
Defines functions plot.rgcca

Documented in plot.rgcca

#' Plot a fitted object from the RGCCA package
#' @description
#' `plot.rgcca()` plots a fitted RGCCA object.
#' `plot.rgcca_cv()` plots a fitted rgcca_cv object. Boxplots of the
#' cross-validated scores for the different parameter sets are displayed.
#' `plot.rgcca_permutation()` plots a fitted rgcca_permutation object.
#' Permutation statistics are displayed for each set of parameters.
#' `plot.rgcca_bootstrap()` plots a fitted rgcca_bootstrap object.
#' Each block variable is shown along with its associated bootstrap
#' confidence interval and stars reflecting the p-value of assigning
#' a strictly positive or negative weight to this block variable.
#' `plot.rgcca_stability()` calls `plot.rgcca()` on the fitted RGCCA model
#' returned by `rgcca_stability()`.
#' @param x An object to be plotted (output of functions \code{\link{rgcca}},
#' \code{\link{rgcca_cv}}, \code{\link{rgcca_permutation}},
#' \code{\link{rgcca_bootstrap}}, or \code{\link{rgcca_stability}}).
#' @param type A character string indicating the type of plot (see details).
#' @param block A numeric corresponding to the block(s) to plot.
#' @param comp A numeric vector indicating the component(s) to consider.
#' @param response A vector coloring the points in the "samples" plot.
#' @param display_order A logical value for ordering the variables. If TRUE,
#' variables are ordered from highest to lowest absolute value. If FALSE,
#' the block order is used. Default is TRUE.
#' @param title A string specifying the title of the plot.
#' @param cex A numeric defining the size of the objects in the plot. Default
#' is one.
#' @param cex_sub A numeric defining the font size of the subtitle. Default is
#' 12 * cex.
#' @param cex_main A numeric defining the font size of the title. Default is
#' 14 * cex.
#' @param cex_lab A numeric defining the font size of the labels. Default is
#' 12 * cex.
#' @param cex_point A numeric defining the font size of the points. Default is
#' 3 * cex.
#' @param n_mark An integer defining the maximum number plotted objects
#' (see details).
#' @param sample_colors A string specifying the colors used to color samples
#' (used in the "samples" and "biplot" plots).
#' @param sample_shapes Shapes used for the sample points (used in the "samples"
#' and "biplot" plots).
#' @param var_colors Colors used to color variable weights or correlations
#' with canonical components (used in the "weights", "loadings", "cor_circle"
#' and "biplot" plots).
#' @param var_shapes Shapes used for the points associated to variable weights
#' or correlations with canonical components (used in the "cor_circle" and
#' "biplot" plots).
#' @param AVE_colors Colors used in the AVE plot.
#' @param show_sample_names A logical value for showing the sample names in
#' plots "samples" and "biplot".
#' @param show_var_names A logical value for showing the variable names in
#' plots "cor_circle" and "biplot".
#' @param repel A logical value for repelling text labels from each other.
#' Default to FALSE.
#' @param display_blocks A numeric corresponding to the block(s) to display in
#' the correlation_circle. All blocks are displayed by default.
#' @param expand A numeric that scales the weights associated to the block
#' variables in the biplot. Default is 1.
#' @param show_arrows A logical, if TRUE, arrows are shown in the biplot.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param show_legend A logical value indicating if legend should
#' be shown (default is FALSE).
#' @param empirical A logical value indicating if the bootstrap confidence
#' intervals and p-values are derived from the empirical distribution.
#' (default: TRUE)
#' @param show_stars A logical value indicating if the significance levels
#' are displayed.
#' @param colors Colors used in the plots.
#' @param adj.method A string indicating the method used to adjust the p-values.
#' It must be a method handled by the p.adjust function. Default is "fdr".
#' @param ... Additional graphical parameters.
#' @details
#' Argument type can take 7 values in `plot.rgcca`:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "weights" (default): barplot of the block weight vectors for one
#' specific block/component. Sorting is applied according to the
#' display_order argument. The number of displayed weights can be set with
#' n_marks.
#' \item "loadings": barplot of the block-loading vectors. Sorting is applied
#' according to the display_order argument. The number of displayed loadings
#' can be set with n_marks.
#' \item "samples": scatter plot of the block components. The blocks used
#' are defined by the block argument, and the components by the comp argument
#' (Y[[block[1]]][, comp[1]], Y[[block[2]]][,comp[2]]). Points can
#' be colored according to the response argument.
