
#' Compute a generalized regression estimator
#' Calculates a generalized regression estimator for a finite population mean/proportion or total based on sample data collected from a complex sampling design and auxiliary population data.  
#' @param y_num  A numeric vector of the sampled response variable for the numerator estimator.
#' @param xsample_num A data frame of the auxiliary data in the sample for the numerator estimator.
#' @param xpop_num A data frame of population level auxiliary information for the numerator estimator.  It must contain the same names as xsample_dom.  If datatype = "raw", must contain unit level data.  If datatype = "totals" or "means", then contains one row of aggregated, population totals or means for the auxiliary data. Default is "raw".
#' @param datatype_num A string that specifies the form of population auxiliary data for the numerator estimator. The possible values are "raw", "totals" or "means" for whether the user is providing population data at the unit level, aggregated to totals, or aggregated to means.  Default is "raw".
#' @param model_num A string that specifies the regression model to utilize for the numerator estimator. Options are "linear" or "logistic".
#' @param y_den  A numeric vector of the sampled response variable for the denominator estimator.
#' @param xsample_den A data frame of the auxiliary data in the sample for the denominator estimator.
#' @param xpop_den A data frame of population level auxiliary information for the denominator estimator.  It must contain the same names as xsample_dom.  If datatype = "raw", must contain unit level data.  If datatype = "totals" or "means", then contains one row of aggregated, population totals or means for the auxiliary data. Default is "raw".
#' @param datatype_den A string that specifies the form of population auxiliary data for the denominator estimator. The possible values are "raw", "totals" or "means" for whether the user is providing population data at the unit level, aggregated to totals, or aggregated to means.  Default is "raw".
#' @param model_den A string that specifies the regression model to utilize for the denominator estimator. Options are "linear" or "logistic".
#' @param pi A numeric vector of inclusion probabilities for each sampled unit.  If NULL, then simple random sampling without replacement is assumed.
#' @param N A numeric value of the population size. If NULL, it is estimated with the sum of the inverse of the pis.
#' @param var_est A logical indicating whether or not to compute a variance estimator.  Default is FALSE.
#' @param pi2 A square matrix of the joint inclusion probabilities.  Needed for the "LinHT" variance estimator.
#' @param B The number of bootstrap samples if computing the bootstrap variance estimator.  Default is 1000.
#' @examples 
#' library(survey)
#' data(api)
#' greg(y = apisrs$api00, xsample = apisrs[c("col.grad", "awards")], 
#' xpop = apipop[c("col.grad", "awards")], pi = apisrs$pw^(-1), 
#' var_est = TRUE)
#' @return A list of output containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{pop_ratio:}{Estimate of population ratio of totals}
#' \item{pop_ratio_var:}{Estimated variance of estimate of ratio}
#' }
#' @export ratioGreg
#' @import survey
#' @import boot
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix predict quasibinomial var
#' @include varMase.R
#' @include gregt.R

ratioGreg  <- function(y_num, xsample_num, xpop_num, y_den, xsample_den, xpop_den, 
                       pi = NULL, model_num = "linear",  model_den = "linear",
                       pi2 = NULL, var_est = FALSE, datatype = "raw", N = NULL,
                       B = 1000){

