

## Test
test_that("remove.zero.brlen works", {
    ## Root connecting to a tip with zero branch length
    my_tree <- rtree(5)
    my_tree$edge.length[1] <- 0

    error <- capture_error(remove.zero.brlen(my_tree))
    expect_equal(error[[1]], paste0("The root of the tree is connecting to a tip with a zero branch length: neither can be slid. You can try moving the tip manually by assigning a value to the following edge:\n    my_tree$edge.length[1] <- your_value"))

    ## No sliding
    test <- remove.zero.brlen(rtree(5))
    expect_is(test, "phylo")
    expect_false(any(test$edge.length == 0))

    ## Generating a tree
    tree <- rtree(20)
    ## Adding some zero branch lengths (5)
    tree$edge.length[sample(1:Nedge(tree), 5)] <- 0
    ## And now removing these zero branch lengths!
    tree_no_zero <- remove.zero.brlen(tree)
    ## Exaggerating the removal (to make it visible)
    tree_exaggerated <- remove.zero.brlen(tree, slide = 1)
    expect_is(tree, "phylo")
    expect_is(tree_no_zero, "phylo")
    expect_is(tree_exaggerated, "phylo")
    expect_true(any(tree$edge.length == 0))
    expect_false(any(tree_no_zero$edge.length == 0))
    expect_false(any(tree_exaggerated$edge.length == 0))

    ## Verbose version
    message <- capture_output(remove.zero.brlen(tree, verbose = TRUE))
    expect_equal(message, "Changing 5 branch lengths:.....Done.")

test_that("remove.zero.brlen works with multiPhylo", {
    ## Generating some trees
    trees <- rmtree(10, 10)
    trees[[1]]$edge.length[2] <- 0
    expect_true(any(unlist(lapply(trees, function(x) return(x$edge.length))) == 0))
    ## Removing all 0s
    trees2 <- remove.zero.brlen(trees)
    expect_is(trees2, "multiPhylo")
    expect_false(any(unlist(lapply(trees2, function(x) return(x$edge.length))) == 0))

# test_that("remove.zero.brlen also removes negative brlen", {
#     ## Generating a tree with negative branch lengths
#     set.seed(3)
#     tree <- rtree(10)
#     tree_neg <- chronoMPL(tree)
#     expect_true(any(tree_neg$edge.length < 0))
#     expect_true(is.ultrametric(tree_neg))
#     ## Removing negative branch length
#     tree_pos <- remove.zero.brlen(tree_neg)
#     expect_true(all(tree_pos$edge.length > 0))
#     expect_true(is.ultrametric(tree_pos))

#     ## Complex test
#     tree_ultra <- read.tree(file = "tree_negative.tre")
#     expect_true(any(tree_ultra$edge.length < 0))
#     tree_pos <- remove.zero.brlen(tree_ultra)
#     expect_true(all(tree_pos$edge.length > 0))
# })
TGuillerme/dispRity documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 4:05 a.m.