
Defines functions pairscan_null

Documented in pairscan_null

#' Generate a null distribution for the pairscan.
#' This script generates a null distribution
#' for the pairscan. For each permutation,
#' it runs a single scan and selects the top
#' N markers. It then uses these markers to
#' perform a permutation of the pairscan.
#' the null distribution generated here uses
#' a fixed number of the TOP ranking markers
#' from the permuted single scan
#' we need to update it to use select_markers_for_pairscan
#' if marker_selection_method is netwas, you need to provide
#' a list of genes from the netWAS analysis
#' @param data_obj a \code{\link{Cape}} object
#' @param geno_obj a genotype object
#' @param scan_what A character string uniquely identifying whether eigentraits
#'   or raw traits should be scanned. Options are "eigentraits", "raw_traits"
#' @param pairscan_null_size The total size of the null distribution.
#' This is DIFFERENT than the number of permutations to run. Each permutation
#' generates n choose 2 elements for the pairscan. So for example, a permutation
#' that tests 100 pairs of markers will generate a null distribution of size 4950.
#' This process is repeated until the total null size is reached. If the null size
#' is set to 5000, two permutations of 100 markers would be done to get to a null
#' distribution size of 5000.
#' @param max_pair_cor A numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating the maximum
#'   Pearson correlation that two markers are allowed. If the correlation
#'   between a pair of markers exceeds this threshold, the pair is not tested.
#'   If this value is set to NULL, min_per_genotype must have a numeric value.
#' @param min_per_geno The minimum number of individuals allowable per
#'   genotype. If for a given marker pair, one of the genotypes is
#'   underrepresented, the marker pair is not tested. If this value is NULL,
#'   max_pair_cor must have a numeric value.
#' @param model_family Indicates the model family of the phenotypes. This can be 
#'   either "gaussian" or "binomial".
#' @param marker_selection_method options are "top_effects", "uniform", "effects_dist", "by_gene"
#' @param run_parallel Whether to run the analysis on multiple CPUs
#' @param n_cores The number of CPUs to use if run_parallel is TRUE
#' @param verbose Whether to write progress to the screen
#' @keywords internal
pairscan_null <- function(data_obj, geno_obj = NULL, scan_what = c("eigentraits", "raw_traits"), 
  pairscan_null_size = NULL, max_pair_cor = NULL, min_per_geno = NULL, 
  model_family = "gaussian", 
  marker_selection_method = c("top_effects", "uniform", "effects_dist", "by_gene"), 
  run_parallel = FALSE, n_cores = 4, verbose = FALSE){
  marker_selection_method <- data_obj$marker_selection_method
  ref_allele <- data_obj$ref_allele
    stop("The total number of permutations must be specified.")
  #If the user does not specify a scan_what, 
  #default to eigentraits, basically, if eigen,
  #et, or ET are anywhere in the string, use the
  #eigentraits, otherwise, use raw phenotypes
  type_choice <- c(grep("eig", scan_what, ignore.case = TRUE), grep("ET", scan_what, ignore.case = TRUE)) #look for any version of eigen or eigentrait, the user might use.
  if(length(type_choice) > 0){ #if we find any, use the eigentrait matrix
    pheno <- data_obj$ET
    pheno <- data_obj$pheno #otherwise, use the raw phenotype matrix
  num_pheno <- dim(pheno)[2]
  #use the full genotype matrix to select 
  #markers for generating the null in the 
  geno <- get_geno(data_obj, geno_obj)
  #make a list to hold the results. 
  #Tables from each of the phenotypes will be
  #put into this list
  results_perm_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = num_pheno)
  #generate the null distribution for the pairscan 
  #do a singlescan on each permuted trait.
  #find the top n markers
  #combine these into a unique list
  #do the pairscan on these markers for all traits
    cat("\nGenerating null distribution...\n")
  all_pairs_tested <- NULL
  n_top_markers <- ncol(data_obj$geno_for_pairscan)
  final_perm <- 1
  while(final_perm < pairscan_null_size){
    perm_order <- sample(1:dim(pheno)[1])
    if(marker_selection_method != "by_gene" && marker_selection_method != "from_list"){
      single_scan_result <- array(NA, dim = c(length(data_obj$geno_names[[3]]), num_pheno, (dim(geno)[[2]]-1)))
      dimnames(single_scan_result) <- list(data_obj$geno_names[[3]], colnames(pheno), dimnames(geno)[[2]][-which(
        dimnames(geno)[[2]] == ref_allele)])
      if(verbose){cat("Performing single marker scans of permuted traits.\n")}
      covar_info <- get_covar(data_obj)

