
Defines functions vmax

Documented in vmax

#' @aliases vmax
#' @title Maximum linear speed
#' @description Function to estimate the maximum linear speed between two consecutive locations.
#' @param sdata A data frame containing columns with the following headers: "id", "DateTime", "lat", "lon", "qi". 
#' See the data \code{\link{turtle}} for an example.
#' The function filters the input data by a unique "id" (e.g. transmitter number, identifier for each animal). 
#' "DateTime" is the GMT date & time of each location in class \code{\link[base:DateTimeClasses]{POSIXct}} 
#' or \code{\link[base]{character}} with the following format "2012-06-03 01:33:46".
#' "lat" and "lon" are the latitude and longitude of each location in decimal degrees. 
#' "qi" is the quality index associated with each location fix. 
#' The input values can be either the number of GPS satellites or Argos Location Classes. 
#' Argos Location Classes will be converted to numerical values, where "A", "B", "Z" will be replaced with "-1", "-2", "-3" respectively.
#' The greater number indicates a higher accuracy. 
#' @param qi An integer specifying the lowest quality index of a location that is qualified to be used in the estimation. 
#' Default is 5 (e.g. 5 GPS satellite or more).
#' @param method Available options are "sample" (i.e. sample quantile - see \code{\link[stats:quantile]{quantile}})
#' and "ML" (maximum likelihood estimation). Default is "ML". See details.
#' @param prob A value (0 to 1) specifying the sample quantile or cumulative probability for linear speed.
#' Values beyond this threshold are considered 'outliers' and excluded from estimation of maximum linear speed. 
#' Default is 0.99. See details.
#' @param ... Extra arguments passed to \code{\link{dupfilter}}.
#' @importFrom stats pgamma dgamma optim var
#' @export
#' @details The function first calculates the linear speed between each pair of two consecutive locations. 
#' Some of the calculated linear speed can be inaccurate when the input data contains inaccurate locations (e.g. outliers).
#' The function can discard the implausible outliers by excluding extreme values using either the "sample" or "ML" method.
#' The "sample" method simply discards values that lie beyond the specified quantile. 
#' If the "ML" method is selected, it is assumed that the linear speed follow a Gamma distribution. 
#' The distribution parameters are derived via maximum likelihood estimation using the \code{\link[stats:optim]{optim}} function. 
#' The linear speed at the given quantile or cumulative probability (e.g. 0.99) represents the maximum linear speed at which 
#' an animal would travel between two consecutive locations.   
#' @return Maximum linear speed (vmax) estimated from the input data. The unit is km/h. 
#' @author Takahiro Shimada
#' @references Shimada T, Jones R, Limpus C, Hamann M (2012) 
#' Improving data retention and home range estimates by data-driven screening. 
#' \emph{Marine Ecology Progress Series} 457:171-180 \doi{10.3354/meps09747}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ddfilter}}, \code{\link{ddfilter_speed}}, \code{\link{track_param}}, \code{\link{dupfilter}}

vmax <- function(sdata, qi=5, method = 'ML', prob=0.99, ...){
  #### Organize data
  ## qi format
  sdata <- within(sdata, {
    qi[qi %in% "A"] <- "-1"
    qi[qi %in% "B"] <- "-2"
    qi[qi %in% "Z"] <- "-3"
    qi <- as.numeric(as.character(qi))
  # stop if the qi threshold is greater than the highest qi of the input data.
  if(max(sdata$qi) < qi){
    stop("\nThe maximum 'qi' of the input data is lower than the 'qi' that was specified in the function.
    \nUse the lowest 'qi' value that is available in the input data and considered reliable to estimate the vmax.
    \nFor example, for Argos data, it may be 2.")
  ## Date & time
  sdata$DateTime <- with(sdata, as.POSIXct(DateTime, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "GMT"))
  ## Subset data by quality index
  sdata<-sdata[sdata$qi >= qi,]
  ## Filter duplicate locations
  sdata <- dupfilter(sdata, ...)
  ## Get movement parameters
  sdata <- track_param(sdata, param = c('time', 'distance', 'speed'))
  v <- with(sdata, sdata[!(is.na(pSpeed)) & pSpeed > 0, 'pSpeed'])
  #### Maximum speed 
  if(method == "ML"){
    ## Maximum likelihood estimation of gamma distribution parameters (shape, scale)
    alpha.start <- mean(v)^2 / stats::var(v)
    lambda.start <- mean(v) / stats::var(v)
    theta.start <- c(alpha.start, lambda.start)
    mlogl <- function(theta, x) {
      alpha <- theta[1]
      lambda <- theta[2]
      return(- sum(stats::dgamma(x, shape = alpha, rate = lambda, log = TRUE)))
      inherits(try(stats::optim(par = theta.start, fn = mlogl, x = v), silent = TRUE), "try-error")
      message('There is not enough data to estimate Vmax')
    } else {
        para <- stats::optim(par = theta.start, fn = mlogl, x = v)

      ## Estimate Vmax
      v_vec <- seq(min(v), max(v), by = 0.001)
      # d.gamma <- stats::dgamma(v_vec, shape=para$par[1], rate = para$par[2])
      # Vmax <- v_vec[max(which(d.gamma >= (1 - prob)))]
      p.gamma <- stats::pgamma(v_vec, shape=para$par[1], rate = para$par[2])
      Vmax <- v_vec[max(which(p.gamma <= prob))]

   } else {
     ## Given x percentile considered to exclude outliers
     Vmax <- stats::quantile(v, prob)
  #### Report the results
  SampleSize <- round(nrow(sdata)*prob)
  cat("The maximum linear speed (Vmax) was estimated using", SampleSize, "locations.", fill = TRUE)
  cat("Vmax:", Vmax, "km/h", fill = TRUE)
  #### Maximum speed given # percentile considered outliers
TakahiroShimada/SDLfilter documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 10:01 p.m.