
Defines functions surf.to.group

surf.to.group <- function(data.dir,
                          which.sjx = "all",
                          hemi = c("lh", "rh"),
                          var.name = c("curv", "thickness", "volume"),
                          tolerance = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
  # Debug ----
  data.dir <- "/Shared/shizhan/PNC/55489/koscikt/fsurf"
  save.dir <- "/Shared/shizhan/PNC/55489/koscikt/fsurf_resample"
  which.sjx <- "all"
  hemi <- c("lh", "rh")
  var.name <- c("curv", "thickness")
  tolerance <- 1
  for (i in 1:length(hemi)) {
    if (!file.exists(paste0(save.dir, "/", hemi[i], ".sphere.reg"))) {
      file.copy(from = paste0(data.dir, "/fsaverage/surf/", hemi[i], ".sphere.reg"),
                to = save.dir)
    group.surf <- read.surf(paste0(data.dir, "/fsaverage/surf/", hemi[i], ".sphere.reg"))
    fls <- parse.surf(data.dir, which.sjx, hemi[i], c("sphere.reg", var.name))
    n.sjx <- nrow(fls)
    id.ls <- list.dirs(data.dir, full.names = F, recursive = F)
    id.ls <- id.ls[-length(id.ls)]
    if (which.sjx[1] != "all") {
      id.ls <- id.ls[id.ls %in% which.sjx]
    n.var <- length(var.name)
    n.vtx <- group.surf$n.vertex
    for (j in 1:n.sjx) {
      sjx.surf <- read.surf(fls[j,1])
      for (k in 1:n.var) {
        init.curv(file.name = paste0(save.dir, "/", id.ls[j], ".", hemi[i], ".", var.name[k]),
                  surf.file = paste0(save.dir, "/", hemi[i], ".sphere.reg"))
        sjx.crv <- read.curv.vertex(curv.file = fls[j, k+1], n = "all")
        for (l in 1:n.vtx) {
          dist.vtx <- sqrt((group.surf$vertex[l,1] - sjx.surf$vertex[ ,1])^2 + 
                           (group.surf$vertex[l,2] - sjx.surf$vertex[ ,2])^2 + 
                           (group.surf$vertex[l,3] - sjx.surf$vertex[ ,3])^2)
          which.vtx <- which(dist.vtx < tolerance)
          # sjx.vtx <- matrix(sjx.surf$vertex[sjx.surf$vertex[ ,1] > (group.surf$vertex[l, 1] - tolerance), ], ncol=3)
          # sjx.vtx <- matrix(sjx.vtx[sjx.vtx[ ,1] < (group.surf$vertex[l, 1] + tolerance), ], ncol=3)
          # sjx.vtx <- matrix(sjx.vtx[sjx.vtx[ ,2] > (group.surf$vertex[l, 2] - tolerance), ], ncol=3)
          # sjx.vtx <- matrix(sjx.vtx[sjx.vtx[ ,2] < (group.surf$vertex[l, 2] + tolerance), ], ncol=3)
          # sjx.vtx <- matrix(sjx.vtx[sjx.vtx[ ,3] > (group.surf$vertex[l, 3] - tolerance), ], ncol=3)
          # sjx.vtx <- matrix(sjx.vtx[sjx.vtx[ ,3] < (group.surf$vertex[l, 3] + tolerance), ], ncol=3)
          if (length(sjx.vtx) != 0) {
            new.val <- sum(sjx.crv[which.vtx] * (1 - (dist.vtx[which.vtx] - mean(dist.vtx[which.vtx]))))
              curv.file = paste0(save.dir, "/", id.ls[j], ".", hemi[i], ".", var.name[k]),
              n = l, values = sum(val.temp * dist.vec))
            if (verbose) {
              print(sprintf("%0.0f of %0.0f Hemis; %0.0f of %0.0f Subjects; %0.0f of %0.0f Variables; %0.0f of %0.0f Vertices",
                            i, length(hemi), j, n.sjx, k, n.var, l, n.vtx))
          # if (length(sjx.vtx) != 0) {
          #   vtx.temp <- rbind(sjx.vtx, group.surf$vertex[l, ])
          #   dist.vec <- as.matrix(dist(vtx.temp))[1:(nrow(vtx.temp)-1),nrow(vtx.temp)]
          #   dist.vec <- 1 - (dist.vec - mean(dist.vec))
          #   dist.vec <- dist.vec / sum(dist.vec)
          #   write.curv.vertex(
          #     curv.file = paste0(save.dir, "/", id.ls[j], ".", hemi[i], ".", var.name[k]),
          #     n = l, values = sum(val.temp * dist.vec))
          #   if (verbose) {
          #     print(sprintf("%0.0f of %0.0f Hemis; %0.0f of %0.0f Subjects; %0.0f of %0.0f Variables; %0.0f of %0.0f Vertices",
          #                   i, length(hemi), j, n.sjx, k, n.var, l, n.vtx))
          #   }
          # }
TKoscik/fsurfR documentation built on Aug. 5, 2019, 4:53 p.m.