
#' Bandwidth Selectors for Deconvolution Kernel Density Estimation
#' Computes a bandwidth for the deconvolution kernel estimator of the density of
#' \eqn{X} from data \eqn{W_{i1} = X_i + U_{i1}, i=1,...,n} when the distribution 
#' of \eqn{U_i} is known, unknown, or estimated from replicates, \eqn{W_{i1} = X_i + U_{i1}}
#' and \eqn{W_{i2} = X_i + U_{i2}}. If 'SIMEX' algorithm used, computes a bandwidth for use in
#' deconvolution regression of data \eqn{(W_i, Y_i)}  where \eqn{Y_i = g(X_i) + V_i} and \eqn{W_i = X_i + U_i}.
#' The function \code{bandwidth} chooses from one of seven different methods
#' depending on how the error distribution is defined/computed and which 
#' algorithm is selected.
#' \strong{PI for known homoscedastic error distribution:} If \code{algorithm = "PI"} and the error
#' distribution is defined by either a single function \code{phiU}, or a single value
#' \code{sd_U} along with its \code{errortype}, then the method used is as
#' described in Delaigle and Gijbels (2002) and Delaigle and Gijbels (2004).
#' \strong{PI for known heteroscedastic error distributions:} If \code{algorithm = "PI"} and the
#' error distributions are defined by a either a vector of functions \code{phiU}, or a vector
#' \code{sd_U} along with its (unique) \code{errortype} then the method used is as
#' described in Delaigle and Meister (2008).
#' \strong{PI for unknown homoscedastic error distribution estimated from replicates:} 
#' If \code{algorithm = "PI"} and a replicate vector \code{W2} is supplied and the errors are
#' assumed to be homoscedastic, then the error distribution is estimated using replicates as 
#' described in the main deconvolution code and then the PI bandwidth for known errors is used,
#' with the true error distribution replaced by its estimator.
#' \strong{PI for unknown heteroscedastic error distribution estimated from replicates:} 
#' If \code{algorithm = "PI"} and a replicate vector \code{W2} is supplied and the errors are
#' heteroscedastic, then the density of \eqn{X} is estimated as described in Delaigle and Meister (2008)
#' with adjustments described in \code{deconvolve} and the PI bandwidth uses arguments similars to the 
#' ones used for the PI bandwidth for known errors, described in Delaigle and Meister (2008),
#' is used, but adapated to the unknown error case.
#' \strong{PI for unknown homoscedastic error distribution estimated without replicates:} 
#' If \code{algorithm = "PI"} and the errors are not supplied, then the error distribution 
#' is estimated using the method described in Delaigle and Hall (2016) and then the bandwidth 
#' is calculated using the method described in Delaigle and Gijbels (2002) and Delaigle and 
#' Gijbels (2004) except that the error distribution is replaced by its estimator.
#' \strong{CV:} If \code{algorithm = "CV"} then the method used is the corss-validation described
#' in Stefanski and Carroll (1990) and Delaigle and Gijbels (2004).
#' \strong{SIMEX:} If \code{algorithm = "SIMEX"} then the method used is the SIMEX procedure
#' described in Delaigle and Hall (2008).
# Is this only for regression (above)? Same question below:
#' \strong{SIMEX for Replicates:} If \code{algorithm = "SIMEX"} and a 
#' replicate vector \code{W2} is supplied, then \eqn{phi_U} is calculated using 
#' replicates and SIMEX is performed as according to 
#' \code{use_alt_SIMEX_rep_opt}.
#' The order in which we choose the methods is as follows:
#' \enumerate{
#' 	\item If provided, use \code{phiU} to define the errors, otherwise
#' 	\item If provided use \code{errortype} and \code{sd_u} to define the errors, otherwise
#' 	\item If provided, use the vector of replicates \code{W2} to estimate the error distribution, otherwise
#' 	\item We use the method for unknown homoscedastic error distribution estimated without replicates.
#' }
#' Note that in both 1 and 2, if a vector of replicates \code{W2} is provided we
#' augment the data in \code{W1} with that in \code{W2}.
#' @inheritParams deconvolve
#' @param algorithm One of \code{"PI"} for plug-in bandwidth, \code{"CV"} for
#' cross-validation bandwidth or \code{"SIMEX"}. If \code{"CV"} then the errors 
#' must be homoscedastic. \code{"PI"} can only be used if your kernel has finite 
#' second order moment and finite squared integral.
#' @param Y A vector of the univariate dependent data (used in the regression setting). 
#' Only required for 'SIMEX' algorithm.
#' @param n_cores Number of cores to use when using SIMEX algorithm. If
#' \code{NULL}, the number of cores to use will be automatically detected.
#' @param sd_U The standard deviations of \eqn{U}. A single value for
#' homoscedastic errors and a vector having the same length as \code{W1} for
#' heteroscedastic errors.
#' @param seed Set seed for SIMEX. Allows for reproducible results using SIMEX.
#' @param use_alt_SIMEX_rep_opt Only used with SIMEX based on replicates. If 
#' \code{TRUE}, performs SIMEX on \eqn{W = (W1 + W2)/2} and samples \eqn{U*} 
#' from \eqn{(W1 - W2)}. The default performs SIMEX on \eqn{W = (W1, W2)} and 
#' and samples \eqn{U*} from \eqn{(W1 - W2)/\sqrt 2}.
# Does U^* really come from (W1 - W2) since this has twice the variance of W?
#' @return A data-driven bandwidth. If using 'SIMEX' algorithm then returns a
#' list containing the bandwidth 'h' and ridge parameter 'rho'.
#' @section References:
#' Delaigle, A. and Gijbels, I. (2002). Estimation of integrated squared density
#' derivatives from a contaminated sample. \emph{Journal of the Royal
#' Statistical Society, B}, 64, 4, 869-886.
#' Delaigle, A. and Gijbels, I. (2004). Practical bandwidth selection in
#' deconvolution kernel density estimation. \emph{Computational Statistics and
#' Data Analysis}, 45, 2, 249 - 267.
#' Delaigle, A. and Hall, P. (2008). Using SIMEX for smoothing-parameter choice
#' in errors-in-variables problems. \emph{Journal of the American Statistical
#' Association}, 103, 481, 280-287
#' Delaigle, A. and Hall, P. (2016). Methodology for non-parametric
#' deconvolution when the error distribution is unknown. \emph{Journal of the
#' Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)}, 78, 1,
#' 231-252.
#' Delaigle, A., Hall, P., and Meister, A. (2008). On Deconvolution with  
#' repeated measurements. \emph{Annals of Statistics}, 36, 665-685 
#' Delaigle, A. and Meister, A. (2008). Density estimation with heteroscedastic
#' error. \emph{Bernoulli}, 14, 2, 562-579.
#' Stefanski, L. and Carroll, R.J. (1990). Deconvoluting kernel density
#' estimators. \emph{Statistics}, 21, 2, 169-184.
#' @author Aurore Delaigle, Timothy Hyndman, Tianying Wang
#' @example man/examples/bandwidth_eg.R
#' @export

