
Defines functions plot_var_df

Documented in plot_var_df

#'Plot variables from a data frame
#'@param data a dataframe directly from GLM output or field data. First column must be date/dateTime (Date or POSIXct format). 
#'Second column is depth. Subsequent columns are variable data. Format can be wide or long. If long format, can support multiple variables. 
#'@param var_name a character vector of the variable names
#'@param interpolate Logical; FALSE = do not inteprolate data. TRUE = Interpolate data to daily timestep and 1 m depth interval
#'@param fig_path Default is NULL (only plots to screen). Enter string path to save as output file. File type can be anything supported by \code{\link[ggplot2:ggsave]{ggplot2:ggsave}}. See examples. 
#'@param legend.title Vector string; Default (`NULL`) will use variable and units from netcdf file
#'@param text.size Integer; Default is 12. Higher values will increase text size in plot.
#'@param show.legend Logical; TRUE to show legend (default), FALSE to hide legend
#'@param legend.position String; Legend position. Default is 'right'. Options: 'left','right','top','bottom'
#'@param plot.title Vector string; Default is no title. 
#'@param color.palette See \code{\link[ggplot2:scale_color_distiller]{ggplot2:scale_color_distiller}} . If a string, will use that named palette. Default is 'RdYlBu'. If a number, will index into the list of palettes of appropriate. 
#' Palettes available include: Diverging:
#' BrBG, PiYG, PRGn, PuOr, RdBu, RdGy, RdYlBu, RdYlGn. Spectral. Qualitative: Accent, Dark2, Paired, Pastel1, Pastel2, Set1, Set2, Set3. Sequential:
#' Blues, BuGn, BuPu, GnBu, Greens, Greys, Oranges, OrRd, PuBu, PuBuGn, PuRd, Purples, RdPu, Reds, YlGn, YlGnBu, YlOrBr, YlOrRd.
#'@param color.direction Sets the order of colors in the scale. If 1, colors are as output by brewer.pal. If -1, the order of colors is reversed (default).
#'@param reference String; 'surface' or 'bottom'. surface = Depths are referenced from the surface, bottom = Depths are referenced from the bottom (elevations)
#'@param zlim Color palette limits for z-variable. Default is maximum range of variable. Set as c(value,value). 
#'@param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link[ggplot2:ggsave]{ggplot2:ggsave}} 
#'@keywords methods
#'@seealso \code{\link{get_var}}, \code{\link{sim_var_longname}}, 
#'\code{\link{sim_vars}}, \code{\link{plot_var}}
#'\code{plot_var} uses the \code{\link[graphics]{layout}} function and so is restricted to a full page display.
#'When creating a heatmap, the output produced by \code{plot_var} is actually a combination of two plots; 
#'one is a \code{\link[graphics]{.filled.contour}} plot and the other is a legend.
#'Jordan S. Read, Luke A. Winslow, Hilary A. Dugan
#'nc_file <- system.file("extdata", "output/output.nc", package = "glmtools")
#'data = get_var(nc_file,'temp', reference = 'surface') 
#'plot_var_df(data, var_name = 'temp', interpolate = FALSE, legend.title = 'Temp (degC)')
#'#Saving plot
#'plot_var_df(data, var_name = 'temp',fig_path = '~/figtest.png', width = 6, height = 2, units = 'in')
#'# need to specify a valid .nc file here: 
#'plot_var(file = fabm_sim_nc.nc,
#'var_name = 'aed_oxygen_oxy', 
#'fig_path = 'aed_out.png')
#'@importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#'@importFrom readr parse_number
plot_var_df <- function(data, var_name, interpolate = F, fig_path = NULL, 
                     legend.title = var_name, text.size = 12, show.legend = TRUE, 
                     legend.position = 'right', plot.title = NULL, 
                     color.palette = 'RdYlBu', color.direction = -1,
                     reference = 'surface', zlim = NULL, ...) {
  # Determine data format
  if (lapply(data, class)[1] == 'Date') {
    data[,1] = as.POSIXct(paste(pull(data[,1]), '00:00:00'))
  # Determine number of variables
  num_divs <- length(var_name) 
  # Determine if wide or long data frame 
  if (num_divs == 1 & ncol(data) > 3) {
    wide = TRUE
    # Convert to long
    z_out = parse_number(names(data)[-1])
    if (reference == 'surface'){
      names.df = data.frame(names = names(data)[-1], depth.numeric = z_out, stringsAsFactors = F)
      # ylabel = 'Depth (m)'
    if (reference == 'bottom'){
      names.df = data.frame(names = names(data)[-1], depth.numeric = rev(z_out), stringsAsFactors = F)
      # ylabel = 'Elevation (m)'
    dataLong = gather(data = data, key = "depth", value = !!var_name, 
                      -"DateTime") %>%
      left_join(names.df, by = c('depth' = 'names')) %>% 
      arrange(get(names(data[1]))) %>% 
      rename('DateTime' = 1)
  } else {
    wide = FALSE
    if (is.numeric(pull(data[,2])) == FALSE) {
      z_out = parse_number(as.character(pull(data[,2])))
      dataLong = data %>% mutate(depth.numeric = z_out) %>% 
        rename('DateTime' = 1)
    } else {
      depth_column <- names(data)[2]
      dataLong     <- data %>% 
        mutate(depth.numeric = .data[[depth_column]]) %>%
        rename('DateTime' = 1)
  dataLong = data.frame(dataLong) #Get rid of tibble 

  # iterate through plots
  h = list() #for ggplots
  for (j in 1:num_divs) {
    plotdata = dataLong 
    if (interpolate == T) {
      dataClean <- dataLong %>% filter(across(everything(), 
                                              function(x) !is.na(x)))
      # Akima interpolation of observed data (Gridded Bivariate Interpolation for Irregular Data)
      observed_df = .interpolate2grid(dataClean, xcol = 1, ycol = 4, zcol = which(names(dataClean) == var_name[j]))
      names(observed_df) = c('DateTime','depth.numeric',var_name[j])
      plotdata = observed_df
    h[[j]] = .plot_df_heatmap(plotdata,var_name[j], legend.title[j], text.size, show.legend, legend.position, plot.title[j],
                                   color.palette, color.direction, zlim)
  # Saving plot 
  if (!is.null(fig_path)){
    ggsave(filename = fig_path,...)
  return(wrap_plots(h,ncol = 1))
USGS-R/glmtools documentation built on March 26, 2024, 5:43 p.m.