#' \item  "cor_circle" for correlation circle. It represents the correlation
#' between the block component corresponding to the first element of the block
#' argument, and the variables of the block corresponding to the blocks
#' specified by the argument display_blocks.
#' \item "both": displays both sample plot and correlation circle (implemented
#' only for one block and at least when two components are extracted
#' (ncomp >= 2).
#' \item "biplot": displays on the same plot the scatter plot of the block
#' components and the variables used to compute these block components.
#' \item "ave": displays the average variance explained for each block.}
#' Argument type can take 2 values in `plot.rgcca_cv`: \itemize{
#' \item "sd" (default): the middle bar of the boxplots corresponds to the
#' mean and their limits are given by the mean plus or minus the
#' standard deviation.
#' \item "quantile": the middle bar corresponds to the median and limits of
#' the boxes are given by the 25\% and 75\% quantiles.
#' }
#' Argument type can take 2 values in `plot.rgcca_permutation`: \itemize{
#' \item "crit" (default): both the RGCCA criterion on the permuted and not
#' permuted datasets are displayed for each set of parameters.
#' \item "zstat": the Z-score is displayed for each set of parameters.
#' }
#' Argument type can take 2 values in `plot.rgcca_bootstrap`: \itemize{
#' \item "weights" (default): statistics about the block-weight
#' vectors are displayed.
#' \item "loadings": statistics about the block-loading vectors are displayed.
#' }
#' @return A ggplot2 plot object.
#' @examples
#' ## Plotting of an rgcca object
#' data("Russett")
#' blocks <- list(
#'   agriculture = Russett[, seq(3)],
#'   industry = Russett[, 4:5],
#'   politic = as.factor(apply(Russett[, 9:11], 1, which.max))
#' )
#' blocks2 <- list(
#'   agriculture = Russett[, seq(3)],
#'   industry = Russett[, 4:5],
#'   politic = Russett[, 6:11]
#' )
#' status <- colnames(Russett)[9:11][apply(Russett[, 9:11], 1, which.max)]
#' fit_rgcca <- rgcca(blocks = blocks, response = 3, ncomp = 2)
#' plot(fit_rgcca, type = "sample", block = 1:2, comp = 1)
#' plot(fit_rgcca, type = "loadings")
#' plot(fit_rgcca, type = "weight")
#' plot(fit_rgcca, type = "sample")
#' plot(fit_rgcca, type = "cor_circle")
#' plot(fit_rgcca, type = "both")
#' plot(fit_rgcca, type = "biplot")
#' plot(fit_rgcca, type = "ave")
#' \dontrun{
#' # With a superblock
#' fit_mcoa <- rgcca(blocks = blocks2, method = "mcoa", ncomp = 2)
#' plot(fit_mcoa, type = "both", response = status)
#' plot(fit_mcoa, type = "biplot", response = status)
#' ## Plotting of an rgcca_cv object
#' cv_out <- rgcca_cv(blocks,
#'   response = 3, method = "rgcca",
#'   par_type = "tau",
#'   par_value = 1,
#'   n_run = 1, n_cores = 1,
#'   prediction_model = "lda",
#'   metric = "Accuracy",
#'   verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' plot(cv_out, type = "sd")
#' plot(cv_out, type = "quantile")
#' ## Ploting of an rgcca_permutation object
#' perm_out <- rgcca_permutation(blocks2, par_type = "tau",
#'                               n_perms = 2, n_cores = 1)
#' plot(perm_out, type = "crit")
#' plot(perm_out, type = "zstat")
#' ## Plotting of an rgcca_bootstrap object
#' boot_out <- rgcca_bootstrap(fit_rgcca, n_boot = 20, n_cores = 1)
#' plot(boot_out, type = "weights", block = 1, comp = 1)
#' plot(boot_out, type = "loadings", comp = 2,
#'      display_order = FALSE, show_stars = FALSE)
#' ## Plotting of an rgcca_stability object
#' fit.sgcca <- rgcca(blocks2, sparsity = c(.8, .9, .6))
#' res <- rgcca_stability(
#'   fit.sgcca, n_boot = 10, verbose = TRUE, keep = rep(.1, 3)
#' )
#' plot(res, type = "samples")
#' }
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @rdname plot
#' @order 1
plot.rgcca <- function(x, type = "weights",
                       block = seq_along(x$call$blocks),
                       comp = c(1, 2),
                       response = as.factor(rep(1, NROW(x$Y[[1]]))),
                       display_order = TRUE,
                       title = NULL, cex = 1, cex_sub = 12 * cex,
                       cex_main = 14 * cex, cex_lab = 12 * cex,
                       cex_point = 3 * cex, n_mark = 30,
                       sample_colors = NULL, sample_shapes = NULL,
                       var_colors = NULL, var_shapes = NULL,
                       AVE_colors = NULL, show_sample_names = TRUE,
                       show_var_names = TRUE, repel = FALSE,
                       display_blocks = seq_along(x$call$blocks),
                       expand = 1, show_arrows = TRUE, ...) {
  ### Define data.frame generating functions
  df_sample <- function(x, block, comp, response, obj = "Y") {
      x[[obj]][[block[1]]][, comp[1]],
      x[[obj]][[block[2]]][, comp[2]],
      response = response

