#' Adjust Implausible River Stage
#' Decrease stage values in river cells if they are implausible
#' with respect to water always flowing downhill.
#' @param r 'RasterLayer'.
#' Numeric cell values representing river stages.
#' @param outlets 'SpatialPoints*', 'SpatialLines*', 'SpatialPolygons*' or 'Extent'.
#' Designates the location of discharge outlets.
#' The \code{\link{rasterize}} function is used to locate outlet cells in the raster grid \code{r}.
#' @param min.drop 'numeric' number.
#' Minimum drop in stage between adjacent river cells.
#' @details The \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_algorithm}{Lee algorithm} (Lee, 1961)
#' is used to identify flow paths among the modeled river cells.
#' An analysis of river cell stage values along a flow path identifies any problematic cells
#' that are obstructing downhill surface-water flow.
#' Stage values for these problematic cells are then lowered to an acceptable elevation.
#' @return An object of class 'RasterLayer' with cell values representing the vertical change in stream stage.
#' These changes can be added to \code{r} to ensure that water always flows downhill.
#' @author J.C. Fisher, U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Water Science Center
#' @references
#' Lee, C.Y., 1961, An algorithm for path connections and its applications:
#' IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, v. EC-10, no. 2, p. 346--365.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @importClassesFrom raster BasicRaster
#' @export
BumpRiverStage <- function(r, outlets, min.drop=1e-06) {
r.save <- r
r.out <- raster::rasterize(outlets, r)
riv.cells <- which(!is.na(r[]))
out.cells <- which(!is.na(r.out[]))
adj.cells <- raster::adjacent(raster::raster(r), cells=out.cells, pairs=FALSE)
out.cells <- riv.cells[riv.cells %in% adj.cells]
adj <- unique(raster::adjacent(r, riv.cells, sorted=TRUE))
adj <- cbind(adj, is=as.integer(adj[, "to"] %in% riv.cells))
adj <- adj[adj[, "is"] == 1, c("from", "to")]
# Move up the river system finding all possible source (stuck) cells off the main paths.
FUN <- function(path) {
i <- 1L
repeat {
cells <- adj[adj[, "from"] == path[i], "to"]
cells <- cells[!cells %in% visited.cells & !cells %in% out.cells]
if (length(cells) == 0) {
stuck.cells <<- c(stuck.cells, utils::tail(path, 1))
i <- i + 1L
if (length(cells) == 1) {
path[i] <- cells
visited.cells <<- c(visited.cells, cells)
} else {
visited.cells <<- c(visited.cells, cells)
source.cells <- list()
for (i in seq_along(out.cells)) {
breaks <- out.cells[i]
stuck.cells <- breaks
visited.cells <- breaks
repeat {
if (is.null(breaks)) break
breaks <- unique(unlist(lapply(breaks, FUN)))
stuck.cells <- stuck.cells[!stuck.cells %in% out.cells]
if (length(stuck.cells) > 0) source.cells[[i]] <- stuck.cells
sink.cells <- out.cells[!vapply(source.cells, is.null, FALSE)]
source.cells <- unlist(source.cells)
# Find paths by finding the shortest path through the river maze.
# Lee algorithm, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_algorithm
CalcWaveExpansion <- function(cells) {
visited.cells <- NULL
i <- 0L
dist <- rep(NA, length(riv.cells))
dist[which(riv.cells %in% cells)] <- i
repeat {
visited.cells <- c(visited.cells, cells)
adj.cells <- adj[adj[, "from"] %in% cells, "to"]
adj.cells <- adj.cells[!adj.cells %in% source.cells &
!adj.cells %in% visited.cells]
if (length(adj.cells) > 0) {
cells <- adj.cells
i <- i + 1L
dist[which(riv.cells %in% cells)] <- i
} else {
dists <- CalcWaveExpansion(sink.cells)
BacktracePath <- function(cell) {
path <- NULL
repeat {
path <- c(path, cell)
adj.cells <- adj[adj[, "from"] == cell, "to"]
adj.cells <- adj.cells[!adj.cells %in% source.cells &
!adj.cells %in% path]
cell <- adj.cells[.WhichMin(dists[riv.cells %in% adj.cells])]
if (cell %in% sink.cells) break
paths <- lapply(source.cells, BacktracePath)
# Drop stage along each path
DropStageAlongPath <- function(path) {
repeat {
difs <- diff(r[path])
i <- match(TRUE, difs > 0)
if (is.na(i))
cell <- path[i + 1]
r[cell] <<- r[cell] - difs[i] - min.drop
lapply(paths, DropStageAlongPath)
# Set stage for river cells not on any of the paths
SetNonPathCells <- function(cell) {
adj.cells <- adj[adj[, "from"] %in% cell, "to"]
adj.cells <- adj.cells[!adj.cells %in% source.cells]
ave.top <- mean(r[adj.cells])
if (ave.top < r[cell]) r[cell] <<- ave.top
dif <- r[cell] - ave.top
lapply(source.cells, SetNonPathCells)
r - r.save
.WhichMin <- function(x) {
y <- seq_along(x)[x == min(x)]
if (length(y) > 1) {
y <- sample(y, 1)
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