
Defines functions parseApprovals parseGaps parseThresholds parseProcessingCorrections parseRatingShiftsData parseExcludedControlConditions parseExtremesSeriesQualifiers parsePrimarySeriesQualifiers parsePrimarySeriesApprovals parseTimeSeries parseFieldVisitReadings parseFieldVisitMeasurements parseWaterQualityMeasurements parseGroundWaterLevels parseMinMaxIVs parseMinMaxIV parseReportMetadataField

Documented in parseApprovals parseExcludedControlConditions parseExtremesSeriesQualifiers parseFieldVisitMeasurements parseFieldVisitReadings parseGaps parseGroundWaterLevels parseMinMaxIV parseMinMaxIVs parsePrimarySeriesApprovals parsePrimarySeriesQualifiers parseProcessingCorrections parseRatingShiftsData parseReportMetadataField parseThresholds parseTimeSeries parseWaterQualityMeasurements

#' Parse report metadata field
#' @description Given a full report object and field name, returns the
#' metadata value for the provided field or returns the default value
#' if the provided field does not exist in the metadata.
#' @param reportObject the object representing the full report JSON
#' @param field the field name to read from the metadata
#' @param defaultValue the optional default value to return if the
#' provided field is not found in the report JSON
parseReportMetadataField <- function(reportObject, field, defaultValue=NULL){
  metaField <- tryCatch({
      readReportMetadataField(reportObject, field)
  }, error=function(e) {
      warning(paste0("Returning default value or NULL for metadata field ", field, " value. Error: ", e))


#' Parse the Min or Max IV Data
#' @description Reads the min or max IV Data from the reportObject then takes the
#' first entry and formats it properly for plotting.
#' @param reportObject the full report data
#' @param stat the stat to look up (MAX or MIN)
#' @param tsType the type of the TS (to use for the legend name)
#' @param timezone the timezone to parse the times into
#' @param inverted whether or not the TS is inverted
#' @return the first min or max IV data point from the list of min max IVs
parseMinMaxIV <- function(reportObject, stat, timezone, tsType, inverted){
  IVData <- tryCatch({
    readMinMaxIVs(reportObject, stat, timezone, inverted)
  }, error=function(e) {
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for ", stat, " IV value. Error:", e))
  if(is.null(IVData) | isEmptyOrBlank(IVData)){
    returnList <- NULL
  } else {
    legend_nm <- paste(IVData[['label']], tsType, ":", IVData[['value']][1])
    returnList <- list(time=IVData[['time']][1], value=IVData[['value']][1], legend.name=legend_nm)

#' Parse Min and Max IVs
#' @description Given the full report JSON object, reads the
#' min and max IVs and formats them properly for plotting
#' @param reportObject the full report JSON object
#' @param timezone the time zone to parse points into
#' @param type the type of TS that these points belong to
#' @param invertedFlag whether or not the axis for the TS is inverted
#' @param excludeMinMaxFlag wheter or not min / max IVs should be plotted or labeled
#' @param excludeZeroNegativeFlag whether or not zero/negative values are included
#' @return a list containing the min and max IV values named as 'max_iv' and 'min_iv'
#' as well as a boolean 'canLog' that represents whether or not the IVs allow for a
#' logged Y-Axis.
parseMinMaxIVs <- function(reportObject, timezone, type, invertedFlag, excludeMinMaxFlag, excludeZeroNegativeFlag){
  #Get max and min IV points
  max_iv <- parseMinMaxIV(reportObject, "max", timezone, type, invertedFlag)
  min_iv <- parseMinMaxIV(reportObject, "min", timezone, type, invertedFlag)
  returnList <- NULL
  #Make sure at least one value is valid
  if(!anyDataExist(max_iv) && !anyDataExist(min_iv)){
  #If we are excluding min/max points or if we are excluding zero / negative
  #points and the max/min vlaues are zero / negative, then replace them
  #with labels that go on the top of the chart.
  #Max Checking
  if( (!isEmptyOrBlank(excludeMinMaxFlag) && excludeMinMaxFlag) || 
      (!isEmptyOrBlank(excludeZeroNegativeFlag) && excludeZeroNegativeFlag && !isEmptyOrBlank(max_iv[['value']]) && as.numeric(max_iv[['value']]) <= 0)){
    returnList <- list(max_iv_label=max_iv)
  }  else if(anyDataExist(max_iv[['value']])){
    returnList <- list(max_iv=max_iv)
  #Min Checking
  if( (!isEmptyOrBlank(excludeMinMaxFlag) && excludeMinMaxFlag) 
      || (!isEmptyOrBlank(excludeZeroNegativeFlag) && excludeZeroNegativeFlag && !isEmptyOrBlank(min_iv[['value']]) && as.numeric(min_iv[['value']]) <= 0) ){
    returnList <- append(returnList, list(min_iv_label=min_iv))
  } else if(anyDataExist(min_iv[['value']])) {
    returnList <- append(returnList, list(min_iv=min_iv))
  #Check if the IVs allow for a log axis or not
  returnList[['canLog']] <- TRUE
  if((!isEmptyOrBlank(returnList[['max_iv']][['value']]) && returnList[['max_iv']][['value']] <= 0) || (!isEmptyOrBlank(returnList[['min_iv']][['value']]) && returnList[['min_iv']][['value']] <= 0)){
    returnList[['canLog']] <- FALSE

