#' Import John's Hopkins COVID-19 data
#' @param type what dataset do you want returned? cases, recoveries or deaths
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cases <- import_jhu("cases")
#' }
import_jhu_data <- function(type){
stopifnot(length(type) != 0 & type %in% c("cases", "recoveries", "deaths"))
# Select the type of data to pull
type_url <- dplyr::case_when(type == "cases" ~ tsCases,
type == "recoveries" ~ tsRecov,
type == "deaths" ~ tsDeaths)
df <- readr::read_csv(file.path(paste0(jhuRepo, type_url)), col_types = c(.default = "d",
`Province/State` = "c",
`Country/Region` = "c"))
df <- reshape_jhu_covid(df)
if(type == "recoveries")
df <- dplyr::rename(df, recoveries = cases, daily_recoveries = daily_cases)
if(type == "deaths")
df <- dplyr::rename(df, deaths = cases, daily_deaths = daily_cases)
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