bandwidth <- function(W1, 
					  W2 = NULL, 
					  errortype = NULL, 
					  sd_U = NULL, 
					  phiU = NULL, 
					  Y = NULL,
					  algorithm = c("PI", "CV", "SIMEX"), 
					  n_cores = NULL,
					  kernel_type = c("default", "normal", "sinc"), 
					  seed = NULL,
					  use_alt_SIMEX_rep_opt = FALSE,
					  het_replicates = FALSE){

	# Partial matching ---------------------------------------------------------
	dist_types <- c("normal", "laplace")
	if (!is.null(errortype)) {
		errortype <- dist_types[pmatch(tolower(errortype), dist_types)]
		if (is.na(errortype)) {
			stop("Please provide a valid errortype.")

	algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm)
	kernel_type <- match.arg(kernel_type)

	# Determine error type provided --------------------------------------------
	if (!is.null(phiU)) {
		if (length(phiU) > 1) {
			errors <- "het"
		} else {
			errors <- "hom"
	} else if (!is.null(errortype) & !is.null(sd_U)) {
		if (length(sd_U) > 1) {
			errors <- "het"
		} else {
			errors <- "hom"
	} else if (!is.null(W2)) {
		if (het_replicates) {
			errors <- "het_rep"
		} else {
			errors <- "rep"
	} else {
		errors <- "sym"

	# Augment W1 with W2 if provided along with phiU or sd_U and errortype
	if ((errors == "het" | errors == "hom") & !is.null(W2)) {
		W1 <- c(W1, W2)
		W2 <- NULL
		if (!is.null(phiU)) {
			warning("Both phiU and W2 have been provided. Continuing using errors defined by phiU and augmenting W1 with the data in W2.")
		} else {
			warning("Errortype and sd_U as well as W2 have been provided. Continuing using errors defined by errortype and sd_U and augmenting W1 with the data in W2.")

	if (!is.null(phiU) & !is.null(errortype) & !(algorithm == "SIMEX")) {
		warning("Both phiU and errortype provided. Continuing ignoring errortype.")

