
Defines functions stage_metab_ts

Documented in stage_metab_ts

#' Stage metabolism model outputs into ts files
#' Parse metabolism model outputs into gpp, er, and K600
#' @param metab_outs a single metab_model or a list of metab_models from which
#'   to extract GPP, ER, and K600
#' @param vars one or more strings in \code{c("gpp","er","K600")} naming the
#'   variables to extract and post
#' @param folder a folder to place the file outputs in (defaults to temp 
#'   directory)
#' @param verbose provide verbose output (currently not implemented)
#' @return a character vector of file handles
#' @importFrom unitted u v
#' @import streamMetabolizer
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export
stage_metab_ts <- function(metab_outs, vars=c("gpp","er","K600"), folder = tempdir(), verbose = FALSE) {
  # check inputs
  if(!is.list(metab_outs)) metab_outs <- list(metab_outs)
  K600.daily <- K600.daily.lower <- K600.daily.upper <- '.dplyr.var'
  staged <- unname(unlist(lapply(metab_outs, function(metab_mod) {
    # pull info from the model
    config_row <- get_info(metab_mod)$config
    mod_model <- config_row[[1,"model"]]
    src <- switch(
    preds <- predict_metab(metab_mod) %>%
      full_join(get_params(metab_mod, uncertainty='ci'), by='date') %>%
      rename(K600=K600.daily, K600.lower=K600.daily.lower, K600.upper=K600.daily.upper)
    site <- config_row[[1,"site"]]
    # add a DateTime column to preds, using noon sitetime (mean solar time) to
    # represent each corresponding Date
    coords <- get_site_coords(site)
    preds$DateTime <- convert_solartime_to_UTC(
      as.POSIXct(paste0(preds$date, " 12:00:00"), tz="UTC"), 
      longitude=coords$lon, time.type="mean solar")
    # extract specific columns into ts files. this section will need rewriting
    # as the range of model options expands.
    var <- ".dplyr.var"
    file_paths <- sapply(vars, function(pvar) {
      metab_var <- toupper(pvar) # this isn't available in var_src_codes, which does the download translation but not the upload in this case
      var_units <- get_var_src_codes(var==pvar, out="units")[1]
      data <- preds[c("DateTime", paste0(metab_var,c('','.lower','.upper')))] %>%
        setNames(c("DateTime",paste0(pvar,c('','lwr','upr')))) %>%
        u(c(NA, rep(var_units,3)))
      if(length(data[[2]]) > 0 && length(which(!is.na(data[[2]]))) > 0) {
        verify_var_src(pvar, src, on_fail=warning)
        write_ts(data=data, site=site, var=pvar, src=src, folder=folder)
      } else {
USGS-R/mda.streams documentation built on June 3, 2023, 8:43 a.m.