
Defines functions multiple_images_with_immune_rings

Documented in multiple_images_with_immune_rings

#' Simulate multiple images with immune rings
#' @description Generate a set of images with different immune ring properties.
#'   The default values for the arguments give an example of multiple image
#'   simulation which enable an automatic multiple image simulation without the
#'   specification of any argument.
#' @param bg_sample A data frame or `SpatialExperiment` class object with
#'   locations of points representing background cells. Further cell types will
#'   be simulated based on this background sample. The data.frame or the
#'   `spatialCoords()` of the SPE object should have colnames including
#'   "Cell.X.Positions" and "Cell.Y.Positions". By default use the internal
#'   \code{\link{bg1}} background image.
#' @param cluster_size Numeric Vector. The size of the cluster. If numeric, all
#'   simulated images have the same cluster size. If vector, images with a range
#'   of different cluster sizes will be simulated. The size should not exceed
#'   the limit of the image sides.
#' @param ring_shape Number. Choose from one of the following pre-designed
#'   shapes (1,2 or 3). The pre-designed shape contains information of the cell
#'   names of the cluster, the infiltration cell types, the proportions of
#'   infiltration, the cluster size, the ring width, the proportions of
#'   infiltrated cells into immune rings and the cluster centre locations. In
#'   order to simulate a set of images, use the arguments below to specify the
#'   ranges of the properties. The predefined cell types can not be changed,
#'   while users can change them manually after the simulation.
#' @param prop_infiltration Numeric Vector. The degree of infiltration. If
#'   numeric, all simulated images have the same infiltration degree. If vector,
#'   images with a range of different infiltration proportions will be
#'   simulated.
#' @param ring_width Numeric Vector. The width of the immune ring. If numeric,
#'   all simulated images have the same ring width. If vector, images with a
#'   range of different ring widths will be simulated.
#' @param cluster_loc_x Numeric or Vector. The X location of the cluster center
#'   offset. If numeric, all simulated images have the same center X location.
#'   If vector, images with a range of different center locations will be
#'   simulated.
#' @param cluster_loc_y Numeric or Vector of the same length of `cluster_loc_x`.
#'   The Y location of the cluster center offset.
#' @param prop_ring_infiltration Numeric or Vector. The degree of tumour
#'   infiltration in the region of immune rings.
#' @param plot_image Boolean Whether plot the simulated images or not.Default is
#'   TRUE.
#' @param plot_categories String Vector specifying the order of the cell
#'   cateories to be plotted. Default is NULL - the cell categories under the
#'   "Cell.Type" column would be used for plotting.
#' @param plot_colours String Vector specifying the order of the colours that
#'   correspond to the `plot_categories` arg. Default is NULL - the predefined
#'   colour vector would be used for plotting.
#' @family simulate multiple images functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{multiple_background_images}} for simulating multiple
#'   mixed background images, and \code{\link{multiple_images_with_clusters}}
#'   for simulating multiple images with clusters.
#' @return A list of spe objects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(610)
#' ring_image_list <- multiple_images_with_immune_rings(bg_sample = bg1,
#' ring_shape = 1, prop_infiltration = 0, ring_width = seq(50,100,10),
#' cluster_size = 200, cluster_loc_x = 0, cluster_loc_y = 0,
#' prop_ring_infiltration = seq(0, 0.2,0.05), plot_image = TRUE)
multiple_images_with_immune_rings <- function(bg_sample = bg1,
                                              cluster_size = 200,
                                              ring_shape = 1,
                                              prop_infiltration = 0,
                                              ring_width = seq(50,100,10),
                                              cluster_loc_x = 0,
                                              cluster_loc_y = 0,
                                              prop_ring_infiltration = seq(0, 0.2,0.05),
                                              plot_image = TRUE,
                                              plot_categories = NULL,
                                              plot_colours = NULL){
    ## CHECK
    if (!is.data.frame(bg_sample) & !methods::is(bg_sample, "SpatialExperiment")) {
        stop("`bg_sample` should be either a data.frame or a SpatialExperiment object!")
    if(!is.numeric(cluster_size) | !is.numeric(prop_infiltration) |
       !is.numeric(ring_width) | !is.numeric(cluster_loc_x) |
       !is.numeric(cluster_loc_y) | !is.numeric(prop_ring_infiltration)){
        stop(" One or more of `cluster_size`, `prop_infiltration`, `ring_width`, `cluster_loc_x`, `cluster_loc_y`, `prop_ring_infiltration` is not numeric!")
    if(!(ring_shape %in% c(1, 2, 3))){
        stop("`ring_shape` must be one of `1`, `2`, and `3`!")
    if (!is.null(plot_categories) & !is.null(plot_categories)){
        if (length(plot_categories) != length(plot_colours)){
            stop("`plot_categories` and `plot_colours` should be of the same length!")

