#' Extract single nucleotide variant signatures
#' @description Will output a 1-column matrix containing: (if output=='signatures') the absolute
#' signature contributions (i.e. the number of mutations contributing to each mutational signature),
#' or (if output=='contexts') the mutation contexts, or (if output=='df') a dataframe with each
#' mutation annotated by context
#' @param vcf.file Path to the vcf file
#' @param df A dataframe containing the columns: chrom, pos, ref, alt. Alternative input option to
#' vcf.file
#' @param output Output the absolute signature contributions (default, 'signatures'), the
#' 96-trinucleotide contexts ('contexts'), or an annotated bed-like dataframe ('df')
#' @param sample.name If a character is provided, the header for the output matrix will be named to
#' this. If none is provided, the basename of the vcf file will be used.
#' @param ref.genome A BSgenome reference genome. Default is BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19. If another
#' reference genome is indicated, it will also need to be installed.
#' @param signature.profiles A matrix containing the mutational signature profiles, where rows are
#' the mutation contexts and the columns are the mutational signatures.
#' @param verbose Print progress messages?
#' @return A 1-column matrix containing the context counts or signature contributions
#' @export
extractSigsSnv <- function(
vcf.file=NULL, df=NULL, output='signatures', sample.name=NULL,
ref.genome=DEFAULT_GENOME, signature.profiles=SBS_SIGNATURE_PROFILES_V2,
verbose=F, ...
## Init --------------------------------
if(verbose){ message('Loading variants...') }
df <- variantsFromVcf(vcf.file, verbose=verbose, ...)
if(verbose){ message('Initializing SNV signature output vector...') }
context_counts <- structure(
rep(0, length(SUBS_CONTEXTS_96)),
## Filter variants
df <- subsetSmnvs(df, type='snv', verbose=verbose)
## Main --------------------------------
if(nrow(df)!=0){ ## Don't process empty vcfs
## Convert string to variable name
if(is.character(ref.genome)){ ref.genome <- eval(parse(text=ref.genome)) }
if(verbose){ message('Getting SNV trinucleotide contexts...') }
df$substitution <- paste0(df$ref,'>',df$alt)
df$tri_context = BSgenome::getSeq(
x = ref.genome,
names = df$chrom,
start = df$pos - 1,
end = df$pos + 1,
## Check for weird nucleotides
which_weird_nt <- sort(unique(c(
' variants containing nucleotides other than A,T,C,G were removed (rows: ',
paste(which_weird_nt, collapse=', '), ')'
df <- df[-which_weird_nt,]
if(nrow(df)==0){ warning('No variants remained after removing weird nucleotides') }
if(verbose){ message('Converting trinucleotide contexts to substitution contexts...') }
## Get trinucleotide contexts that don't conform to C>N or T>N
select_opp_types <- which(!(df$substitution %in% SUBSTITUTIONS))
## Reverse complement for non-conforming contexts
df[select_opp_types,'tri_context'] <- IRanges::reverse(
chartr('ATGC', 'TACG', df[select_opp_types,'tri_context'])
## Single nt can simply be complemented (no need to reverse)
df[select_opp_types,'substitution'] <- chartr('ATGC', 'TACG', df[select_opp_types,'substitution'])
## Convert trinucleotide context to substitution context
df$context <- paste0(
substr(df$tri_context, 1, 1),
'[', df$substitution, ']',
substr(df$tri_context, 3, 3)
df$context <- factor(df$context, names(context_counts))
## Update context_counts
## Count context occurrences. Fill found contexts into context_counts
if(verbose){ message('Counting substitution context occurrences...') }
context_counts_new <- table(df$context)
context_counts[names(context_counts_new)] <- context_counts_new
## Output --------------------------------
if(verbose){ message('Returning annotated bed-like dataframe...') }
if(verbose){ message('Returning context counts...') }
out <- as.matrix(context_counts)
} else if(output=='signatures'){
if(verbose){ message('Returning absolute signature contributions...') }
## Least squares fitting
out <- fitToSignatures(context_counts, signature.profiles)
names(out) <- colnames(signature.profiles)
out <- as.matrix(out)
if(verbose & !is.data.frame(df)){ warning("Input to extractSigsSnv() contained no variants. Returning dataframe of 0's") }
colnames(out) <-
if(!is.null(vcf.file)){ basename(vcf.file) }
else { 'unknown_sample' }
} else {
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