#' Parse Ground Water Levels
#' @description Given the full report JSON object reads the ground
#' water levels and handles read errors.
#' @param reportObject the full report JSON object
parseGroundWaterLevels <- function(reportObject){
  gw_level <- tryCatch({
  }, error = function(e) {
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for ground water levels. Error:", e))

  if(!anyDataExist(gw_level) || nrow(gw_level) == 0){
    gw_level <- NULL
    warning("Data was retrieved for ground water levels but it was empty. Returning NULL.")

#' Parse Water Quality Measurements
#' @description Given the full report JSON object reads the water
#' quality measurements and handles read errors.
#' @param reportObject the full report JSON object
parseWaterQualityMeasurements <- function(reportObject){
  wqdata <- tryCatch({
  }, error = function(e) {
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for water quality measurements. Error:", e))

  if(!anyDataExist(wqdata) || nrow(wqdata) == 0){
    wqdata <- NULL
    warning("Data was retrieved for water quality measurements but it was empty. Returning NULL.")

#' Parse Field Visit Measurements
#' @description Given the full report JSON object, reads the field
#' visit measurements and handles read errors.
#' @param reportObject the full report JSON object
#' @param excludeZeroNegativeFlag whether or not zero/negative values are included
parseFieldVisitMeasurements <- function(reportObject, excludeZeroNegativeFlag){
  meas_Q <- tryCatch({
  }, error = function(e) {
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for field visit measurements. Error:", e))

  if(!anyDataExist(meas_Q) || nrow(meas_Q) == 0){
    meas_Q <- NULL
    warning("Data was retrieved for field visit measurements but it was empty. Returning NULL.")
  #Check if the field visit measurements (if they exist) allow for a log axis or not, and remove zeros/negative values if indicated
  if (!isEmptyOrBlank(meas_Q)) {
    meas_Q[['canLog']] <- isLogged(meas_Q, isVolFlow=TRUE, excludeZeroNegativeFlag)

#' Parse Field Visit Readings
#' @description Given the full report JSON object, reads the field
#' visit readings and handles read errors.
#' @param reportObject the full report JSON object
parseFieldVisitReadings <- function(reportObject){
  readings <- tryCatch({
  }, error = function(e) {
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for field visit readings. Error:", e))
  if(!anyDataExist(readings) || nrow(readings) == 0){
    readings <- NULL
    warning("Data was retrieved for field visit readings but it was empty. Returning NULL.")

#' Parse Time Series
#' @description Default wrapper for the readTimeSeries functions that handles
#' errors thrown by those functions if the specified time series is
#' not found and throws a warning message. Also handles time series that
#' are returned without any point data and treats them as NULL.
#' @param reportObject the full report JSON object
#' @param seriesField the JSON field name for the TS data 
#' @param descriptionField the JSON field name for the TS legend name
#' @param timezone The timezone to parse the TS points into
#' @param estimated whether or not the retrieved time series should be estimated or non-estimated
#' @param isDV true to treat the series as a DV series (and parse dates accordingly), defaults to FALSE
#' @param requiredFields An optional list of names of required JSON fields to overwrite the default
#' @return The requested time series or NULL if the request time series was not found.
parseTimeSeries <- function(reportObject, seriesField, descriptionField, timezone, estimated=FALSE, isDV=FALSE, requiredFields=NULL){
  timeSeries <- tryCatch({
      readEstimatedTimeSeries(reportObject, seriesField, timezone=timezone, descriptionField=descriptionField, isDV=isDV, requiredFields=requiredFields)
    } else {
      readNonEstimatedTimeSeries(reportObject, seriesField, timezone=timezone, descriptionField=descriptionField, isDV=isDV, requiredFields=requiredFields)
  }, error=function(e) {
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for Time Series: {", seriesField, "}. Error:", e))
  if(isEmptyOrBlank(timeSeries) || !anyDataExist(timeSeries[['points']])){

#' Parse Primary Series Approvals
#' @description Default wrapper for the readPrimarySeriesApprovals function
#' that handles errors thrown and returns the proper data.
#' @param reportObject the full report JSON object
#' @param startDate the start date of the report
#' @param endDate the end date of the report
parsePrimarySeriesApprovals <- function(reportObject, startDate, endDate){
  approvals <- tryCatch({
    readPrimarySeriesApprovals(reportObject, startDate, endDate)
  }, error=function(e) {
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for Primary Series Approvals. Error:", e))

