
Defines functions fitKNN

Documented in fitKNN

#' @name fitKNN
#' @title Fit using K-nearest neighbour
#' @description Model adegency matrix using K-nearest neighbour approach
#' @param data An object of the class alienData, see \code{\link{alienData}}.
#' @param distFrom Character string defining which distance (or dissimilarity) to apply on the "From" species. Check \code{\link[vegan]{vegdist}} for the distances to choose from. Default is "jaccard".
#' @param distTo Character string defining which distance (or dissimilarity) to apply on the "To" species. Check \code{\link[vegan]{vegdist}} for the distances to choose from. Default is "jaccard".
#' @param distTraitFrom Character string defining which distance (or dissimilarity) to apply on the traits of the "From" species. Check \code{\link[vegan]{vegdist}} for the distances to choose from. If the value is left to NULL, \code{traitDistFrom} (or \code{phyloDistFrom}) in the data (\code{\link{alienData}}) is used directly. Default is NULL.
#' @param distTraitTo Character string defining which distance (or dissimilarity) to apply on the "To" species. Check \code{\link[vegan]{vegdist}} for the distances to choose from. If the value is left to NULL, \code{traitDistTo} (or \code{phyloDistTo}) in the data (\code{\link{alienData}}) is used directly. Default is NULL. 
#' @param weight Numeric. Defines the contribution of the traits (or phylogeny) in the analysis. Must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.5.
#' @param nNeig Integer  defining how many neighbours to consider.
#' @param phylo Logical. Whether phylogenetic information should be used instead of traits to measure neighbourhood. Default is FALSE.
#' @details
#' This function should only be used for bipartite adjacency matrices.
#' The function is designed in such a way that if the argument \code{distTraitFrom} is defined it will build a distance matrix using \code{traitFrom} in the \code{\link{alienData}} object even if \code{distTraitFrom} is available in \code{\link{alienData}} object. The same is true for the argument \code{distTraitTo}.
#' The argument \code{weight} defines the important of traits (or phylogeny) in the analysis. If a weight of 0 is given, the traits (or phylogeny) are assumed to have no importance. Conversely, if \code{weight} is 1 the traits (or phylogeny) are given their full importance in the analysis.
#' If \code{phylo} is TRUE, the cophenetic distance is used to calculate the distance between pairs of species.
#' When ranking the species to find the \code{nNeig} nearest neighbour, in case of ties the argument \code{tie.method} in the \code{\link{rank}} function is set to "first". Also, when ranking the species, it is assumed that the species is not a neighbour of itself.
#' NAs were removed in the calculation of the distances whenever they were present, but also in the calculation of the interaction probability. For species where all distance values are NAs, the returned interactions probability will be 0.
#' @author
#' F. Guillaume Blanchet and Dominique Gravel
#' @return
#' An object with a class alienFit and a class fitKNN.
#' @importFrom vegan vegdist
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix as.dist
#' @importFrom ape cophenetic.phylo
#' @export

fitKNN <- function(data, distFrom = "jaccard", 
                   distTo = "jaccard",
                   distTraitFrom = NULL,
                   distTraitTo = NULL, 
                   weight = 0.5, nNeig, phylo = FALSE){
  # Check
  stopifnot(class(data) == "alienData")
  if(weight > 1 | weight < 0){
    stop("'weight' needs to be between 0 and 1")
  if(weight < 0){
    if(is.null(distTraitFrom) | is.null(distTraitTo)){
      stop("distTraitFrom and distTraitTo cannot be NULL if weight is < 0")
  # Get adjacency matrix
  adjMat <- data$adjMat
  # Basic information
  nFromSp <- nrow(adjMat)
  nToSp <- ncol(adjMat)
  # Distance species
  distFromSp <- as.matrix(vegan::vegdist(adjMat,
                                         method = distFrom, na.rm = TRUE))
  distToSp <- as.matrix(vegan::vegdist(t(adjMat),
                                       method = distTo, na.rm = TRUE))
  # Distance traits
    # From traits
        distFromTr <- matrix(0, nrow = nFromSp, ncol = nFromSp)
        rownames(distFromTr) <- rownames(distFromSp)
        colnames(distFromTr) <- colnames(distFromSp)
        distFromTr <- data$traitDistFrom
      # Get trait matrix
      traitFrom <- stats::model.matrix(~ -1 +.,
                                       data = data$traitFrom)
      # Distance traits
      distFromTr <- as.matrix(vegan::vegdist(traitFrom,
                                             method = distTraitFrom,
                                             na.rm = TRUE))
    # To traits
        distToTr <- matrix(0, nrow = nToSp, ncol = nToSp)
        rownames(distToTr) <- rownames(distToSp)
        colnames(distToTr) <- colnames(distToSp)
        distToTr <- data$traitDistTo
      # Get trait matrix
      traitTo <- stats::model.matrix(~ -1 +., 
                                     data = data$traitTo)
      # Distance traits
      distToTr <- as.matrix(vegan::vegdist(traitTo,
                                           method = distTraitTo, 
                                           na.rm = TRUE))
    # Distance phylo
    # From phylo
      distFromTr <- matrix(0, nrow = nFromSp, ncol = nFromSp)
      rownames(distFromTr) <- rownames(distFromSp)
      colnames(distFromTr) <- colnames(distFromSp)
      # Cophenetic phylogenetic distance
      distFromTr <- data$phyloDistFrom
    # To phylo
      distToTr <- matrix(0, nrow = nToSp, ncol = nToSp)
      rownames(distToTr) <- rownames(distToSp)
      colnames(distToTr) <- colnames(distToSp)
      # Cophenetic phylogenetic distance
      distToTr <- data$phyloDistTo
  # Make sure distFromTr is a matrix
  distFromTr <- as.matrix(distFromTr)
  # Make sure distToTr is a matrix
  distToTr <- as.matrix(distToTr)
  distFromTrUnique <- unique(as.vector(distFromTr))
  distToTrUnique <- unique(as.vector(distToTr))
  if((length(distFromTrUnique) == 1 && distFromTrUnique == 0) | (length(distToTrUnique) == 1 && distToTrUnique == 0)) {
    weight <- 0
    print("weight was set to 0 because no trait information is available for at least one group of species")
  # Trait weighted distance
  wDistFromSp <- (1 - weight) * distFromSp + weight * distFromTr
  wDistToSp <-  (1 - weight) * distToSp + weight * distToTr
  # Result object
  res <- matrix(NA, nrow = nFromSp, ncol = nToSp)
  dimnames(res) <- list(rownames(data$adjMat),
  # For a warning at the end
  countWrongNeigFrom <- 0
  countWrongNeigTo <- 0
  for(i in 1:nFromSp) {
    for(j in 1:nToSp) {
      # Order  distance for the focal species
      FromSpOrder <- order(wDistFromSp[,i], na.last = TRUE)
      ToSpOrder <- order(wDistToSp[,j], na.last = TRUE)
      # Find duplicate values and their order for the "From" species
      FromSpOrderDup <- numeric()
      for(k in 1:nFromSp){
          FromSel <- which(wDistFromSp[FromSpOrder[k],i] == wDistFromSp[,i])
          FromSpOrderDup[FromSel] <- k

