#' Various transformation of contexts (e.g. into mutational signatures)
#' @description Performs the following transformations of each mut type (snv, dbs, indel, sv) in the
#' following order: simplify, least-squares fitting, calculate relative counts. Simplify flattens
#' the 96 snv contexts into 6 contexts, indel contexts into their types (mh, rep, none),
#' and SV type/length contexts into SV type. Least-squares fitting converts contexts into
#' signatures.
#' @param contexts A list containing data frames of snv, indel, and/or sv contexts. Alternatively,
#' these can be specified with the arguments: snv, indel, or sv. This is handy if one only wants to
#' transform a matrix of a certain mut type
#' @param snv See argument 'contexts'.
#' @param indel See argument 'contexts'.
#' @param sv See argument 'contexts'.
#' @param simplify.types Which types to flatten. Accepts: 'snv','indel','sv','all'
#' @param lsqnonneg.types Which types to fit to signatures. Accepts: 'snv', 'sv','all'
#' @param rel.types Which types to convert to relative contribution. Accepts: 'snv','indel','sv','all'
#' @param sig.profiles.snv SNV sig profiles used for lsqnonneg. Defaults to 30 COSMIC signatures
#' @param sig.profiles.dbs DBS sig profiles used for lsqnonneg. Defaults to PCAWG DBS signatures
#' @param sig.profiles.sv SV sig profiles used for lsqnonneg. Defaults to 6 SV signatures from 560
#' breast cancer paper
#' @param export.list Output a list with the split mutation types rather than a matrix?
#' @return A matrix or data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' base_dir <- '/Users/lnguyen/hpc/cog_bioinf/cuppen/project_data/Luan_projects/CHORD/Breast_Organoids/matrices/'
#' contexts <- list(
#' snv = readSigsAsDf(paste0(base_dir,'/snv_contexts')),
#' indel = readSigsAsDf(paste0(base_dir,'/indel')),
#' sv = readSigsAsDf(paste0(base_dir,'/sv_contexts'))
#' )
#' transformContexts(contexts, simplify.types=c('snv','indel','sv'), rel.types=c('snv','indel','sv'))
transformContexts <- function(
contexts=NULL, snv=NULL, dbs=NULL, indel=NULL, sv=NULL,
simplify.types=NULL, lsqnonneg.types=NULL, rel.types=NULL,
snv <- if(!is.null(contexts$snv)){ contexts$snv }
dbs <- if(!is.null(contexts$dbs)){ contexts$dbs }
indel <- if(!is.null(contexts$indel)){ contexts$indel }
sv <- if(!is.null(contexts$sv)){ contexts$sv }
out <- list()
if(any(c('snv','all') %in% simplify.types)){
snv_split <- splitDfRegex(SUBSTITUTIONS, df = snv)
snv <- do.call(cbind, lapply(snv_split, rowSums))
colnames(snv) <- gsub('>','.',SUBSTITUTIONS)
if(any(c('snv','all') %in% lsqnonneg.types)){
snv <- fitToSignatures(mut.context.counts=contexts$snv, signature.profiles=sig.profiles.snv)
if(any(c('snv','all') %in% rel.types)){
snv <- snv/rowSums(snv)
snv[is.na(snv)] <- 0
out$snv <- snv
if(any(c('dbs','all') %in% lsqnonneg.types)){
dbs <- fitToSignatures(mut.context.counts=contexts$dbs, signature.profiles=sig.profiles.dbs)
if(any(c('dbs','all') %in% rel.types)){
dbs <- dbs/rowSums(dbs)
dbs[is.na(dbs)] <- 0
out$dbs <- dbs
if(any(c('indel','all') %in% simplify.types)){
indel_types <- c('del.rep', 'ins.rep', 'del.mh', 'ins.mh', 'del.none', 'ins.none')
indel_split <- splitDfRegex(indel_types, df = indel)
indel <- do.call(cbind, lapply(indel_split, rowSums))
colnames(indel) <- indel_types
if('indel' %in% lsqnonneg.types){
stop('Indel least-squares fit signatures have not been implemented in this version')
if(any(c('indel','all') %in% rel.types)){
indel <- indel/rowSums(indel)
indel[is.na(indel)] <- 0
out$indel <- indel
if(any(c('sv','all') %in% simplify.types)){
sv_types <- c('DEL', 'DUP', 'INV', 'TRA')
sv_split <- splitDfRegex(sv_types, df = sv)
sv <- do.call(cbind, lapply(sv_split, rowSums))
colnames(sv) <- paste0('SV.',sv_types)
if(any(c('sv','all') %in% lsqnonneg.types)){
sv <- fitToSignatures(mut.context.counts=contexts$sv, signature.profiles=sig.profiles.sv)
if(any(c('sv','all') %in% rel.types)){
sv <- sv/rowSums(sv)
sv[is.na(sv)] <- 0
out$sv <- sv
if(export.list){ return(out) }
return( do.call(cbind, unname(out)) )
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