  df_cor <- function(x, block, comp, num_block, display_blocks) {
    df <- data.frame(
      x = do.call(rbind, Map(function(i, j) {
          x$blocks[[i]][rownames(x$Y[[j]]), ],
          x$Y[[j]][, comp]
      }, display_blocks, block)),
      response = num_block,
      y = do.call(c, lapply(x$blocks[display_blocks], colnames))

    idx <- unlist(
      lapply(x$a[display_blocks], apply, 1, function(y) any(y != 0))
    return(df[idx, ])

  df_weight <- function(x, block, comp, num_block, display_order) {
    df <- data.frame(
      x = unlist(lapply(x$a[block], function(z) z[, comp[1]])),
      y = do.call(c, lapply(x$blocks[block], colnames)),
      response = num_block
    df <- df[df$x != 0, ]
    if (display_order) {
      df <- df[order(abs(df$x), decreasing = TRUE), ]
    df <- df[seq(min(n_mark, nrow(df))), ]
    df$y <- factor(df$y, levels = df$y, ordered = TRUE)

  df_AVE <- function(x) {
    AVE <- x$AVE$AVE_X_cor
    df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(AVE), function(n) {
        AVE = round(100 * AVE[[n]], digits = 1),
        block = n,
        comp = as.factor(seq(AVE[[n]]))
    df$label <- df$AVE
    df$label[df$AVE == 0] <- ""

  ### Perform checks and parse arguments
  stopifnot(is(x, "rgcca"))
  check_integer("expand", expand, float = TRUE, min = -Inf)
  check_integer("comp", comp, type = "vector")
  type <- tolower(type)
  type <- match.arg(type, c(
    "samples", "cor_circle", "both",
    "ave", "loadings", "weights", "biplot"
  sample_colors <- check_colors(sample_colors, type = "samples")
  var_colors <- check_colors(var_colors, type = "variables")
  AVE_colors <- check_colors(AVE_colors, type = "AVE")
  if (is.null(sample_shapes)) {
    sample_shapes <- seq(0, 4)
  } else {
      "sample_shapes", sample_shapes, min = 0, max = 25, type = "vector"
  if (is.null(var_shapes)) {
    var_shapes <- seq(15, 19)
  } else {
    check_integer("var_shapes", var_shapes, min = 0, max = 25, type = "vector")

