
Defines functions family_fun samplecensored

Documented in family_fun samplecensored

#' @title  Evaluate GAMLSS family functions from gamlss object
#' @description Function that, given a "gamlss" object, evaluates the
#'   distribution-specific functions under predicted parameters of the provided dataframe
#'   "predictdata". \cr
#'   The distribution-specific functions are density, cumulative distribution function, quantile
#'   function and random generation for the given family of the gamlss object. \cr
#'   CAUTION: Exactly ONE of the arguments x, q, p, n MUST be specfied! \cr
#'   Also make sure that n is a multiple of nrow(predictdata)!
#' @param object gamlss fit object
#' @param func character. "d", "p", "q", "r" for either density, distribution function,
#'   quantile or random data generation.
#' @param fitdata dataframe. Data used as input.
#' @param predictdata dataframe. Containing the observations for which the
#'   parameters are predicted.
#' @param x,q scalar numeric. Quantile value if density or probability function
#'   used respectively.
#' @param p scalar numeric. Probability value if quantile function used.
#' @param n scalar numeric. Number of observations if random generator function used.
#' @param ... argumenst to be passed to the called distributional function.
#' @return Depending on the choice of func, the respective vector of
#'   (d)density-, (p)probability- , (q)quantile- or (r)random values is returned.
#' @examples 
#' # Simulating a dataset
#' ld <- simulateData(n= 300,
#' param.formula = list(mu = ~exp(x1) + x2 + x3, sigma = ~sin(x2)),
#' name = 'x1', subset = ~ (x2 < 0.3 & x3 < 0.4), prob = 0.8, 
#' damage =c(0.3, 0.9), family = 'NO', 
#' correlation = NULL)$defected
#' # Fitting a gamlss model
#' lmodel <- gamlss(formula = y ~ . -indicator, data=ld)
#' nl <- length(ld$x1[ld$indicator==1])
#' lpredict.df <- data.frame(x1 = runif(n = nl), x2 = runif(n = nl), x3 = runif(n = nl), indicator = 1)
#' family_fun(lmodel, func = 'r',ld, lpredict.df, n = nrow(lpredict.df))
#' @export

family_fun <- function(object, func = c('d', 'p', 'q', 'r'), fitdata, predictdata ,p = NULL, q = NULL, x = NULL, n = NULL, ...) {
  func <- match.arg(func)
    if(func == 'r' & n%%nrow(predictdata) != 0){
      stop('Length of provided parameter vector (e.g. mu) for rfamily is not a multiple
            of nrow(predictdata). n > length(mu) implies, that the draws from multivariate 
            distributions are stacked. If n is not a multiple, the last vector that
            is to be stacked will be drawn from a shorter multivariate distribution.')
  # Find the correct family function to evaluate:
  fam_name <- object$family[1]
  f_fun <- paste(func, fam_name, sep= '')
  # Predict on predictdata to get mu, sigma, nu and tau vectors:
  prd <- predictAll(
    object = object,
    type = "response",
    newdata = predictdata,
    data = fitdata
  # Save all parameters in a list:
  param <- list(
    mu = prd$mu,
    sigma = prd$sigma,
    nu = prd$nu,
    tau = prd$tau,
    x = x,
    q = q,
    p = p,
    n = n,
  # Kick out NULL parameters:
  param <- param[!sapply(param, is.null)] 
  # Ensure correct argument pairs:
  if (any(!names(param) %in% names(formals(f_fun)))) {
    stop("One of x,q,p,n,... arguments doesn't match with the distributional function 
         (e.g. dNO, pNO, qNO, rNO). See the family's documentation for admissable arguments.")
  return(do.call(f_fun, param))

