

test_that("The output has the right format", {
    nbCovs <- 2
    nbStates <- 3
    nbObs <- 10
    covs <- cbind(rep(1, nbObs), rnorm(nbObs), rpois(nbObs, 5))
    beta <- matrix(rnorm(18), ncol = nbStates*(nbStates-1), nrow = nbCovs+1)
    trMat <- trMatrix_rcpp(nbStates, beta, covs)

    expect_equal(dim(trMat), c(nbStates, nbStates, nbObs))

test_that("Rows sum to 1", {
    nbCovs <- 2
    nbStates <- 3
    nbObs <- 10
    covs <- cbind(rep(1, nbObs), rnorm(nbObs), rpois(nbObs, 5))
    beta <- matrix(rnorm(18), ncol = nbStates*(nbStates-1), nrow = nbCovs+1)
    trMat <- trMatrix_rcpp(nbStates, beta, covs)

    expect_equal(length(which(apply(trMat, 3, rowSums)-1>1e-15)), 0) # cannot expect 1 exactly
TheoMichelot/moveHMM documentation built on March 18, 2024, 2:38 a.m.