#' @title Extract param names from parameter information
#' @inheritParams estim_param
#' @param short_list TRUE to return a list without replicated parameters which
#' happens for simultaneous estimation of specific and varietal parameters
#' (optional, default=FALSE)
#' @return A vector of parameter names
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # A simple case
#' param_info <- list(
#' lb = c(dlaimax = 0.0005, durvieF = 50),
#' ub = c(dlaimax = 0.0025, durvieF = 400)
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::get_params_names(param_info)
#' # A case with groups of situations per parameter
#' param_info <- list()
#' param_info$dlaimax <- list(
#' sit_list = list(c(
#' "bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1",
#' "bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"
#' )),
#' lb = 0.0005, ub = 0.0025
#' )
#' param_info$durvieF <- list(
#' sit_list = list(
#' c("bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"),
#' c("bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1")
#' ),
#' lb = c(50, 50), ub = c(400, 400)
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::get_params_names(param_info)
#' CroptimizR:::get_params_names(param_info, short_list = TRUE)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
get_params_names <- function(param_info, short_list = FALSE) {
if (!is.null(param_info$lb) && !is.null(param_info$ub)) {
} else {
if (short_list) {
res <- names(param_info)
} else {
nb_groups <- sapply(param_info, function(x) length(x$sit_list))
nb_groups[nb_groups == 0] <- 1
nb_params_sl <- length(nb_groups)
# build suffix
suffix <- rep("", sum(nb_groups))
count <- 1
for (i in 1:nb_params_sl) {
if (nb_groups[i] > 1) {
suffix[count:(count + nb_groups[i] - 1)] <- as.character(1:nb_groups[i])
count <- count + nb_groups[i]
} else {
count <- count + 1
# The name of the parameter is replicated by its number of groups and a number is added
res <- names(param_info)[unlist(sapply(1:length(nb_groups), function(x) rep(x, nb_groups[x])))]
res <- paste0(res, suffix)
#' @title Extract bounds from parameter information
#' @inheritParams estim_param
#' @details For the moment only works with uniform distributions but will be
#' hopefully soon extended to any distribution
#' @return A list containing the vectors of lower and upper bounds (`ub` and `lb`)
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # A simple case
#' param_info <- list(
#' lb = c(dlaimax = 0.0005, durvieF = 50),
#' ub = c(dlaimax = 0.0025, durvieF = 400)
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::get_params_bounds(param_info)
#' # A case with groups of situations per parameter
#' param_info <- list()
#' param_info$dlaimax <- list(
#' sit_list = list(c(
#' "bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1",
#' "bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"
#' )),
#' lb = 0.0005, ub = 0.0025
#' )
#' param_info$durvieF <- list(
#' sit_list = list(
#' c("bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"),
#' c("bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1")
#' ),
#' lb = c(50, 100), ub = c(400, 500)
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::get_params_bounds(param_info)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
get_params_bounds <- function(param_info) {
if (!is.null(param_info$lb) && !is.null(param_info$ub)) {
lb <- param_info$lb
ub <- param_info$ub
} else {
lb <- unlist(sapply(param_info, function(x) x$lb, simplify = FALSE))
ub <- unlist(sapply(param_info, function(x) x$ub, simplify = FALSE))
return(list(lb = lb, ub = ub))
#' @title Filter param_info list for a subset of parameters
#' @inheritParams estim_param
#' @param param_names Names of the parameters to filter
#' @return A list similar to the one given in input but filtered
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' param_info <- list(
#' lb = c(dlaimax = 0.0005, durvieF = 50),
#' ub = c(dlaimax = 0.0025, durvieF = 400)
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::filter_param_info(param_info, "durvieF")
#' # A case with groups of situations per parameter
#' param_info <- list()
#' param_info$dlaimax <- list(
#' sit_list = list(c(
#' "bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1",
#' "bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"
#' )),
#' lb = 0.0005, ub = 0.0025
#' )
#' param_info$durvieF <- list(
#' sit_list = list(
#' c("bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"),
#' c("bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1")
#' ),
#' lb = c(50, 100), ub = c(400, 500)
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::filter_param_info(param_info, "durvieF")
#' }
#' @keywords internal
filter_param_info <- function(param_info, param_names) {
if (!is.null(param_info$lb) && !is.null(param_info$ub)) {
if (!all(param_names %in% names(param_info$lb))) {
"Error filtering param_info, parameters",
paste(setdiff(param_names, names(param_info$lb)), collapse = ","),
"not included in param_info."
param_info <- lapply(param_info, function(x) x[param_names])
} else {
if (!all(param_names %in% names(param_info))) {
"Error filtering param_info, parameters",
paste(setdiff(param_names, names(param_info)), collapse = ","),
"not included in param_info."