  # Duplicate comp and block if needed and make sure they take admissible values
  comp <- elongate_arg(comp, seq(2))[seq(2)]
  block <- elongate_arg(block, seq(2))

  lapply(display_blocks, function(i) {
    check_blockx("display_blocks", i, x$call$blocks)

  response_block <- FALSE

  # Adapt parameters based on type
    "samples" = {
      block <- block[seq(2)]
      display_blocks <- block
    "cor_circle" = {
      block <- ifelse(x$call$superblock, length(x$call$blocks) + 1, block[1])
      response_block <- !is.null(x$call$response) && (block == x$call$response)
    "both" = {
      block <- rep(ifelse(
        x$call$superblock, length(x$call$blocks) + 1, block[1]
      ), 2)
      response_block <- !is.null(x$call$response) &&
        (block[1] == x$call$response)
    "ave" = {
      comp <- 1
    "loadings" = {
      block <- unique(block)
      comp <- comp[1]
      if (all(block == length(x$call$blocks) + 1)) {
        display_blocks <- seq_along(x$call$blocks)
      } else {
        display_blocks <- block
    "weights" = {
      block <- unique(block)
      comp <- comp[1]
      if (all(block == length(x$call$blocks) + 1)) {
        display_blocks <- seq_along(x$call$blocks)
      } else {
        display_blocks <- block
    "biplot" = {
      if (x$call$superblock) {
        block <- rep(length(x$call$blocks) + 1, 2)
        display_blocks <- seq_along(x$call$blocks)
      } else {
        block <- rep(block[1], 2)
        display_blocks <- block[1]
      response_block <- !is.null(x$call$response) &&
        (block[1] == x$call$response)

  if (response_block) {
      "Drawing a correlation circle or a biplot with block = ", block ,
      " is not allowed, because the response components are not orthogonal."

  lapply(block, function(i) {
    check_blockx("block", i, x$blocks)
  comp <- unlist(Map(
    function(y, z) min(y, x$call$ncomp[z]), comp, block

  if (length(unique(comp)) == 1 & type %in% c("both", "cor_circle", "biplot")) {
      "Drawing a correlation circle or a biplot with a single component ",
      "is not allowed, please provide different values for comp."

  if (missing(response)) {
    if (!is.null(x$call$response)) {
      if (x$opt$disjunction) {
        response <- as.factor(x$call$blocks[[x$call$response]][, 1])
      } else {
        response <- x$blocks[[x$call$response]][, 1]
  } else {
    # Check that response has a good shape
    if ((length(response) != NROW(x$Y[[1]])) || (NCOL(response) > 1)) {
        "wrong response shape. Response must be a vector of same length as ",
        "the number of subjects seen by RGCCA, i.e., ", NROW(x$Y[[1]])

  # Construct response vector for correlation circle, weights and loadings
  num_block <- as.factor(unlist(lapply(
    function(j) rep(names(x$blocks)[j], NCOL(x$blocks[[j]]))

    # Plot individuals in the projected space
    "samples" = {
      df <- df_sample(x, block, comp, response)
      title <- ifelse(missing(title), "Sample space", title)
      plot_function <- plot_sample
    # Plot block columns on a correlation circle
    "cor_circle" = {
      df <- df_cor(x, block[1], comp, num_block, display_blocks)

      title <- ifelse(missing(title), "Correlation circle", title)
      plot_function <- plot_cor_circle
    # Plot side by side individuals in the projected space and block columns on
    # a correlation circle
    "both" = {
      df <- list(
        df_sample(x, block, comp, response),
        df_cor(x, block[1], comp, num_block, display_blocks)

