
Defines functions RMevents

Documented in RMevents

#' RMevents
#' Rainfall event determination
#' @description
#' Compute rainfall event variables based on time series of rain data with only one rain
#' gage or one mean radar rain column.
#' @param df dataframe with rainfall
#' @param ieHr numeric Interevent period in hours, defaults to 6, 
#' @param rainthresh numeric Minimum event depth in units of the rain column, default is given as 5.1 assuming millimeters (0.2")
#' @param rain string Column name of rainfall unit values, defaults to "rain"
#' @param time string column with as.POSIXctdate, defaults to "pdate"
#' @return list of all rain events that surpass rainthresh (storms2) and all rain events (storms). Also returns all
#' a data frame of all rain observations > 0 with the associated date/time and assigned event number (tipsbystorm) and 
#' the minimum time difference between observations (timeInterval)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' RDB <- CedarRRain
#' RDB2 <- RMprep(RDB,
#'                prep.type = 1,
#'                date.type = 1,
#'                dates.in = "CST.Time",
#'                tz = "CST6CDT")
#' event.list <- RMevents(df = RDB2,
#'                        ieHr = 6,
#'                        rainthresh = 0.2,
#'                        rain = "upload.ph3_site_basin_cedar_creek.Id.0....Geographical.Mean.kg.m.2.")
#' events.0.2 <- event.list$storms2
RMevents <- function(df,ieHr=6,rainthresh=5.1,rain="rain",time="pdate"){
  if(!time %in% names(df)){
    stop("Supplied 'time' column name not in df")
    stop("All time values are NA")
  #ieMin <- ieHr * 60 # compute interevent period in minutes
  #dateOrigin <- as.POSIXct('1884-01-01 00:00',origin = '1884-01-01 00:00')
  # make sure data are arranged in order by time
  df <- df[order(df[,time]), ]
  # be sure to remove any repeated rows
  df <- unique(df)
  df <- df[df[rain] != 0,]
  df <- df[df[rain] > 0.00001,]
  df["event"] <- NA
  df[1, "event"] <- 1
  dif_time <- diff(df[[time]])
  timeInterval <- min(dif_time)
  df$dif_time[2:nrow(df)] <- dif_time
  ie <- ifelse(units(dif_time) == "mins", ieHr * 60, ieHr)
  # loop that assigns each row to an event number based on dif_time
  for (i in 2:nrow(df)){
    if (dif_time[[i-1]] >= ie) {
      df$event[i] <- df$event[i-1] + 1
    } else {
      df$event[i] <- df$event[i-1]
  rain.events <- stats::aggregate(x = df[[rain]], 
                                  by = list(df$event), sum) #find sum of rain in each event
  # create new variable so can use in dplyr function
  time_quo <- rlang::sym(time)
  start.dates <- dplyr::group_by(df, event) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(start_date = min(!!time_quo, na.rm = TRUE)) #find minimum date for each event
  start.dates <- start.dates$start_date - timeInterval
  end.dates <- group_by(df, event) %>%
    summarize(end_date = max(!!time_quo))
  end.dates <- end.dates$end_date
  out <- data.frame(stormnum = rain.events[,1],
                    StartDate = start.dates,
                    EndDate = end.dates,
                    rain = rain.events[,2])
  out2 <- subset(out, rain >= rainthresh, row.names = FALSE)
  return(list(storms2 = out2,
              storms = out,
              tipsbystorm = df[,c(rain, time, 'dif_time', 'event')], 
              timeInterval = timeInterval))
USGS-R/Rainmaker documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:05 a.m.