	# Check inputs -------------------------------------------------------------
	if (errors == "het") {
		if (is.null(phiU)) {
			if ((length(sd_U) == length(W1)) == FALSE) {
				stop("sd_U must be either length 1 for homoscedastic errors or have the same length as W1 for heteroscedastic errors.")
		} else {
			if ((length(phiU) == length(W1)) == FALSE) {
				stop("phiU must be either length 1 for homoscedastic errors or have the same length as W1 for heteroscedastic errors.")

	if ((errors == "het" | errors == "hom")  & is.null(sd_U)) {
		stop("You must provide sd_U along with the errors.")

	if (errors == "rep"){
		if (!(length(W1) == length(W2))) {
			stop("W1 and W2 must be the same length.")

	# if ((algorithm == "CV" | algorithm == "PI" | algorithm == "SIMEX") == FALSE) {
	# 	stop("algorithm must be one of: 'PI', 'CV', or 'SIMEX'.")
	# }

	if (algorithm == "CV") {
		if (!(errors == "hom")) {
			stop("Algorithm type 'CV' can only be used with homoscedastic

	# if ((errors == "sym") & (!(algorithm == "PI"))) {
	# 	stop("You must use the PI algorithm if the errors are not supplied.")
	# }

	if (is.null(sd_U) & (errors == "hom" & algorithm == "PI")) {
		stop("You must supply sd_U to use the PI algorithm when the errors are homoscedastic.")

	if (algorithm == "SIMEX") {
		if (is.null(Y)) {
			stop("You must supply Y to use SIMEX.")
		if (errors == "het") {
			stop("Algorithm type 'SIMEX' can only be used with homoscedastic
		if ((is.null(sd_U) | is.null(errortype)) & is.null(W2)) {
			stop("Algorithm 'SIMEX' requires that the errors are provided using either W2 or errortype and sd_U.")

	if (kernel_type == "normal") {
		warning("You should only use the 'normal' kernel when the errors are 
			Laplace or convolutions of Laplace.")

	if (kernel_type == "sinc" & algorithm == "PI") {
		stop("You cannot use the 'sinc' kernel with the plug-in algorithm.")
	# if (errors == "sym" & is.null(sd_U)) {
	# 	stop("You must provide an estimate for sd_U when the errors are estimated.")
	# }

	# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	n <- length(W1)

	if (algorithm == "SIMEX") {
		kernel_list <- kernel(kernel_type, coarse = TRUE)
	} else {
		kernel_list <- kernel(kernel_type)

	phiK <- kernel_list$phik
	muK2 <- kernel_list$muk2
	RK <- kernel_list$rk
	tt <- kernel_list$tt
	deltat <- tt[2] - tt[1]

	# Convert errortype to phiU ------------------------------------------------
	if ((errors == 'hom') | (errors == 'het') ) {
		if(is.null(phiU)) {
			phiU <- create_phiU(errors, errortype, sd_U)

	# Perform appropriate bandwidth calculation --------------------------------

	if (algorithm == "CV"){
		output <- CVdeconv(n, W1, phiU, phiK, muK2, RK, deltat, tt)

	if (algorithm == "SIMEX" & errors == "hom") {
		generate_U_star <- create_generate_U_star(W1, W2, errortype, sd_U)
		output <- hSIMEXUknown(W1, Y, generate_U_star, sd_U, phiU, kernel_type, 
							   n_cores, seed)

	if (algorithm == "SIMEX" & errors == "rep") {
		diff <- W1 - W2
		sd_U <- sqrt(stats::var(diff)/2)
		n <- length(W1)
		hnaive <- ((8 * sqrt(pi) * RK/3/muK2^2)^0.2) * 
			sqrt(stats::var(W1)) * n^(-1/5)
		h_min <- hnaive / 3
		t_search <- tt/h_min
		phi_U <- create_replicates_phi_U(W1, W2, t_search)
		generate_U_star <- create_generate_U_star(W1, W2, errortype, sd_U, use_alt_SIMEX_rep_opt)

