
# This function is seperated from hSIMEX.r
NWDecridgeL1OCUknown <- function(n, W, Y, phiU, h, rhogrid, midbin, 
								 indbin, nbin, kernel_type) {
	# Author: Aurore Delaigle
	# Compute a version of weighted CV used in SIMEX, for binned data
	# W plays the role of the contaminated data
	# midbin is the vector of the centers of the binned data that play the role 
	# of the non contaminated data

	# Default values of phiU(t)=characteristic function of the errors
	# If you want to consider another error type, simply replace phiU by the 
	# characteristic function of your error type

	kernel_list <- kernel(kernel_type, coarse = TRUE)
	phiK <- kernel_list$phik
	t <- kernel_list$tt
	dt <- t[2] - t[1]

	th <- t / h
	longt <- length(t)

	# Compute the empirical characteristic function of W (times n) at t/h: 
	# \hat\phi_W(t/h)
	OO <- outer(W, th)
	csO <- cos(OO)
	snO <- sin(OO)
	rehatphiW <- colSums(csO)
	imhatphiW <- colSums(snO)

	# Compute \sum_j Y_j e^{itW_j/h}
	renum <- Y %*% csO
	imnum <- Y %*% snO

	# Compute \hat m(M_i) where M_i is the middle of the bin in which X_i (the 
	# non contaminated data) lies
	xt <- outer(th, midbin)
	cxt <- cos(xt)
	sxt <- sin(xt)
	cxt <- cxt[, indbin]
	sxt <- sxt[, indbin]

	phiUth <- phiU(th)
	matphiKU <- phiK(t) / phiUth
	Den <- (rehatphiW * matphiKU) %*% cxt + (imhatphiW * matphiKU) %*% sxt
	Num <- (renum * matphiKU) %*% cxt + (imnum * matphiKU) %*% sxt

	# Compute from there the leave-one-out version \hat m_{-i}(M_i)
	csO <- t(csO)
	snO <- t(snO)

	Den <- Den - matphiKU %*% (csO * cxt) - matphiKU %*% (snO * sxt)
	for (i in seq_len(n)) {
		csO[, i] <- csO[, i] * Y[i]
		snO[, i] <- snO[, i] * Y[i]

	Num <- Num - matphiKU %*% (csO * cxt) - matphiKU %*% (snO * sxt)

	# Finally compute weighted CV,  where the ith term of the sum is weighted by 
	# f_W(W_i)
	rhogrid <- rhogrid * (2 * pi * h * n) / dt
	hW <- 1.06 * sqrt(stats::var(W)) * n^(-1 / 5)
	xout <- outer(W, W, "-")

	fWEF <- stats::dnorm(xout, 0, hW) %*% (numeric(n) + 1/n)

	CV <- 0 * rhogrid
	for (krho in seq_along(rhogrid))	{
		rho <- rhogrid[krho]
		dd <- Den
		dd[which(dd<rho)] <- rho

		mhatstar <- Num / dd
		dim(mhatstar) <- c(1, n)		
		CV[krho] <- sum(t(fWEF) * (Y - mhatstar)^2)
TimothyHyndman/deconvolve documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:51 p.m.