
Defines functions open_path curr_date temp_folder connect_text is_installed is_pdap is_loaded is_stored package_check check_status check_internet

Documented in check_internet check_status connect_text curr_date is_installed is_loaded is_pdap is_stored open_path package_check temp_folder

#' Check internet connection
#' @return A boolean or stops
#' @keywords internal

check_internet <- function(){


    stop("No internet connection. Cannot excecute API.")

#' Test status of query
#' @param res response
#' @return A boolean or stops
#' @keywords internal

check_status <- function(res){


  if(httr::status_code(res) == 200)
    stop("The API returned an error")

#' Check if package exists
#' @param pkg package name
#' @export
#' @keywords internal

package_check <- function(pkg){
  if (!requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop(paste("Package", pkg, "needed for this function to work. Please install it."),
         call. = FALSE)

#' Test if service is stored in credential manager
#' @param service account, either "email", "datim", "pano", "s3", "pdap"
#' @export
#' @return A boolean

is_stored <- function(service = c("datim", "email", "pano", "s3", "pdap")){

  if(length(service) > 1){
    service <- base::match.arg(service)
    usethis::ui_info("Multiple services selected; returning value for the only the first: {usethis::ui_field(service)}")

  if(service == "pdap" && is_pdap()){


  accounts <- keyring::key_list()$service

  {{service}} %in% accounts


#' Test if option variable is loaded in current session
#' @param opt_var option variable ("datim", "email", "path_msd", "path_datim", "path_vector", "path_raster")
#' @return A boolean
#' @keywords internal

is_loaded <- function(opt_var){



#' Test if the user is working on the PDAP environment in Posit Workbench
#' @return a boolean
#' @keywords internal
is_pdap <- function(){

#' Test if package is installed locally
#' @param package name of R package to check
#' @return A boolean
#' @keywords internal

is_installed <- function(package){
  {{package}} %in% rownames(installed.packages())

#' @title Clean and connect parts of text together
#' @param txt          String charactors
#' @param connections  Characters to be replaced by connector
#' @param connector    Charactor used as connector
#' @return cleaned text
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' connect_text("THIS - is complex (very bad)")}
connect_text <- function(txt,
                         connections = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]",
                         connector = "_") {


  text <- base::sapply(txt, function(x) {
    x %>%
      stringr::str_split(connections) %>%
      base::unlist() %>%
      stringi::stri_remove_empty() %>%
      base::paste0(collapse = connector)


#' @title Negate in
#' @description negate `%in%`
#' @export
`%ni%` <- Negate(`%in%`)

#' @title Assignment Pipe Operator
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @export

#' Generate Temporary Folder
#' `temp_folder` created a temporary folder in your AppData directory, which
#' will be automatically removed after you close your RStudio session.
#' @param launch do you want to launch the temp folder in the Windows Explorer?
#'  default = FALSE
#' @param quiet suppresses the output message related to the folder creation
#' and location, for use in sub functions, default = FALSE
#' @return creates a temp directory and stores it as `folderpath_tmp`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' load_secrets()
#' temp_folder(launch = TRUE)
#' purrr::walk2(.x = df_googlefiles$id,
#'              .y = df_googlefiles$filename,
#'              .f = ~googledrive::drive_download(googledrive::as_id(.x),
#'                                                file.path(folderpath_tmp, .y))) }
temp_folder <- function(launch = FALSE, quiet = FALSE){


  folderpath_tmp <<- fs::dir_create(fs::file_temp())

  if(quiet == FALSE){
    usethis::ui_info("A temporary folder is now available here: {usethis::ui_path(folderpath_tmp)}")
    usethis::ui_info("The folder path is stored as the object {usethis::ui_code('folderpath_tmp')}")

  if(launch == TRUE)


#' @title Get formatted current date
#' @param fmt Date format
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  curr_date()
#'  curr_date(fmt = "%m/%d/%Y")
#' }
curr_date <- function(fmt = "%Y-%m-%d") {
  d <- base::Sys.Date()

  if (!base::is.null(fmt)) {
    d <- base::format(d, fmt)


#' @title Open directory explorer or files
#' @param path Full path of the file to be opened
#' @note This assumes default applications are set for various file type
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  dir_name <- "C:/Users/<username>/Downloads"
#'  open_path(dir_name)
#'  file_name <- "C:/Users/<username>/Downloads/test.csv"
#'  open_path(file_name)
#' }
open_path <- function(path) {
USAID-OHA-SI/glamr documentation built on July 6, 2024, 6:39 a.m.