      title <- ifelse(missing(title), "", title)
      plot_function <- plot_both
    # Plot percentage of AVE per component and per block. If some blocks are not
    # deflated, corrected AVE is reported instead of AVE per component
    "ave" = {
      corrected <- x$call$superblock || !is.null(x$call$response)
      default_title <- ifelse(
        "Corrected Average Variance Explained",
        "Average Variance Explained"
      df <- df_AVE(x)

      title <- ifelse(missing(title), default_title, title)
      plot_function <- plot_ave
    # Plot the value associated with each individual in the projected space
    "loadings" = {
      df <- df_cor(x, block, comp, num_block, display_blocks)
      if (display_order) {
        df <- df[order(abs(df[, 1]), decreasing = TRUE), ]
      df <- df[seq(min(n_mark, NROW(df))), ]
      df$y <- factor(df$y, levels = df$y, ordered = TRUE)

      block_name <- ifelse(
        length(unique(block)) == 1,
        paste(":", names(x$blocks)[block[1]]),
      title <- ifelse(missing(title), paste0(
        "Block-loading vector", block_name, " - comp", comp[1]
      ), title)
      plot_function <- plot_loadings
    # Plot the value associated with each projecting factor
    "weights" = {
      df <- df_weight(x, block, comp, num_block, display_order)

      block_name <- ifelse(
        length(unique(block)) == 1,
        paste(":", names(x$blocks)[block[1]]),
      title <- ifelse(missing(title), paste0(
        "Block-weight vector", block_name, " - comp", comp[1]
      ), title)
      plot_function <- plot_loadings
    # Plot individuals in the projected space and variables
    # used for the projection
    "biplot" = {
      df <- list(
        Y = df_sample(x, block, comp, response, "Y"),
        a = df_sample(x, block, comp, num_block, "a")

      # Rescale weigths
      var_tot <- sum(diag(var(x$blocks[[block[1]]], na.rm = TRUE)))
      a <- data.matrix(df$a[, c(1, 2)]) %*% diag(sqrt(
        var_tot * x$AVE$AVE_X[[block[1]]][comp]

      ratio <- min(
        (max(df$Y[, 1]) - min(df$Y[, 1])) / (max(a[, 1]) - min(a[, 1])),
        (max(df$Y[, 2]) - min(df$Y[, 2])) / (max(a[, 2]) - min(a[, 2]))
      ) * expand

      df$a[, c(1, 2)] <- a * ratio
      df$a <- df$a[df$a[, 1] != 0 | df$a[, 2] != 0, ]

      title <- ifelse(missing(title), "Biplot", title)
      plot_function <- plot_biplot

  # Construct base theme
  theme_RGCCA <- theme_perso(cex, cex_main, cex_sub, cex_lab)

  # Duplicate colors and shapes to avoid insufficient values in manual scale
  sample_colors <- rep(
    ifelse(is.list(df), NROW(df[[1]]), NROW(df)) / length(sample_colors) + 1
  sample_shapes <- rep(
    ifelse(is.list(df), NROW(df[[1]]), NROW(df)) / length(sample_shapes) + 1
  var_colors <- rep(
    ifelse(is.list(df), NROW(df[[2]]), NROW(df)) / length(var_colors) + 1
  var_shapes <- rep(
    ifelse(is.list(df), NROW(df[[2]]), NROW(df)) / length(var_shapes) + 1
  AVE_colors <- rep(AVE_colors, NROW(df) / length(AVE_colors) + 1)

  # Call plotting function
  p <- plot_function(
    df = df, title = title, x = x, block = block, comp = comp,
    theme_RGCCA = theme_RGCCA, cex_main = cex_main, cex_sub = cex_sub,
    cex_point = cex_point, sample_colors = sample_colors,
    sample_shapes = sample_shapes, show_sample_names = show_sample_names,
    show_var_names = show_var_names, repel = repel, var_colors = var_colors,
    var_shapes = var_shapes, AVE_colors = AVE_colors, show_arrows = show_arrows
  if (is(p, "ggplot")) plot(p, ...)
Tenenhaus/RGCCA documentation built on July 20, 2024, 2:14 p.m.