#' Check if files are .gt3x files
#' @param path Path(s) to file(s)
#' @details
#' Checks if files have a .gt3x file extension
#' @return Logical vector of the same length as path, which is TRUE if the
#' corresponding path is a .gt3x file.
#' @family file manipulations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is_gt3x("test.gt3x") # TRUE
#' is_gt3x("test") # FALSE
#' is_gt3x(NULL)
is_gt3x <- function(path) {
if (length(path) == 0) return(FALSE)
sapply(path, function(f) grepl("\\.gt3x$", f))
unzip_zipped_gt3x <- function(path, cleanup = TRUE) {
if (length(path) == 0) return(path)
stopifnot(length(path) == 1)
exts <- sapply(path, tools::file_ext)
reg_exts <- exts
exts <- tolower(exts)
unzip_these <- exts %in% c("gz", "bz", "bz2", "xz")
# don't decompress if the file doesn't exist
fe <- file.exists(path)
fe_before <- file.exists(sub(paste0("[.]", reg_exts, "$"), "", path))
if (any(unzip_these & fe)) {
zipped_files <- path[unzip_these & fe]
zip_exts <- exts[unzip_these & fe]
zip_outfiles <- mapply(function(x, y) {
FUN <- switch(y,
bz = bzfile,
bz2 = bzfile,
gz = gzfile,
xz = xzfile)
ext = y,
remove = FALSE,
overwrite = TRUE,
temporary = TRUE)
}, zipped_files, zip_exts)
path[unzip_these & fe] <- zip_outfiles
attr(path, "remove") <- unzip_these & cleanup & !fe_before
#' List full paths to all gt3x files in a directory
#' @examples
#' path <-
#' system.file(
#' "extdata",
#' package = "read.gt3x")
#' list_gt3x(path)
#' \dontrun{
#' list_gt3x(gt3x_datapath())
#' }
#' @param path Path(s) to file(s)
#' @family file manipulations
#' @export
list_gt3x <- function(path) {
files <- list.files(path = path, full.names = TRUE)
gt3xfiles <- files[is_gt3x(files)]
#' Check if a .gt3x file or unzipped gt3x directory has both log.bin
#' and info.txt
#' @family gt3x-utils
#' @rdname is_gt3x
#' @param verbose print diagnostic messages
#' @export
#' @examples
#' have_log_and_info(tempfile(), verbose = TRUE)
have_log_and_info <- function(path, verbose = TRUE) {
haslog <- have_log(path, verbose)
hasinfo <- have_info(path, verbose)
if (!haslog & verbose) {
message(path, " doesn't contain log.bin")
if (!hasinfo & verbose) {
message(path, " doesn't contain info.txt")
return(haslog & hasinfo)
have_info <- function(path, verbose = TRUE) {
if (is_gt3x(path)) {
filenames <- unzip(path, list = TRUE)$Name
} else {
filenames <- list.files(path)
"info.txt" %in% filenames
have_log <- function(path, verbose = TRUE) {
if (is_gt3x(path)) {
filenames <- unzip(path, list = TRUE)$Name
} else {
filenames <- list.files(path)
"log.bin" %in% filenames
#' Convert NET ticks to \code{POSIXct} datetime
#' @details
#' reference:
#' \url{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35240874/r-net-ticks-to-timestamp-in-r}
#' @param ticks values in NET ticks format
#' @param x values in date-time format coerced to ticks
#' @param tz timezone, passed to \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}
#' @family gt3x-utils
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mystr = "599633592352500000"
#' x = read.gt3x::ticks2datetime(mystr)
#' x
#' out = read.gt3x::datetime2ticks(as.POSIXct("1901-03-02 08:40:35.25", tz = "UTC"))
#' out = as.character(out)
#' out
#' stopifnot(out == mystr)
#' read.gt3x::datetime2ticks(x = as.POSIXct(Sys.time(), tz = "EST"))
ticks2datetime <- function(ticks, tz = "GMT") {
ticks <- as.double(ticks)
seconds <- ticks / 1e7
datetime <- as.POSIXct(seconds, origin = "0001-01-01", tz = tz)
#' @family gt3x-utils
#' @rdname ticks2datetime
#' @export
datetime2ticks <- function(x) {
timezone = attr(x, "tzone")
if (is.null(timezone)) {
timezone = attr(as.POSIXlt(x), "tzone")
if (!is.null(timezone)) {
timezone = setdiff(timezone, "")[1]
if (is.null(timezone) ||
length(timezone) == 0 ||
!timezone %in% c("GMT", "UTC")) {
"date time object not in UTC/GMT, should use ",
"lubridate::with_tz or lubridate::tz to change before making ticks")
days = difftime(as.Date(x), as.Date("0001-01-01"), units = "days")
days = as.double(days)
seconds = difftime(x,
as.POSIXct(paste0(as.Date(x), " 00:00:00"), tz = timezone),
units = "secs")
seconds = as.double(seconds)
seconds = round(seconds, 3)
ticks = days * 86400 + seconds
ticks = round(ticks * 1000)
# need it because of overflow
ticks = format(ticks, scientific = FALSE)
ticks = paste0(ticks, "0000")
#' Calculate the expected activity sample size from start time
#' and last sample time in the info.txt of a gt3x directory
#' @family gt3x-utils
#' @param x info out from \code{\link{parse_gt3x_info}}
#' @export
get_n_samples <- function(x) {
start <- x[["Start Date"]]
end <- x[["Last Sample Time"]]
rate <- x[["Sample Rate"]]
if (length(end) == 0) {
end <- x[["Stop Date"]]
sdate_zero <- as.character(x[["Stop Date"]]) == "0001-01-01"
if (sdate_zero && !is.null(x[["Download Date"]])) {
msg <- paste0("Stop Date is 0, using Download Date")
end <- x[["Download Date"]]
seqs <- as.numeric(difftime(end, start, units = "secs"))
samples <- seqs * rate
bad_samples <- FALSE
if (length(samples) == 0 || samples <= 0 || is.na(samples)) {
msg <- paste0(
"Negative samples estimated, dates are wrong in info, using ",
"maximum samples (100 days)")
if (is.null(rate) || length(rate) == 0) {
rate <- 100L
rate <- as.numeric(rate)
if (is.na(rate)) {
rate <- 100L
samples <- 100L * 24L * 60L * 60L * rate
bad_samples <- TRUE
attr(samples, "bad") <- bad_samples
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