param_info <- param_info[param_names]
#' @title Set initial values in param_info
#' @inheritParams estim_param
#' @param init_values A data.frame containing the initial values to set in param_info
#' (one column per parameter)
#' @return A list similar to param_info but with the new initial values
#' @keywords internal
set_init_values <- function(param_info, init_values) {
param_names <- colnames(init_values)
if (!is.null(param_info$lb) && !is.null(param_info$ub)) {
if (!all(param_names %in% names(param_info$lb))) {
"Error in param_info: parameters",
paste(setdiff(param_names, names(param_info$lb)), collapse = ","),
"not defined."
param_info$init_values <- init_values
} else {
function(x) {
param_info[[x]]$init_values <<- init_values[, get_params_names(param_info[x])]
#' @title Extract parameter initial values from parameter information
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Simple cases
#' param_info <- list(
#' init_values = c(dlaimax = 0.001, durvieF = 200),
#' lb = c(dlaimax = 0.0001, durvieF = 50),
#' ub = c(dlaimax = 0.01, durvieF = 400)
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::get_params_init_values(param_info)
#' param_info <- list(
#' init_values = data.frame(dlaimax = c(0.001, 0.002), durvieF = c(50, 200)),
#' lb = c(dlaimax = 0.0001, durvieF = 50),
#' ub = c(dlaimax = 0.01, durvieF = 400)
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::get_params_init_values(param_info)
#' # ->
#' CroptimizR:::get_init_values(param_info)
#' # Cases with groups of situations per parameter
#' param_info <- list()
#' param_info$dlaimax <- list(
#' sit_list = list(c(
#' "bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1",
#' "bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"
#' )),
#' init_values = 0.001, lb = 0.0001, ub = 0.1
#' )
#' param_info$durvieF <- list(
#' sit_list = list(
#' c("bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"),
#' c("bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1")
#' ),
#' init_values = c(200, 300), lb = 50, ub = 400
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::get_params_init_values(param_info)
#' # ->
#' CroptimizR:::get_init_values(param_info)
#' param_info <- list()
#' param_info$dlaimax <- list(
#' sit_list = list(c(
#' "bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1",
#' "bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"
#' )),
#' init_values = c(0.001, 0.002), lb = 0.0001, ub = 0.1
#' )
#' param_info$durvieF <- list(
#' sit_list = list(
#' c("bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"),
#' c("bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1")
#' ),
#' init_values = data.frame(c(200, 300), c(250, 350)), lb = 50, ub = 400
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::get_params_init_values(param_info)
#' # ->
#' CroptimizR:::get_init_values(param_info)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
get_params_init_values <- function(param_info) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.5.0", "get_params_init_values()", "get_init_values()")
#' @title Extract parameter initial values from parameter information
#' @inheritParams estim_param
#' @return A dataframe containing initial values for the different parameters to
#' estimated (one column per parameter)
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Simple cases
#' param_info <- list(
#' init_values = c(dlaimax = 0.001, durvieF = 200),
#' lb = c(dlaimax = 0.0001, durvieF = 50),
#' ub = c(dlaimax = 0.01, durvieF = 400)
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::get_init_values(param_info)
#' param_info <- list(
#' init_values = data.frame(dlaimax = c(0.001, 0.002), durvieF = c(50, 200)),
#' lb = c(dlaimax = 0.0001, durvieF = 50),
#' ub = c(dlaimax = 0.01, durvieF = 400)
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::get_init_values(param_info)
#' # Cases with groups of situations per parameter
#' param_info <- list()
#' param_info$dlaimax <- list(
#' sit_list = list(c(
#' "bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1",
#' "bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"
#' )),
#' init_values = 0.001, lb = 0.0001, ub = 0.1
#' )
#' param_info$durvieF <- list(
#' sit_list = list(
#' c("bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"),
#' c("bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1")
#' ),
#' init_values = c(200, 300), lb = 50, ub = 400
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::get_init_values(param_info)
#' param_info <- list()
#' param_info$dlaimax <- list(
#' sit_list = list(c(
#' "bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1",
#' "bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"
#' )),
#' init_values = c(0.001, 0.002), lb = 0.0001, ub = 0.1
#' )
#' param_info$durvieF <- list(
#' sit_list = list(