  #Check that y is numeric
  if(!(typeof(y_num) %in% c("numeric", "integer", "double"))){
    stop("Must supply numeric y_num.  For binary variable, convert to 0/1's.")
  if(!(typeof(y_den) %in% c("numeric", "integer", "double"))){
    stop("Must supply numeric y_den.  For binary variable, convert to 0/1's.")
  #Make sure the var_method is valid
  if(!is.element(var_method, c("LinHB", "LinHH", "LinHTSRS", "LinHT", "bootstrapSRS"))){
    message("Variance method input incorrect. It has to be \"LinHB\", \"LinHH\", \"LinHT\", \"LinHTSRS\", or \"bootstrapSRS\".")
  if(!is.element(model, c("linear","logistic"))){
    message("Method input incorrect, has to be either \"linear\" or \"logistic\"")
  if(model == "logistic" & datatype != "raw"){
    message("Must supply the raw population data to fit the logistic regression estimator.")
  if(!is.element(datatype, c("raw","totals", "means"))){
    message("datatype input incorrect, has to be either \"raw\", \"totals\" or \"means\"")
  #Need to get N if not provided
      N <- dim(as.matrix(xpop))[1]
      N <- sum(pi^(-1))
      message("Assuming N can be approximated by the sum of the inverse inclusion probabilities.")
  #Convert y to a vector
  y <- as.vector(y)
  #sample size
  n <- length(y)
  #create design matrix, x matrix and transpose design matrix
  xsample.d <- model.matrix(~., data = data.frame(xsample))
  xsample <- data.frame(xsample.d[,-1, drop = FALSE])
  xsample.dt <- t(xsample.d) 
  #Check on inclusion probabilities and create weight=inverse inclusion probabilities
    message("Assuming simple random sampling")
  # convert pi into diagonal matrix format
  if (is.null(pi)) {
    pi <- rep(length(y)/N, length(y))
  #weight: inverse first order inclusion probabilities
  weight <- as.vector(pi^(-1))
  if(modelselect == TRUE){
    #Cross-validation to find lambdas
    if(model == "linear"){
      fam <- "gaussian"
    } else{
      fam <- "binomial"
    #Run cv to find optimal lambda
    cv <- cv.glmnet(x = as.matrix(xsample), y = y, alpha = 1, weights = weight, nfolds = 10, family = fam, standardize = FALSE)
    #Pick lambda
      lambda.opt <- cv$lambda.min
      lambda.opt <- cv$lambda.1se

    pred.mod <- glmnet(x = as.matrix(xsample), y = y, alpha = 1, family = fam, standardize = FALSE, weights=weight)
    lasso_coef <- predict(pred.mod,type = "coefficients",s = lambda.opt)[1:dim(xsample.d)[2],]
    #Collect the names of the variables with non-zero coefficients
    coef_select <- names(lasso_coef[lasso_coef != 0])[-1]
    #If select zero predictors, then fit a HT
      message("No variables selected in the model selection stage.  Fitting a HT estimator.")
      HT <- horvitzThompson(y = y, pi = pi, N = N, pi2 = pi2, var_est = TRUE, var_method = var_method)
      return(list( pop_total = HT$pop_total, 
                   pop_mean = HT$pop_total/N,
                   pop_total_var = HT$pop_total_var, 
                   pop_mean_var = HT$pop_total_var/N^2, 
                   weights = as.vector(pi^{-1})))
    }else {
      HT <- horvitzThompson(y = y, pi = pi, N = N, pi2 = pi2, var_est = FALSE)
      return(list( pop_total = HT$pop_total, 
                   pop_mean = HT$pop_total/N,
                   weights = as.vector(pi^{-1})))
    #Create a new xsample with only the columns in coef_select
    xsample <- xsample[,coef_select, drop = FALSE]#dplyr::select_(xsample, .dots=coef_select)
    xsample.d <- model.matrix(~., data = xsample)
    xsample.dt <- t(xsample.d) 
    xsample <- data.frame(xsample.d[,-1, drop=FALSE])
  if (model == "logistic"){
    #Error if y has more than two categories (can only handle two right now)
      message("Function can only handle categorical response with two categories.")
    if (datatype=="raw"){
      xpop <- data.frame(model.matrix(~., data = xpop))[,-1]
      #Make sure to only take the columns which are also in xsample
      xpop <- dplyr::select(xpop, one_of(colnames(xsample)))
      xpop_d <- model.matrix(~., data = xpop)
    #Fit model using survey's svyglm since glm doesn't handle weights as we want
    dat <- data.frame(y, weight, xsample)
    colnames(dat) <- c("y", "weight", colnames(xsample))
    f <- paste(names(dat)[1], "~", paste(names(dat)[-c(1,2)], collapse=" + "))<-survey::svydesign(ids=~1,weights=~weight,data=dat)
    mod <- survey::svyglm(f,,family=quasibinomial())

