
Defines functions getStudy .fieldAsName setPhenotypeDatabaseVerbose getPhenotypeDatabaseDeviceId setPhenotypeDatabaseDeviceId getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl setPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl .getUrlErr .createUrl .getValidation .genDeviceID .get .set

Documented in getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl getPhenotypeDatabaseDeviceId setPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl setPhenotypeDatabaseDeviceId setPhenotypeDatabaseVerbose

#   Copyright 2016 Thomas Kelder, Ferry Jagers & Tim van den Broek
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

#' phenotype-database-functions
#' @name phenotype-database-functions
#' @export


.vars = new.env()

.set = function(name, value) {
  assign(name, value, env=.vars)

.get = function(name) {
  v = get(name, .vars)

.genDeviceID = function(user) {
  digest(paste0(.get("deviceIDBase"), user), algo="md5", serialize = F)

.set("deviceIDBase", paste(Sys.info(), collapse=".")) ##TODO: replace with real unique machine id
.set("defaultBase", "https://dashin.eu/interventionstudies/api/")
.set("authSequence", 0)
.set("authKey", "")
.set("authToken", "")
.set("verbose", F)

.getValidation = function() {
  .set('authSequence', .get('authSequence') + 1)
  str = paste(.get('authToken'), .get('authSequence'), .get('authKey'), sep="")
  if(.get("verbose")) {
    message("Sequence: ", .get('authSequence'))
    message("Validation string: ", str)
  digest(str, algo = "md5", serialize = F)

.createUrl = function(base, cmd, pars = list()) {
  url = paste(base, cmd, "?", sep="")
  for(p in names(pars)) {
    v = pars[[p]]
    if(is.null(v) || v != "") url = paste(url, p, "=", v, "&", sep="")
  gsub("[\\?&]{1}$", "", url)

.getUrlErr = function(...) {
  c = GET(...)
  r = rawToChar(c$content)
  if(!isValidJSON(r, asText = T)) {

setPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl = function(baseUrl = "https://dashin.eu/interventionstudies/api/") {
  .set("defaultBase", baseUrl)

getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl = function() .get("defaultBase")

setPhenotypeDatabaseDeviceId = function(deviceId) {
  .set("deviceID", deviceId)

getPhenotypeDatabaseDeviceId = function() .get("deviceID")

setPhenotypeDatabaseVerbose = function(verbose = F) {
  .set("verbose", verbose)

doPhenotypeDatabaseAuth = function
### Authenticate with the Phenotype Database
(user, ##<< The username
 pass, ##<< The password
 shared.key ##<< The shared key (can be found at your profile page in the Phenotype Database web interface)
) {
  devId = .genDeviceID(user)
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "authenticate", list(deviceID = devId))
  conf = authenticate(user, pass)
  resp = .getUrlErr(url, config = conf)
  auth = fromJSON(resp)
  .set("authSequence", auth$sequence)
  .set("authKey", shared.key)
  .set("authToken", auth$token)
  .set("deviceID", devId)

.fieldAsName = function(x, f = "token") {
  names(x) = as.character(sapply(x, function(y) y[f]))

getStudies = function
### Get a list of the available studies
() {
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "getStudies", list(validation = .getValidation(), deviceID = .get("deviceID")))
  resp = .getUrlErr(url)
  r = fromJSON(resp)
  ### A named list with the available studies

getSubjectsForStudy = function
### Get subjects for a given study
(studyToken ##<< The token of the study to get the subjects for
) {
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "getSubjectsForStudy", list(studyToken = studyToken, deviceID = .get("deviceID"), validation = .getValidation()))
  resp = .getUrlErr(url)
  r = fromJSON(resp)
  ### A named list with the subjects

getSubjectGroupsForStudy = function
### Get subjects for a given study
(studyToken ##<< The token of the study to get the subjects for
) {
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "getSubjectGroupsForStudy", list(studyToken = studyToken, deviceID = .get("deviceID"), validation = .getValidation()))
  resp = .getUrlErr(url)
  r = fromJSON(resp)
  ### A named list with the subjects

getSampleAndTreatmentGroupsForStudy = function
### Get sample & treatment groups for a given study
(studyToken ##<< The token of the study to get the event groups for
) {
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "getSampleAndTreatmentGroupsForStudy", list(studyToken = studyToken, deviceID = .get("deviceID"), validation = .getValidation()))
  resp = .getUrlErr(url)
  r = fromJSON(resp)
  ### A named list with the sample & treatment groups

getTreatmentTypesForStudy = function
### Get treatment types for a given study
(studyToken ##<< The token of the study to get the events for
) {
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "getTreatmentTypesForStudy", list(studyToken = studyToken, deviceID = .get("deviceID"), validation = .getValidation()))
  resp = .getUrlErr(url)
  r = fromJSON(resp)
  ### A named list with the treatment types

