
Defines functions choose_data_source

Documented in choose_data_source

#' Select the specific data source to use for a given variable and site
#' Var and site are always required fields. logic is required by has a default 
#' value that may be used without explict specification. For every element of 
#' logic that equals one of the default options, the specified chosing algorithm
#' will be used to supply values for type and src. If logic is unrecognized, 
#' then type and src are also required and the row will be constructed from the 
#' manually specified elements of site, type, src, and logic.
#' @param var character. A single variable name as in 
#'   \code{unique(get_var_src_codes(out="var"))}.
#' @param site character. The site code or codes for which to choose data.
#' @param logic character specifying the algorithm to use, or the manual logic 
#'   that was used by the user, to choose the \code{type} and \code{src}. if an
#'   element of logic is not one of the options given in the argument
#'   definition, then the corresponding elements of \code{type} and \code{src}
#'   must be specified.
#' @param type character in \code{c("ts","meta","file","const")}.
#' @param src character indicating a src to be interpreted in the context of 
#'   \code{type}
#' @inheritParams ts_has_file
#' @return a 4-column data.frame component of a config file
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' choose_data_source(var="baro", site="nwis_03067510", logic='priority local')
#' # expect warnings:
#' choose_data_source(var="baro", site=c("nwis_08062500","nwis_03067510"), 
#'   logic='my made-up data', type="ts_file", src=c("myfile1.txt","myfile2.txt"))
#' choose_data_source(var="dosat", site="nwis_03067510", logic='priority local')
#' # as in default to stage_metab_config
#' site=list_sites(c("doobs_nwis","disch_nwis","wtr_nwis"))[40:49]
#' sitetime=choose_data_source("sitetime", site)
#' doobs=choose_data_source("doobs", site)
#' dosat=choose_data_source("dosat", site)
#' depth=choose_data_source("depth", site)
#' wtr=choose_data_source("wtr", site)
#' par=choose_data_source("par", site)
#' # as in verify_config
#' choose_data_source(var="doobs", site="dummy_site", logic="manual", type="ts", src="simCopy")
#' # for K
#' K600=choose_data_source("K600", "nwis_08062500")
#' login_sb()
#' K600=choose_data_source(var="K600", site="nwis_08062500", logic="nighttime reg", 
#'   type="pred", src="0.0.6")
#' K600=choose_data_source(var="K600", site="nwis_08062500", logic="nighttime reg", 
#'   type="pred", src="nwis_08062500-307-150730 0.0.6 nighttime_k_plus_data")
#' }
choose_data_source <- function(var, site, logic=c('priority local', 'unused var'), type=c(NA,'ts','meta','ts_file','const','pred','pred_file','none'), src=NA, 
                               with_ts_version='rds', with_ts_archived=FALSE, with_ts_uploaded_after='2015-01-01') {

