
Defines functions rgcca_inner_loop

rgcca_inner_loop <- function(A, C, g, dg, tau = rep(1, length(A)),
                             sparsity = rep(1, length(A)),
                             verbose = FALSE, init = "svd", bias = TRUE,
                             tol = 1e-08, na.rm = TRUE, n_iter_max = 1000) {
  if (!is.numeric(tau)) {
    # From Schafer and Strimmer, 2005
    tau <- vapply(A, tau.estimate, na.rm = na.rm, FUN.VALUE = 1.0)

  # TODO: change this behaviour
  if (any(sparsity == 0)) {
    tau[which(sparsity == 0)] <- 0
    sparsity[which(sparsity == 0)] <- 1

  ### Initialization
  block_objects <- lapply(seq_along(A), function(j) {
    create_block(A[[j]], j, bias, na.rm, tau[j], sparsity[j], tol)

  block_objects <- lapply(block_objects, block_init, init = init)
  Y <- do.call(cbind, lapply(block_objects, "[[", "Y"))
  N <- block_objects[[1]]$N

  iter <- 1
  crit <- NULL
  crit_old <- sum(C * g(crossprod(Y) / N))
  a_old <- lapply(block_objects, "[[", "a")

  repeat {
    for (j in seq_along(A)) {
      # Compute grad
      grad <- Y %*% (C[j, ] * dg(crossprod(Y, Y[, j]) / N))
      block_objects[[j]] <- block_update(block_objects[[j]], grad)
      Y[, j] <- block_objects[[j]]$Y

    # Print out intermediate fit
    crit <- c(crit, sum(C * g(crossprod(Y) / N)))

    if (verbose) {
        " Iter: ", formatC(iter, width = 3, format = "d"),
        " Fit: ", formatC(crit[iter], digits = 8, width = 10, format = "f"),
        " Dif: ", formatC(crit[iter] - crit_old,
                          digits = 8, width = 10, format = "f"
        ), "\n"

    a <- lapply(block_objects, "[[", "a")
    stopping_criteria <- c(
      drop(crossprod(unlist(a, FALSE, FALSE) - unlist(a_old, FALSE, FALSE))),
      abs(crit[iter] - crit_old)

    if (any(stopping_criteria < tol) || (iter > n_iter_max)) {

    crit_old <- crit[iter]
    a_old <- a
    iter <- iter + 1

  if (iter > n_iter_max) {
      "The RGCCA algorithm did not converge after ", n_iter_max,
      " iterations."
  if (verbose) {
    if (iter <= n_iter_max) {
        "The RGCCA algorithm converged to a stationary point after ",
        iter - 1, " iterations \n"
    plot(crit, xlab = "iteration", ylab = "criteria")

  # Post-process the resulting block-weight and block-component vectors
  ctrl <- all(g(-5:5) == g(5:-5))
  block_objects <- lapply(block_objects, block_postprocess, ctrl)
  a <- lapply(block_objects, "[[", "a")
  Y <- do.call(cbind, lapply(block_objects, "[[", "Y"))

  return(list(Y = Y, a = a, crit = crit, tau = tau))
Tenenhaus/RGCCA documentation built on July 20, 2024, 2:14 p.m.