getSampleTypesForStudy = function
### Get sample types for a given study
(studyToken ##<< The token of the study to get the sampling events for
) {
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "getSampleTypesForStudy", list(studyToken = studyToken, deviceID = .get("deviceID"), validation = .getValidation()))
  resp = .getUrlErr(url)
  r = fromJSON(resp)
  ### A named list with the sample types

getAssaysForStudy = function
### Get the available assays for a given study
(studyToken ##<< The token of the study to get the assays for
) {
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "getAssaysForStudy", list(studyToken = studyToken, deviceID = .get("deviceID"), validation = .getValidation()))
  resp = .getUrlErr(url)
  r	= fromJSON(resp)
  ### A named list of the assays

getSamplesForStudy = function
### Get samples for a given study
(studyToken ##<< The token of the study to get the samples for
) {
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "getSamplesForStudy", list(studyToken = studyToken, deviceID = .get("deviceID"), validation = .getValidation()))
  resp = .getUrlErr(url)
  r = fromJSON(resp)
  ### A named list with the samples

getSubjectsForAssay = function
### Get subjects for a given assay
(assayToken ##<< The token of the assay to get the samples for
) {
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "getSubjectsForAssay", list(assayToken = assayToken, deviceID = .get("deviceID"), validation = .getValidation()))
  resp = .getUrlErr(url)
  r = fromJSON(resp)
  ### A named list of the available subjects

getSamplesForAssay = function
### Get samples for a given assay
(assayToken ##<< The token of the assay to get the samples for
) {
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "getSamplesForAssay", list(assayToken = assayToken, deviceID = .get("deviceID"), validation = .getValidation()))
  resp = .getUrlErr(url)
  r = fromJSON(resp)
  ### A named list of the available samples

getFeaturesForAssay = function
### Get data for a given assay
(assayToken ##<< The token of the assay to get the data for
) {
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "getFeaturesForAssay", list(assayToken = assayToken, deviceID = .get("deviceID"), validation = .getValidation()))
  resp = .getUrlErr(url)
  r = fromJSON(resp)

getMeasurementDataForAssay = function
### Get data for a given assay
(assayToken ##<< The token of the assay to get the data for
) {
  url = .createUrl(getPhenotypeDatabaseBaseUrl(), "getMeasurementDataForAssay", list(assayToken = assayToken, deviceID = .get("deviceID"), validation = .getValidation()))
  resp = .getUrlErr(url)
  r = fromJSON(resp)
getStudy <- function(study_token){
  #function to check if a list entry is empty
  is.NullOb <- function(x) if(!(is.function(x))) is.null(x) | all(sapply(x, is.null)) else FALSE

  ##function to recursively step down into list, removing all empty objects 
  rmNullObs <- function(x) {
    if(!(is.function(x))) {
      x = x[!(sapply(x, is.NullOb))]
      lapply(x, function(x) if (is.list(x)) rmNullObs(x) else x)
  ## Get assays for the selected study
  assays = getAssaysForStudy(studyToken)
  assayTokens = names(assays)
  assayNames = sapply(assays, function(x) x$name)             
  #get subjects in study
  studySubjects = getSubjectsForStudy(studyToken)
  studySubjects = lapply(studySubjects, function(x) sapply(x, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x), NA, x)))
  studySubjects = as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, studySubjects))  
  #get features in study and subjects in each assay
  studyFeatures         = list()
  studySubjectsPerAssay = list()
  for (i in seq_along(assayTokens)){
    assayToken                 = assayTokens[i]
    studyFeatures[[i]]         = getFeaturesForAssay(assayToken)
    studySubjectsPerAssay[[i]] = getSubjectsForAssay(assayToken)
  studyFeaturesWithData       = sapply(studyFeatures, function(x) length(x) > 0)
  studyFeatures               = rmNullObs(studyFeatures)
  studyFeaturesLong           = melt(studyFeatures)
  colnames(studyFeaturesLong) = c("Value", "Property", "Feature", "Assay")
  studyFeaturesLong$Assay     = assayNames[studyFeaturesWithData][studyFeaturesLong$Assay]
  studyFeaturesWide           = dcast(data = studyFeaturesLong, formula = Assay + Feature ~ Property, value.var = "Value")

  names(studySubjectsPerAssay) = assayNames
  studySubjectsPerAssay        = rmNullObs(studySubjectsPerAssay)

  #get all study data
  studyData = list()
  for (i in seq_along(assayTokens)){
    assayToken     = assayTokens[i]
    studyData[[i]] = getMeasurementDataForAssay(assayToken)$measurements
  names(studyData) = assayNames

  #studyData = melt(studyData[sapply(studyData, function(x) x$count > 0)])
  studyData           = melt(studyData)
  colnames(studyData) = c("Value", "Subject", "SampleType", "SubjectGroup", "RelTime", "AbsTime", "EventGroup", "Variable", "Assay")
TNO/PhenotypeDatabase-RClient documentation built on April 21, 2021, 7:51 a.m.