#' Parse Primary Series Qualifiers
#' @description Default wrapper for the readPrimarySeriesQualifiers function
#' that handles errors thrown and returns the proper data.
#' @param reportObject the full report JSON object
#' @param filterCode The code to filter read qualifiers to
parsePrimarySeriesQualifiers <- function(reportObject, filterCode=NULL){
  qualifiers <- tryCatch({
    readPrimarySeriesQualifiers(reportObject, filterCode=filterCode)
  }, error=function(e) {
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for Primary Series Qualifiers Error:", e))

#' Parse Extremes Primary Series Qualifiers
#' @description Default wrapper for the readPrimarySeriesQualifiers function
#' that handles errors thrown and returns the proper data.
#' @param reportObject the full report JSON object
#' @param qualType the type of qualifier we're looking to read
parseExtremesSeriesQualifiers <- function(reportObject, qualType){
  qualifiers <- list()
  qualifiers <- tryCatch({
    readExtremesSeriesQualifiers(reportObject, qualType)
  }, error=function(e) {
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for Primary Series Qualifiers Error:", e))

#' Parse Excluded Control Conditions (VDI)
#' @description Default wrapper for the readExcludedControlConditions function
#' that handles errors thrown and returns the proper data.
#' @param reportObject The full report JSON object
parseExcludedControlConditions <- function(reportObject){
  conditions <- tryCatch({
  }, error=function(e){
    warning(paste("Returning empty list for Excluded Control Conditions. Error:", e))

#' Parse Rating Shifts Data
#' @description Takes in a report object and returns the rating shift information
#' @param reportObject An R object with the raw data required for rating shifts
#' @return A list containing rating shift information
parseRatingShiftsData <- function(reportObject){
  shiftPoints <- fetchRatingShiftsField(reportObject, "shiftPoints")
  validParam(shiftPoints, "shiftPoints")
  stagePoints <- fetchRatingShiftsField(reportObject, "stagePoints")
  validParam(stagePoints, "stagePoints")
  shiftId <- fetchRatingShiftsField(reportObject, "shiftNumber")
  validParam(shiftId, "shiftNumber")
  startTime <- fetchRatingShiftsField(reportObject, "applicableStartDateTime")
  validParam(startTime, "applicableStartDateTime")
  endTime <- fetchRatingShiftsField(reportObject, "applicableEndDateTime")
  validParam(endTime, "applicableEndDateTime")
  rating <- fetchRatingShiftsField(reportObject, "curveNumber")
  validParam(rating, "curveNumber")
  comments <- fetchRatingShiftsField(reportObject, "remarks")
  validParam(comments, "remarks")
  ratingShifts <- fetchRatingShifts(reportObject)
  numOfShifts <- ifelse(!isEmptyOrBlank(ratingShifts), sizeOf(ratingShifts), 0)

#' Parse Processing Corrections
#' @description Default wrapper for the readProcessingCorrections function
#' that handles errors thrown and returns the proper data
#' @param reportObject The full report JSON object 
#' @param processOrder The processing order to fetch data for
#' @param timezone The timezone to parse data into
parseProcessingCorrections <- function(reportObject, processOrder, timezone){
  corrections <- tryCatch({
    readProcessingCorrections(reportObject, processOrder, timezone)
  }, error=function(e){
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for", processOrder, "corrections. Error:", e))

#' Parse Thresholds
#' @description Default wrapper for the readThresholds function
#' that handles errors thrown and returns the proper data
#' @param reportObject The full report JSON object
#' @param timezone The timezone to parse data into
parseThresholds <- function(reportObject, timezone){
  thresholds <- tryCatch({
  }, error=function(e){
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for thresholds. Error:", e))

#' Parse Gaps
#' @description Default wrapper for the readGaps function
#' that handles errors thrown and returns the proper data
#' @param reportObject The full report JSON object
#' @param timezone The timezone to parse data into
parseGaps <- function(reportObject, timezone){
  gaps <- tryCatch({
    readGaps(reportObject, timezone)
  }, error=function(e){
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for gaps. Error:", e))

#' Parse Approvals
#' @description Default wrapper for the readApprovals function
#' that handles errors thrown and returns the proper data
#' @param reportObject The full report JSON object
#' @param timezone The timezone to parse data into
parseApprovals <- function(reportObject, timezone){
  approvals <- tryCatch({
    readApprovals(reportObject, timezone)
  }, error=function(e){
    warning(paste("Returning NULL for approvals. Error:", e))
USGS-R/repgen documentation built on April 14, 2021, 2:47 p.m.