		if (use_alt_SIMEX_rep_opt) {
			W_bar <- (W1 + W2)/2
			output <- hSIMEXUknown(W_bar, Y, generate_U_star, sd_U, phi_U, kernel_type, 
								   n_cores, seed)
		} else {
			W_full <- c(W1, W2)
			Y_full <- c(Y, Y)
			output <- hSIMEXUknown(W_full, Y_full, generate_U_star, sd_U, phi_U, kernel_type, 
								   n_cores, seed)

	if (algorithm == "PI" & errors == "het") {
		n <- length(W1)
		varX <- max(mean(W1^2) - (mean(W1))^2 - sum(sd_U^2) / n, 1/n)
		output <- PI_deconvUknownth4het(W1, varX, phiU, kernel_type)

	if (algorithm == "PI" & errors == "hom") {
		sd_X <- sqrt(max(stats::var(W1) - sd_U^2, 1/n))
		output <- plugin_bandwidth(W1, phiU, sd_X, kernel_type)

	if (algorithm == "PI" & errors == "rep") {
		diff <- W1 - W2
		sd_U <- sqrt(stats::var(diff)/2)
		n <- length(c(W1, W2))
		sd_X <- sqrt(max(stats::var(c(W1, W2)) - sd_U^2, 1/n))
		hnaive <- ((8 * sqrt(pi) * RK/3/muK2^2)^0.2) * 
			sqrt(stats::var(c(W1, W2))) * n^(-1/5)
		h_min <- hnaive / 3
		t_search <- tt/h_min
		phi_U <- create_replicates_phi_U(W1, W2, t_search)

		output <- plugin_bandwidth(c(W1, W2), phi_U, sd_X, kernel_type)
	if (algorithm == "PI" & errors == "het_rep") {
		#Code here
		diff2 <- (W1 - W2)/2
		sum2 <- (W1 + W2)/2
		sd_U2 <- sqrt(stats::var(diff2))
		n <- length(W1)
		sd_X <- sqrt(max(stats::var(sum2) - sd_U2^2, 1/n))
		hnaive <- ((8 * sqrt(pi) * RK/3/muK2^2)^0.2) * 
			sqrt(stats::var(sum2)) * n^(-1/5)
		h_min <- hnaive / 3
		t_search <- tt/h_min
		deno_U <- create_deno_het_phi_U(W1, W2, t_search)
		output <- PI_deconvUestth4het(W1,W2,hnaive, sd_X, deno_U, kernel_type)

	if (algorithm == "PI" & errors == "sym") {
		warning("The plug-in bandwidth method when the error is unknown and assumed symmetric is slow and unreliable in R. Consider instead using the MATLAB code found at <github.com/TimothyHyndman/deconvolve-supp>.")
		d <- DeconErrSymPmf(W1, 10, kernel_type)
		theta <- d$support
		p <- d$probweights
		t <- tt
		tt <- d$phi_W$t.values

		# Estimate Var(U) ------------------------------------------------------
		tt.BB.length <- 200		# Use a finer grid than tt
		tt.BB <- seq(tt[1], tt[length(tt)], length.out = tt.BB.length)
		sd_U <- sqrt(estimate_var_u(W1, tt.BB, theta, p))

		# Estimate PhiX and PhiU -----------------------------------------------
		phi.X <- ComputePhiPmf(theta, p, tt)
		phi.U <- d$phi_W$norm / Mod(phi.X)

		t_cutoff <- tt[length(tt)]
		phi_U_splined <- function(t) {
			phiU_spline(t, sd_U, t_cutoff, tt, phi.U)
		# Actually find bandwidth
		sd_X <- sqrt(max(stats::var(W1) - sd_U^2, 1 / n))
		output <- plugin_bandwidth(W1, phi_U_splined, sd_X, kernel_type)


create_generate_U_star <- function(W1, W2, errortype, sd_U, use_alt_SIMEX_rep_opt) {
	# Create function to generate vector of length n with same distribution as U
	n <- length(W1)

	if (!is.null(W2)) {
		if (use_alt_SIMEX_rep_opt) {
			generate_U_star <- function() {
				U_star <- sample((W1 - W2), replace = TRUE)
		} else {
			generate_U_star <- function() {
				U_star <- sample((W1 - W2)/sqrt(2), size = 2*n, replace = TRUE)

	if (!is.null(errortype)) {
		if (errortype == "laplace") {
			generate_U_star <- function() {
				U_star <- rlap(sd_U/sqrt(2), 1, n)	

		if (errortype == "normal") {
			generate_U_star <- function() {
				U_star <- stats::rnorm(n, 0, sd_U)	

TimothyHyndman/deconvolve documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:51 p.m.