#' @title Inverse sampling - GAMLSS
#' @description Inverse sampling of censored variables to impute only valid
#'   observations, conditional on the respective fit.
#' @param object gamlss object. Fitted model whose parameters are predicted for
#'   predictdata.
#' @param censtype character. Specifies the type of censoring (right/left/interval/missing).
#' @param predictdata dataframe. Predict-data of the missing/censored
#'   observations, for which imputations are drawn.
#' @param fitdata data.frame. The orignal dataset upon which gamlss was fitted.
#' @param censor character. Name of the (damaged) column to be predicted on in
#'   predictdata. This is only required if censtype is NOT "missing".
#' @param intervalstart character. Name of the column of the interval's starting
#'   values. By convention, the starting duration in this column is assumed to
#'   be the time passed without failure, before entering the interval, in which
#'   the exact time of failure is unknown.
#' @param quantiles numeric vector. Containing the quantiles to be evaluated in the
#'   conditoned distribution, i.e. conditoned on the parameters and the
#'   information contained in the censored value.
#' @return Returns draws and quantiles.
#' @examples
#' # Simulating a dataset
#' ld <- simulateData(n= 300,
#' param.formula = list(mu = ~exp(x1) + x2 + x3, sigma = ~sin(x2)),
#' name = 'x1', subset = ~ (x2 < 0.3 & x3 < 0.4), prob = 0.8, 
#' damage =c(0.3, 0.9), family = 'NO', 
#' correlation = NULL)$defected
#' # Fitting a gamlss model
#' lmodel <- gamlss(formula = y ~ . -indicator, data=ld)
#' nl <- length(ld$x1[ld$indicator==1])
#' lpredict.df <- data.frame(x1 = runif(n = nl), x2 = runif(n = nl), x3 = runif(n = nl), indicator = 1)
#' samplecensored(lmodel ,censtype = 'left', lpredict.df, ld, censor = "x1")
#' @export

samplecensored <- function(object,
                           quantiles = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95),
                           intervalstart = NULL) {
  # quantprob i.e. an auxilliary data frame with row-wise repeated quantiles vector:
  quantprob <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(quantiles, times = nrow(predictdata)),
                                    byrow = TRUE, nrow = nrow(predictdata)))
  # WICKHAM STYLE: Make calls more readable!
  # Always same arguments are passed  (i.e. object, fitdata, predictdata):
  f <- function(object, fitdata, predictdata) {
    g <- function(func, p = NULL, q = NULL, x = NULL, n = NULL) {
      family_fun(object, func, fitdata, predictdata, p, q, x, n)
  # Closure; ffamily still a function:
  ffamily <- f(object = object, fitdata = fitdata, predictdat = predictdata)
  if(censtype == 'missing') {
    return(list(draw = ffamily(func = 'r', n = nrow(predictdata)),
                quantiles = apply(quantprob,
                                  MARGIN = 2,
                                  FUN = function(q) ffamily(func = 'q', p = q)))
  } else if (censtype == 'right') {
    # pindex is the cumulative probability up until the censored variable:
    pindex <- ffamily(func = 'p', q = predictdata[[censor]])
    # Inverse sampling:
    psample <- runif(n = nrow(predictdata), min = pindex, max = 1)
    draw <- ffamily(func = 'q', p = psample)
    # Remap the quantiles on the applicable region in the cdf (psample):
    qindex <- (1 - pindex)*quantprob + pindex
  }else if (censtype == 'left'){
    # pindex is the cumulative probability up until the censored variable.
    # Note that position in psample is reverted to 'right':
    pindex <- ffamily(func =  'p',  q = predictdata[[censor]])
    # Inverse sampling:
    psample <- runif(n = nrow(predictdata), min = 0, max = pindex)
    draw <- ffamily(func = 'q', p = psample)
    # Remap the quantiles on the applicable region in the cdf (psample):
    qindex <- (pindex - 0)*quantprob 
  }else if (censtype == 'interval'){ 
    # Applicable inverse sampling region is within the interval:
    pindexupper = ffamily(func = 'p', q = predictdata[[censor]])
    pindexlower = ffamily(func = 'p', q = predictdata[[intervalstart]])
    # Inverse sampling:
    psample <- runif(n = nrow(predictdata), min = pindexlower, max = pindexupper)
    draw <- ffamily(func =  'q', p = psample)
    # Remap the quantiles on the applicable region in the cdf (psample):
    qindex <- (pindexupper-pindexlower)*quantprob + pindexlower
    stop('Invalid censtype: Must be one of missing/right/left/interval!')
  # Evaluate the rescaled quantiles on the (known) parametrized distribution:
  quantiles <- apply(qindex,
                     MARGIN = 2,
                     FUN = function(q) ffamily(func = 'q', p = q)
  return(list(draw = draw, 
              quantiles = quantiles))
TiStat/Imputegamlss documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:25 a.m.