    if (methods::is(bg_sample, "SpatialExperiment")) {
        bg_sample <- get_colData(bg_sample)}

    # count the image number
    i <- 0
    list.images <- list()

    # choose a cluster shape (predefined in the package)
    if (ring_shape == 1){
        n_immune_rings <- 3
        properties_of_immune_rings_temp <- R_shape1
        # if the cluster size is too small, adjust the locations of some of the sub shapes
        size_threshold <- 100
    else if(ring_shape == 2){
        n_immune_rings <- 2
        properties_of_immune_rings_temp <- R_shape2
        # if the cluster size is too small, adjust the locations of some of the sub shapes
        size_threshold <- 100
    else if(ring_shape == 3){
        n_immune_rings <- 2
        properties_of_immune_rings_temp <- R_shape3
        # if the cluster size is too small, adjust the locations of some of the sub shapes
        size_threshold <- 100

    # loop through the properties
    for (size in cluster_size){
        for (infil in prop_infiltration){
            for (width in ring_width){
                y_idx <- 0
                for (loc_x in cluster_loc_x) {
                    # find the corresponding y loc
                    y_idx <- y_idx + 1
                    loc_y <- cluster_loc_y[y_idx]
                    for (ring_infil in prop_ring_infiltration){
                        i <- i + 1 # image count

                        # change the properties of the cluster based on the current loop
                        properties_of_immune_rings <- properties_of_immune_rings_temp
                        for (k in seq_len(length(properties_of_immune_rings))){
                            # change the sizes of the default shape
                            properties_of_immune_rings[[k]]$size <-
                                properties_of_immune_rings[[k]]$size + size
                            # change the default infiltration proportions
                            properties_of_immune_rings[[k]]$infiltration_proportions[1] <- infil
                            # change the default centre locations
                            properties_of_immune_rings[[k]]$centre_loc[1] <-
                                properties_of_immune_rings[[k]]$centre_loc[1] + loc_x
                            properties_of_immune_rings[[k]]$centre_loc[2] <-
                                properties_of_immune_rings[[k]]$centre_loc[2] + loc_y
                            # change the immune ring width
                            properties_of_immune_rings[[k]]$immune_ring_width <- width
                            # change the immune ring infiltration proportion
                            properties_of_immune_rings[[k]]$immune_ring_infiltration_proportions[1] <-

                        # simulate the image
                        image <- TIS(bg_sample = bg_sample,
                                     n_immune_rings = n_immune_rings,
                                     properties_of_immune_rings = properties_of_immune_rings,
                                     plot_categories = plot_categories)

                        if (plot_image){
                            if(is.null(plot_categories)) plot_categories <- unique(image$Cell.Type)
                            if (is.null(plot_colours)){
                                plot_colours <- c("gray","darkgreen", "red",
                                                  "darkblue", "brown", "purple",
                                                  "lightblue", "lightgreen",
                                                  "yellow", "black", "pink")}
                            phenos <- plot_categories
                            plot_cells(image, phenos, plot_colours[seq_len(length(phenos))], "Cell.Type")
                        list.images[[i]] <- image}}}}}
TrigosTeam/spaSim documentation built on May 25, 2023, 4:20 p.m.