#' c("bo96iN+", "lu96iN+", "lu96iN6", "lu97iN+"),
#' c("bou99t3", "bou00t3", "bou99t1", "bou00t1")
#' ),
#' init_values = data.frame(c(200, 300), c(250, 350)), lb = 50, ub = 400
#' )
#' CroptimizR:::get_init_values(param_info)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
get_init_values <- function(param_info) {
init_values <- NULL
params_names <- get_params_names(param_info)
# Simple case, no simultaneous estimation of varietal and specific parameters
if (!is.null(param_info$init_values)) {
init_values <- as.data.frame(param_info$init_values)
# check if colnames were set to params_names, if not set them
# and handle translation if necessary
if (is.element(rownames(init_values)[1], params_names)) {
init_values <- as.data.frame(t(init_values))
rownames(init_values) <- 1:nrow(init_values)
init_values <- init_values[, params_names, drop = FALSE] # to ensure that params_names and
# init_values have columns in same order
} else if (!is.element(colnames(init_values)[1], params_names)) {
if (ncol(init_values) != length(params_names)) {
init_values <- t(init_values)
names(init_values) <- params_names
rownames(init_values) <- 1:nrow(init_values)
} else {
init_values <- init_values[, params_names, drop = FALSE] # to ensure that params_names and
# init_values have columns in same order
# Case of simultaneous estimation of varietal and specific parameters
} else if (is.list(param_info[[1]])) {
# check if colnames were set to params_names, if not set them
# and handle translation if necessary
for (i in 1:length(param_info)) {
if (!is.null(param_info[[i]]$init_values)) {
param_info[[i]]$init_values <-
if (!is.null(param_info[[i]]$sit_list) && ncol(param_info[[i]]$init_values) !=
length(param_info[[i]]$sit_list)) {
param_info[[i]]$init_values <- t(param_info[[i]]$init_values)
} else {
if (!is.null(param_info[[i]]$sit_list)) {
param_info[[i]]$init_values <- data.frame(t(rep(NA, length(param_info[[i]]$sit_list))))
} else {
param_info[[i]]$init_values <- data.frame(NA)
init_values <- do.call(cbind, sapply(param_info, function(x) x$init_values))
if (!is.data.frame(init_values)) init_values <- as.data.frame(init_values)
if (all(is.na(init_values))) {
init_values <- NULL
} else {
colnames(init_values) <- params_names
rownames(init_values) <- 1:nrow(init_values)
#' @title Complete initial values in param_info by sampling values from bounds taking into account inequality constraints between parameters
#' @inheritParams estim_param
#' @param nb_values Total number of initial values required for the parameters
#' @param ranseed Set random seed so that each execution give the same results.
#' If you want randomization, set it to NULL
#' @return A list similar to param_info including nb_values initial values. If
#' param_info initially contains less than nb_values initial values, additional ones
#' are randomly sampled in the defined bounds taking into account the possible constraints
#' between the parameters.
#' @keywords internal
complete_init_values <- function(param_info, nb_values, ranseed = NULL,
satisfy_par_const = NULL) {
tmp <- get_params_bounds(param_info)
lb <- tmp$lb
ub <- tmp$ub
init_values <- get_init_values(param_info)
if (!is.null(lb) && !is.null(ub)) {
param_names <- names(lb)
sampled_values <- as.data.frame(sample_params(list(lb = lb, ub = ub), nb_values, ranseed))
if (!is.null(satisfy_par_const)) {
idx <- which(sapply(1:nrow(sampled_values), function(x) {
satisfy_par_const(sampled_values[x, ])
sampled_values <- sampled_values[idx, ]
count <- 1
# sample values until the number of required values satisfying the constraints are reached
while (nrow(sampled_values) < nb_values && count < 1000) {
seed <- sample(1000, 1, replace = FALSE)
sampled_tmp <- as.data.frame(sample_params(list(lb = lb, ub = ub), nb_values,
seed = seed
idx <- which(sapply(1:nrow(sampled_tmp), function(x) {
satisfy_par_const(sampled_tmp[x, ])
sampled_values <- dplyr::bind_rows(sampled_values, sampled_tmp[idx, ])
count <- count + 1
if (count >= 1000) {
"Error, number of sampling of initial values reached maximum allowed value: ", count,
"samplings have been performed but this did not allow to gather", nb_values, "satisfying the prescribed constraints on the parameters."
sampled_values <- sampled_values[1:nb_values, ]
for (param in param_names) {
idx <- which(!is.na(init_values[, param]))
if (length(idx) > 0) {
sampled_values[idx[1:min(nb_values, length(idx))], param] <- init_values[idx[1:min(nb_values, length(idx))], param]
} else {
if (nrow(init_values) < nb_values || any(is.na(init_values))) {
stop("Init_values must contain initial values for all parameters and repetitions if ub and lb are not provided.")
sampled_values <- init_values
return(set_init_values(param_info, sampled_values))
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