  # check args
  if(length(var) != 1) stop("exactly 1 var required")
  if(missing(site)) stop("site argument is required")
  if(missing(logic)) logic <- match.arg(logic)
  # read options from function formals
  logic_options <- eval(formals(choose_data_source)$logic)
  # start the partial-config df, using just site and logic until we know we need
  # type & src. creating the data.frame now will permit type, site, src, and/or
  # logic to be replicated automatically if only one value is given
  config <- data.frame(
    type=if(missing(type)) NA else type, 
    src=if(missing(src)) NA else src, 
  # special case: if site is NA, we're just looking for an empty data.frame
  if(isTRUE(is.na(site))) {
    config$logic <- 'site=NA'
  # setup operations & checks as needed
  if('pred' %in% config[['type']]) {
    # will break if needed but not logged into SB, so try it early. also try to
    # limit the number of trips to SB and back
    . <- '.dplyr.var'
    model_texts <- filter(config, type=='pred') %>% .$src %>% unique
    if(length(model_texts) <= 5) {
      metab_model_list <- unlist(lapply(model_texts, function(mt) list_metab_models(text=mt)))
      partial_metab_model_list <- TRUE
    } else {
      metab_model_list <- list_metab_models()
  if('priority local' %in% logic || 'ts' %in% type) {
    priority <- '.dplyr.var'
    myvar <- var # need a name that differs from the var_src_codes col name
    ranked_src <- get_var_src_codes(var==myvar, out=c("src","priority")) %>% arrange(priority)
    if('priority local' %in% logic) {
      # the following should ~minimize the time*number of SB queries. it creates a
      # table of T/F values where rows are sites, cols are srces, and a cell is T
      # if the src exists for that site
      site_has_ts <- data.frame(site=unique(config[config$logic=='priority local','site']))
      for(psrc in ranked_src$src) { site_has_ts[psrc] <- FALSE }
      if(nrow(site_has_ts) > nrow(ranked_src)*2) { # loop by src if there are many sites
        for(psrc in ranked_src$src) {
          sitelist <- list_sites(
            with_ts_version=with_ts_version, with_ts_archived=with_ts_archived, with_ts_uploaded_after=with_ts_uploaded_after)
          site_has_ts[site_has_ts$site %in% sitelist, psrc] <- TRUE
      } else { # loop by site if there are few sites
        for(s in site_has_ts$site) {
          varsrclist <- grep(
            paste0("^", var, "_"), 
              site_name=s, data_type='ts', 
              with_ts_version=with_ts_version, with_ts_archived=with_ts_archived, with_ts_uploaded_after=with_ts_uploaded_after), 
          site_has_ts[site_has_ts$site==s, parse_var_src(varsrclist, out="src")] <- TRUE
  if(any(!(logic %in% logic_options))) {
    if(missing(type) || missing(src)) {
      stop("when logic includes one or more unrecognized (manual) values, type and src are required")
  for(row in 1:length(logic)) {
    if(logic[row] %in% logic_options) {
      # require initial NAs in type and src
      if(!is.na(config[row,'type'])) stop("expected type=NA for automatic data choice in row ", row)
      if(!is.na(config[row,'src'])) stop("expected src=NA for automatic data choice in row ", row)
  # determine each config row separately, according to the logic in that row
  config <- config %>% mutate(key=paste(type, site, src, logic, sep=";"))
  for(key in unique(config$key)) {
    rows <- which(config$key == key)
    row <- rows[1]
      # automatic specification of all fields
      'priority local'={ 
        # we've done most of the work above by creating a table of which srces
        # are available for each site. use that now to pick the first (leftmost)
        # available source for each site.
        bestsrc <- names(which(unlist(site_has_ts[site_has_ts$site==config[row,'site'],-1,drop=FALSE]))[1])
        if(length(bestsrc) == 1) {
          config[rows,'src'] <- bestsrc
          config[rows,'type'] <- 'ts'
        # if there wasn't a good data option, tell the user
          warning("could not locate an appropriate ts for site ", config[row,'site'], ", row ", row)
      # automatic specification that this var will not be used
      'unused var'={
        config[rows,'type'] <- 'none'
        config[rows,'site'] <- NA
        config[rows,'src'] <- NA
      # if logic is an unknown term, use manual specification of all fields.
      # type and src are already in the config for this row, so just check their
      # validity
          stop("need non-NA type in row ", row)
            if(!(config[row,'src'] %in% ranked_src$src))
              stop("in row ", row, " need src from c(", paste0(ranked_src$src, collapse=","), ")")
            warning("meta not currently implemented")
              warning("file in row ", row, " doesn't exist on this machine")
            # determine whether the metab model has been specified by its full
            # title or just by its tag. if it's just the tag, try to find the
            # specific model
            parsed_mm_name <- tryCatch(parse_metab_model_name(config[row,'src']), error=function(e) NA)
            if(any(is.na(c(as.matrix(parsed_mm_name))))) {
              # search for the model, using a partial metab_model_list if present
              mm_name <- grep(paste0("^",config[row,'site'],"-.*",config[row,'src']), metab_model_list, value=TRUE)
              # if that failed, first attempt to repair is to make sure we're looking through all possible models
              if(length(mm_name) != 1 && partial_metab_model_list) {
                metab_model_list <<- list_metab_models()
                partial_metab_model_list <<- FALSE
                mm_name <- grep(paste0("^",config[row,'site'],"-.*",config[row,'src']), metab_model_list, value=TRUE)
              # if that still failed, give up
              if(length(mm_name) != 1) {
                warning("possible metab model names for site=",config[row,'site'],", src=",config[row,'src'],":\n",paste0(mm_name,collapse="\n"))
                stop(paste0("couldn't find exactly 1 metab model name in row ",row))
              } else {
                config[rows,'src'] <- mm_name
            } else {
              # if parsed_mm_name was complete, then we only need to confirm that config[row,'src'] refers to a real model
              if(!(config[row,'src'] %in% metab_model_list))
                warning("in row ", row, " found src that's not in list_metab_models()")
              warning("file in row ", row, " doesn't exist on this machine")
            if(!is.na(config[row,'site'])) stop('when type=none need site=NA')
            if(!is.na(config[row,'src'])) stop('when type=none need src=NA')
          stop("type in row ", row, " is invalid: ", config[row,'type'])
  config$key <- NULL

# type     site       src           logic
# file     NA         ~\dat\xx.tsv  hiGPPER loK
# const    NA         75000,Pa      elev mean
# ts       nwis_07    nwis          local best
# ts       nwis_08    simModel      proxy best
# meta     mwis_09    calcElev      proxy best
# pred     nwis_10    0.0.6         nighttime reg
USGS-R/mda.streams documentation built on June 3, 2023, 8:43 a.m.