      for(p in 1:num_pheno){ 
        if(verbose){cat("\t", colnames(pheno)[p], "...\n")}
        one_singlescan_tstats <- one_singlescanDO(phenotype_vector = pheno[perm_order,p], 
        		genotype_mat = geno, covar_table = covar_info$covar_table, 
            ref_allele = ref_allele, model_family = model_family, run_parallel = run_parallel, 
            n_cores = n_cores)
        single_scan_result[,p,] <- one_singlescan_tstats
      if(verbose){cat("Selecting markers for permuted pairscan...\n")}				
      #use this singlescan to select markers for a permuted pairscan
      if(marker_selection_method == "top_effects"){
        perm_data_obj <- select_markers_for_pairscan(data_obj, 
          singlescan_obj = single_scan_result, geno_obj, num_alleles = n_top_markers, 
          peak_density = data_obj$peak_density, window_size = data_obj$window_size, 
          tolerance = data_obj$tolerance, plot_peaks = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
      # if(marker_selection_method == "by_gene"){
        # #if we are using a gene-based method
        # #use a permuted gene list to select
        # #SNPs near genes
        # perm_data_obj <- select_markers_for_pairscan.by_gene(data_obj, ref_allele = ref_allele, 
          # geno_obj = geno_obj, gene.list = sample(gene.list), 
          # num.snps = ncol(data_obj$geno_for_pairscan), organism = data_obj$organism)
      # }
      if(marker_selection_method == "from_list"){
        single_scan_result <- list("ref_allele" = ref_allele)
        specific_markers <- colnames(data_obj$geno_for_pairscan)
        perm_data_obj <- select_markers_for_pairscan(data_obj, 
          singlescan_obj = single_scan_result, geno_obj, specific_markers = specific_markers)
    if(verbose){cat("\tGetting markers for permuted pairscan...\n")}
    top_marker_pairs <- get_pairs_for_pairscan(gene = perm_data_obj$geno_for_pairscan, 
      max_pair_cor = max_pair_cor, min_per_genotype = min_per_geno, 
      run_parallel = run_parallel, n_cores = n_cores, verbose = verbose)
    total_pairs <- nrow(top_marker_pairs)
    num_to_add <- 10
    #we don't need to do extra permutations
    #so trim the final pair matrix down to get only
    #the specified number of permutations plus a few
    #because some pairs are always rejected
    if(final_perm+dim(top_marker_pairs)[1] > pairscan_null_size){
      num_needed <- pairscan_null_size - final_perm
      #testing just one pair was messing this up, so 
      #always test at least two pairs
      rows_to_take <- min(c(nrow(top_marker_pairs), (num_needed+(min(c(num_to_add, total_pairs))))))
      top_marker_pairs <- top_marker_pairs[1:rows_to_take,,drop=FALSE]
    if(verbose){cat("\tTesting", dim(top_marker_pairs)[1], "pairs...\n")}
    all_pairs_tested <- rbind(all_pairs_tested, top_marker_pairs)
    #run the pairscan for each permuted phenotype and the pairs we just found
    if(verbose){cat("Performing marker pair scans of permuted traits...\n")}
    for(p in 1:num_pheno){
      if(verbose){cat("\t", colnames(pheno)[p], "...\n")}
      #run a pairscan on these markers and each permuted phenotype
      pairscan_results <- one_pairscan_parallel(perm_data_obj, 
        phenotype_vector = pheno[perm_order,p], 
        genotype_matrix = perm_data_obj$geno_for_pairscan, 
        paired_markers = top_marker_pairs, n_perm = 0, run_parallel = run_parallel, 
        n_cores = n_cores, verbose = verbose)
      #integrate the results into the permutation object
      one_perm <- pairscan_results[[1]]
      #because there will be different numbers of markers each time, just take 
      #the marker names, the intercept, and the effects for marker1 marker2 and 
      #their interaction
      # last.col = dim(one_perm[[1]])[2]
      # take.col <- c(1:3, (last.col-2):last.col)
      if(final_perm == 1){ #if this is the first time through, just copy the results into the results_perm_list
        for(i in 1:2){ #get the effects and the se
          # results_perm_list[[p]][[i]] <- one_perm[[i]][,take.col]
          results_perm_list[[p]][[i]] <- one_perm[[i]]
        results_perm_list[[p]][[3]] <- one_perm[[3]]
          for(i in 1:length(one_perm)){
            results_perm_list[[p]][[i]] <- rbind(results_perm_list[[p]][[i]], one_perm[[i]])
    final_perm <- dim(results_perm_list[[1]][[1]])[1] #end looping through phenotypes
    if(verbose){cat("\t", final_perm, " null tests: ", round((final_perm/pairscan_null_size)*100), "%...\n", sep = "")} 
  } #end when we have enough permutations
  names(results_perm_list) <- colnames(pheno)
  results_list <- list("pairscan_perm" = results_perm_list, "pairs_tested_perm" = all_pairs_tested)
TheJacksonLaboratory/CAPE documentation built on June 29, 2024, 7:19 p.m.