    y.hats.U <- as.matrix(predict(mod,newdata=data.frame(xpop_d[,-1]),type="response",family=quasibinomial()))
    y.hats.s <- as.matrix(predict(mod,type="response",family=quasibinomial()))
    #Estimator of total
    t <- t(y-y.hats.s)%*%pi^(-1) + sum(y.hats.U)
    coefs <- mod$coefficients
    #No weights
    w <- NULL
        e <- y-y.hats.s
        varEst <- varMase(y = e,pi = pi,pi2 = pi2,method = var_method, N = N)
      }else if(var_method=="bootstrapSRS"){
        #Find bootstrap variance
        #Bootstrap total estimates
        dat <- data.frame(y, weight, xsample)
        colnames(dat) <- c("y", "weight", colnames(xsample))
       # system.time(t_boot <-  boot(data = dat, statistic = logisticGregt, R = B, xpopd = xpop_d, weights = pi^{-1}, parallel = "snow", cl=cluster))
        t_boot <-  boot(data = dat, statistic = logisticGregt, R = B, xpopd = xpop_d, parallel = "multicore", ncpus = 2)
        #Adjust for bias and without replacement sampling
        varEst <- var(t_boot$t)*n/(n-1)*(N-n)/(N-1)
      return(list( pop_total = as.numeric(t),
                   pop_mean = as.numeric(t)/N,
                   coefficients =  coefs))
      return(list( pop_total = as.numeric(t), 
                   pop_mean = as.numeric(t)/N,
                   coefficients =  coefs))     
  else if (model == "linear"){
    #population design matrix, check whether its population totals, means or raw data
    if (datatype=="raw"){
      xpop <- data.frame(model.matrix(~.-1, data = data.frame(xpop)))
      #Make sure to only take the columns which are also in xsample
      xpop <- dplyr::select(xpop, one_of(colnames(xsample)))
      xpop_d <- model.matrix(~., data = xpop)
      xpop_d <- apply(xpop_d,2,sum)
    if (datatype=="totals"){
      #Make sure to only take the values which are also in xsample
      xpop_d <- unlist(c(N,xpop[names(xsample)]))
    if (datatype=="means"){
      #Make sure to only take the values which are also in xsample
      xpop_d <- unlist(c(N,xpop[names(xsample)]*N))
    w <- as.matrix(1 + t(as.matrix(xpop_d) - xsample.dt %*% weight) %*% solve(xsample.dt %*% diag(weight) %*% xsample.d) %*% (xsample.dt)) %*% diag(weight)
  #calculating the total estimate for y
  t <- w %*% y

  #NOTE: check that weights times x's should equal total of x's to check for correct weight values
  coefs <- solve(xsample.dt %*% diag(weight) %*% xsample.d) %*% (xsample.dt) %*% diag(weight) %*% y
    y.hat <- xsample.d%*%solve(xsample.dt %*% diag(weight) %*% xsample.d) %*% (xsample.dt) %*% diag(weight)%*%y
    e <- y-y.hat
    varEst <- varMase(y = e,pi = pi, pi2 = pi2, method = var_method, N = N)
    }else if(var_method=="bootstrapSRS"){
      #Find bootstrap variance
      dat <- cbind(y,pi, xsample.d)
      #Bootstrap total estimates
      t_boot <- boot(data = dat, statistic = gregt, R = B, xpopd = xpop_d, parallel = "multicore", ncpus = 2)
      #Adjust for bias and without replacement sampling
      varEst <- var(t_boot$t)*n/(n-1)*(N-n)/(N-1)
    return(list( pop_total = as.numeric(t), 
                 pop_mean = as.numeric(t)/N,
                 weights = as.vector(w),
                 coefficients =  coefs))
    return(list( pop_total = as.numeric(t), 
                 pop_mean = as.numeric(t)/N,           
                 weights = as.vector(w),
                 coefficients =  coefs))      
Swarthmore-Statistics/mase documentation built on March 5, 2024, 6:16 a.m.