
Defines functions GetRegions

Documented in GetRegions

#' @title Get BBS region names for download route data.
#' @description  Read in list of regions (State/Prov/TerrName), from RegionCodes.txt, and then extract list of where the 10-stop data is kept
#' @export GetRegions
#' @param Dir location of the BBS files. Do not change unless they make major changes.
#' @param bbsDir Location of the folder containing bbs raw data (defined in runthrough.rmd)
#' @export GetRegions
GetRegions <-
    function(Dir = "ftp://ftpext.usgs.gov/pub/er/md/laurel/BBS/DataFiles/",
             ZipFiles = TRUE, 
            bbsDir = NULL) {
        # Code to use if following section is buggy.. -----------------------------
        if(is.null(bbsDir)) {
            bbsDir <- here::here("bbsData")
        } # end bbsDir creation             
        # If the functiin doesn't work properly,  use this.
        File <- paste0(Dir, "RegionCodes.txt")
        newDir <- paste0(bbsDir, "/codes")
        # Download regionCodes.txt
        download.file(url = File,
                      destfile = paste0(newDir, "/RegionCodes.txt"))
        CountryCodes <- read_table(File, skip = 4,  col_names = F)[1:3, ]
        colnames(CountryCodes) <- c("countryNum", "countryName")

        RegionCodes <- read_table(File, skip = 11,  col_names = F)
        colnames(RegionCodes) <-
            c('countryNum',   'regionCode' , 'stateName')

        # Get zipfile names
        File <- paste0(Dir, "README.txt")
        newDir <- paste0(bbsDir,"/codes")
        # Download regionCodes.txt

        download.file(url = File,
                      destfile = paste0(newDir, "/README.txt"))
        readme.all = read.table(
            paste0(newDir, "/README.txt"),
            sep = "\n",
            fileEncoding = 'Latin1',
            skip = 168
        ) %>% as_tibble()

        readme.all = readme.all[1:62, ]

        zipf = readme.all %>%
            mutate(V1 =
            stringr::str_replace(V1,"Comma Delimited","")) %>%
            mutate(zipFileName =
                       stringr::word(V1, 1)) %>%
            mutate(stateName = str_squish(
                       toupper(stringr::word(V1, 2:3, -1)))) %>%
            dplyr::select(zipFileName, stateName)

        RegionCodes <-
            right_join(RegionCodes %>%  filter(countryNum != 484) %>%
                           mutate(stateName = toupper(stateName)),

# # Code I want to keep but is being buggy! ---------------------------------
#             File <- paste0(Dir, "RegionCodes.txt")
#             CountryWidths <- c(unlist(read.table(
#                 File,
#                 skip = 3,
#                 nrows = 1,
#                 stringsAsFactors = F
#             )))
#             # read in country metadata: use a connection to pass the encoding correctly
#             con <- file(File, encoding = "Latin1")
#             CountryCodes <-
#                 read.fwf(
#                     con,
#                     widths = 1 + nchar(CountryWidths),
#                     skip = 4,
#                     n = 3,
#                     header = F,
#                     stringsAsFactors = F,
#                     strip.white = TRUE
#                 )
#             # read column names
#             names(CountryCodes) <- c(unlist(read.table(
#                 File,
#                 skip = 2,
#                 nrows = 1,
#                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#             )))
#             # Read in state/province/terratory names and code
#             RegionWidths <- c(unlist(
#                 read.table(
#                     File,
#                     skip = 10,
#                     nrows = 1,
#                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#                 )
#             ))
#             con <- file(File, encoding = "Latin1")
#             RegionCodes <-
#                 read.fwf(
#                     con,
#                     widths = 1 + nchar(RegionWidths),
#                     skip = 11,
#                     header = FALSE,
#                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#                     strip.white = TRUE
#                 )
#             # read column names
#             names(RegionCodes) <- c(unlist(read.table(
#                 File,
#                 skip = 9,
#                 nrows = 1,
#                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#             )))
#             RegionCodes$CountryName <- vapply(RegionCodes$countrynum,
#                                               function(num, CCode) {
#                                                   CCode$CountryName[num == CCode$CountryNum]
#                                               }, FUN.VALUE = "character", CCode = CountryCodes)
#            # GET ZIP FILE NAMES for when I am downloading from the FTP
#         if (ZipFiles == TRUE) {
#             readme.all <-
#                 scan(
#                     paste0(Dir, "README.txt"),
#                     sep = "\n",
#                     what = character(),
#                     blank.lines.skip = FALSE,
#                     fileEncoding = "Latin1"
#                 )
#             readme.all <- gsub("\t", "", readme.all)
#             PrecedingLine <- grep("States Directory:", readme.all)
#             EndLine <-
#                 which(readme.all[PrecedingLine:length(readme.all)] == "")[1]
#             ZipF.tmp <-
#                 strsplit(readme.all[PrecedingLine + (2:(EndLine - 2))], '[ ]{2,}')
#             ZipF <-
#                 data.frame(
#                     State = unlist(lapply(ZipF.tmp, function(x)
#                         x[3])),
#                     File = unlist(lapply(ZipF.tmp, function(x)
#                         x[1])),
#                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#                 )
#             RegionCodes$zipFileName <-
#                 vapply(RegionCodes$`State/Prov/TerrName`,
#                        function(Name, zipf) {
#                            #    Name <- "Newfoundland and Labrador"
#                            file <-
#                                zipf$File[tolower(zipf$State) == tolower(Name)]
#                            if (length(file) == 0) {
#                                Which.file <- vapply(tolower(zipf$State), function(state)
#                                    any(grepl(
#                                        paste0("^", state), tolower(Name)
#                                    )), FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
#                                file <- zipf$File[Which.file]
#                            }
#                            if (length(file) == 0)
#                                file <- as.character(NA)
#                            file
#                        }, FUN.VALUE = "character", zipf = ZipF)
#         }
#         RegionCodes <- RegionCodes %>%
#             dplyr::rename(
#                 countryNum = countrynum,
#                 regionCode = RegionCode,
#                 countryName = CountryName,
#                 stateName = `State/Prov/TerrName`
#             )

# Return object -----------------------------------------------------------


TrashBirdEcology/bbsRDM documentation built on July 21, 2019, 2:18 a.m.