      # Find duplicate values and their order for the "To" species
      ToSpOrderDup <- numeric()
      for(k in 1:nToSp){
          ToSel <- which(wDistToSp[ToSpOrder[k],j] == wDistToSp[,j])
          ToSpOrderDup[ToSel] <- k

      # Remove NA in order
      FromSpOrderNoNA <- FromSpOrderDup[which(!is.na(FromSpOrderDup))]
      ToSpOrderNoNA <- ToSpOrderDup[which(!is.na(ToSpOrderDup))]

      # Unique rank values (and remove focal species)
      FromSpOrderUnique <- sort(unique(FromSpOrderNoNA))[-1]
      ToSpOrderUnique <- sort(unique(ToSpOrderNoNA))[-1]
      # Find the interaction for the "To" focal species to all the "From" species
      interTo <- numeric()
      for(k in FromSpOrderUnique){
        if(k == min(FromSpOrderDup, na.rm = TRUE)){
          interTo[k] <- mean(adjMat[which(FromSpOrderDup == k)[-1],j], na.rm = TRUE)
          interTo[k] <- mean(adjMat[which(FromSpOrderDup == k),j], na.rm = TRUE)
      # Find the interaction for the "From" focal species to all the "To" species
      interFrom <- numeric()
      for(k in ToSpOrderUnique){
        if(k == min(FromSpOrderDup, na.rm = TRUE)){
          interFrom[k] <- mean(adjMat[i,which(ToSpOrderDup == k)[-1]], na.rm = TRUE)
          interFrom[k] <- mean(adjMat[i,which(ToSpOrderDup == k)], na.rm = TRUE)
      # Remove NAs in the interaction found
      interToNoNA <-  interTo[which(!is.na(interTo))]
      interFromNoNA <-  interFrom[which(!is.na(interFrom))]
      # Calculate KNN values for To to From interactions
      if(length(interToNoNA) < nNeig){
        countWrongNeigTo <- countWrongNeigTo + 1
        KNNTo <- sum(interToNoNA) / length(interToNoNA) / 2
        interToNoNA <- interToNoNA[1:nNeig]
        KNNTo <- sum(interToNoNA) / nNeig / 2
      # Calculate KNN values for From to To interactions
      if(length(interFromNoNA) < nNeig){
        countWrongNeigTo <- countWrongNeigTo + 1
        KNNFrom <- sum(interFromNoNA) / length(interFromNoNA) / 2
        interFromNoNA <- interFromNoNA[1:nNeig]
        KNNFrom <- sum(interFromNoNA) / nNeig / 2
      # Calculate KNN values
      res[i, j] <- sum(c(KNNTo, KNNFrom), na.rm = TRUE)
  if((countWrongNeigTo + countWrongNeigFrom) > 0){
    warning(paste("There are", countWrongNeigTo + countWrongNeigFrom,
                  "interactions that were calculated with less than",
                  nNeig, "neighbours"))
  # Add model as attribute
  baseAttr <- attributes(res)
  attributes(res) <- list(dim = baseAttr$dim,
                          dimnames = baseAttr$dimnames,
                          alienData = data,
                          distFrom = distFrom,
                          distTo = distTo,
                          distTraitFrom = as.dist(distFromTr),
                          distTraitTo = as.dist(distToTr),
                          nNeig = nNeig,
                          phylo = phylo)
  # Define object class
  class(res) <- c("alienFit", "fitKNN")
  # Return result
TheoreticalEcosystemEcology/alienR documentation built on Dec. 25, 2021, 5:59 p.m.