#
            #Now we assign the column vector of the season_data_doy to a variable
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
            column_var = season_data_doy[ , 2 ]
            season_data_2 = season_data
            # ----------------------#
            #initialise the count 
            # ------------------------#
            count = 1
            doym = period[1]
            # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
            #first check if the year is the first year in the data            
            # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
            dat = season_data
            first_year = FALSE
            mx = c() 
            if( (season == unique(curr_data[[season_col]])[1] |  !( (season-1) %in% unique(curr_data[[season_col]]) )) && !separate ) {
              first_year = TRUE
              my = append( season, my)
              # -----------------------#
              #Start the while loop
              # ------------------------#
              while(count == 1){
                if(doym==60 & (60 %in% indic)){doym=59}
                if(doym ==1){
                if( dat[ dat[[1]] == doym, 2] <= threshold ){ 
                  ind = which( dat[[ 1 ]] %in% doym )                
                  if( dat[ ( ind - 1 ), 2 ] <= threshold){
                    column_var =c(0, column_var)
                    doym = doym-1
                  else {count =-1}
                else {count=-2}
              # ---------------------------------------------------#
              #Assign all the values in column_var whose values are <= 0.85
              # ------------------------------------------------------#
              column_var[column_var <= threshold] <- 0
              # ----------------------------------------#
              #Then use the following function on column_var
              # -----------------------------------------#
              zeroes <- function(column_var){
                (!(column_var)) * unlist(lapply(rle(column_var)$lengths, seq_len))
              Vec = zeroes(column_var)
              kk = length(which ((dat[(1:period[1]), 2]>=threshold) %in% TRUE))

              if( Vec[1] == 1 && kk==0){ 
                mx = append( max(Vec), mx )
                zj = Vec %in% 0    
                kj = min(which( zj %in% TRUE ))
                ij = min(c((as.numeric(kj)), period[2]))
                Vec[ 1:(ij-1)] <- "m"

              period_m[j] =  max(  as.numeric( Vec[ !( Vec == "m" ) ] ) )
              if(period_m[j] == -Inf){ period_m[j] = "*"}
            # Incase those two conditions are not satisfied 
              if (!separate){
                while(count == 1){
                  if(doym==60 & (60 %in% indic)){doym=59}
                  if(doym ==1){
                    if( dat[ dat[[ 1 ]] == doym, 2 ] <= threshold && season_data_1[ season_data_1[[ 1 ]] == 366, 2 ] <= threshold ){
                      column_var = c( 0, column_var )
                      dat = season_data_1
                      doym = dat[ dim( dat )[ 1 ], c( 1 ) ]
                      column_var = c(column_var )
                      dat = season_data_1
                      doym = dat[ dim( dat )[ 1 ], c( 1 ) ]
                  if (!leap_year(season) && doym==60){doym=59}
                  if( dat[ dat[[ 1 ]] == doym, 2 ] <= threshold ){ 
                    ind = which( dat[[ 1 ]] %in% doym )                   
                    if( dat[ ( ind - 1 ) , 2 ] <= threshold ){
                      column_var =c(0, column_var)
                      doym = doym-1
                    else {count =-1}
                  else {count=-2}
                while(count == 1){
                  if(doym==60 & (60 %in% indic)){doym=59}
                  if(doym ==1){
                  if (!leap_year(season) && doym==60){doym=59}
                  if( dat[ dat[[1]] == doym, 2] <= threshold ){ 
                    ind = which( dat[[ 1 ]] %in% doym )                
                    if( dat[ ( ind - 1 ), 2 ] <= threshold){
                      column_var =c(0, column_var)
                      doym = doym-1
                    else {count =-1}
                  else {count=-2}
              # ---------------------------------------------------#
              #Assign all the values in column_var whose values are <= 0.85
              # ------------------------------------------------------#
              column_var[column_var <= threshold] <- 0
              # ----------------------------------------#
              #Then use the following function on column_var
              # -----------------------------------------#
              zeroes <- function(column_var){
                (!(column_var)) * unlist(lapply(rle(column_var)$lengths, seq_len))
              Vec = zeroes(column_var)        
              period_m[j] =  max(Vec)
              if(period_m[j] == -Inf){ period_m[j] = "*"}
            # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
            # fill the column Dry_spell in season_data with values from the zeroes function if 
            # the spell length of the whole year has been required
            # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
            if( ( period[ 1 ] == 1 && period[ 2 ] == 366 && print_table ) | ( missing( doy_m ) && print_table ) ) {
              # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
              # if the length of the vector Vec is the equal to the row number of season_data_2, do the following
              # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
              if( length( Vec ) == dim( season_data_2 )[ 1 ] ) {
                season_data_2$Spell_length = Vec
                season_data_2$Spell_length = Vec[-( 1 :(length( Vec ) - dim(season_data_2)[1]))] 
              season_data_2[[month_col ]] = format(season_data_2[[ month_col ]], levels=month.abb)             
              tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]] = dcast( season_data_2, season_data_2[[ day_col ]]~season_data_2[[month_col ]], value.var = "Spell_length")
              names(tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]]) <-c("Day" ,months_list) 
              tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]][,1] = as.character(tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]][,1])
              Day = " "
              dat1 = tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]][,2:13]
              dat2 = sapply(dat1[,1:12], as.numeric)
              summ =suppressWarnings(as.data.frame(lapply(as.data.frame(dat2), max, na.rm = na.rm)))
              overall_max = c("Maximum",rep(NA,10),"(Overall:",paste(max(summ, na.rm=na.rm),")",sep = ""))
              tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]] = rbind(tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]], overall_max)
              tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]] = join(tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]], cbind(Day,summ), by = c("Day",month.abb), type = "full", match = "all")
              missing = c(" ",rep(NA,13))
              for(i in 2:13){
                sa = which(tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]][,i] %in% 0)
                sb = which(tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]][,i] %in% NA)
                sc = which(tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]][,i] %in% -Inf)
                sf = which(tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]][,i] %in% "m")
                tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]][sb,i]<-" "
                missing[i] <- length(sf)
              overall_miss_max = c("Missing",rep(" ",10),"(Overall:",paste(sum(as.numeric(missing[2:13]), na.rm=na.rm),")",sep = ""))
              if(max(as.numeric(missing[2:13]), na.rm=na.rm)>0){
                tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]] = rbind(tables[[season-min(unique(years)-1)]], overall_miss_max, missing)
        dry_spell[season-(min(years)-1)] = list(c(season,period_m))       
      if ( ( period[ 1 ] == 1 && period[ 2 ] == 366 && print_table ) | ( missing( doy_m ) && print_table ) ){
        table=tables[ ! sapply(tables, is.null) ]
        my_names=paste("year",unique(years),sep = " ")        
        table=setNames(table, my_names)
        dry_spell=dry_spell[ ! sapply(dry_spell, is.null) ]
        df=data.frame(matrix(unlist(dry_spell), nrow=length(years), byrow=T))
        names(df)=c("Year",paste(df.names,doy_m, sep=" "))       

#=======TO DO============================================================================================
#Append the longest spell lengths to the summary_obj
StatisticalServicesCentre/ClimateObject documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2 p.m.