
#' @title Censored Data Methods for Function \code{dotPlot}
#' @description Produces a dot plot: methods for "mcens" and "qw" data.
#' @details The \code{what} component of the \code{Plot} argument must be either
#'"points" or "none."
#' @include mcens-class.R qw-class.R
#' @name dotPlot-censored
#' @param x the x-axis data. Missing values are permitted and not plotted.
#' @param y the y-axis data, expected to be be either character or factor.
#'Missing values are permitted and removed before plotting.
#' @param Plot control parameters for uncensored values of the plot, see 
#'\code{link{setMultiPlot}} and \bold{Details} for details.
#' @param yaxis.orient orientation of the y-axis values, must be either "table"
#'or "grid." "Table" is sorted from top to bottom, "grid" is sorted from
#'bottom to top.
#' @param yaxis.order the order of the y-axis values, must be one of "none,"
#'"ascending," or "descending."
#' @param yaxis.grid draw grid lines?
#' @param xaxis.log log-transform the x axis?
#' @param xaxis.range set the range of the x-axis
#' @param ylabels set up y-axis labels.
#' @param xlabels set up x-axis labels.
#' @param xtitle x-axis title.
#' @param ytitle y-axis title.
#' @param caption the figure caption.
#' @param margin the parameters of the margin.
#' @param jitter.y logical, if \code{TRUE}, then adjust \code{y} values to reduce
#'overlap for each group, or adjust randomly if no groups. If \code{FALSE}, then
#'no adjustment is made.
#' @param Censored control parameters for censored values of the plot.
#' @param ... arguments for specific methods.
#' @return Information about the graph.
#' @note A call should be made to \code{setPage} to set up the graphics
#'environment before calling \code{dotPlot}.
#' @keywords methods hplot
#' @importMethodsFrom smwrGraphs dotPlot
#' @exportMethod dotPlot
#' @seealso \code{\link{setPage}}

#' @rdname dotPlot-censored
#' @aliases dotPlot,mcens-method
setMethod("dotPlot", signature("mcens"), # "ANY" ingnored in last position
function(x, y, # data
         Plot=list(name="", what="points", type="solid",
           width="standard", symbol="circle", filled=TRUE,
           size=0.09, color="black"), # plot controls
         yaxis.orient="table", yaxis.order="none",
         yaxis.grid=TRUE, # y-axis controls
         xaxis.log=FALSE, xaxis.range=c(NA,NA), # x-axis controls
         xlabels=7, # labels
         ytitle="", # axis titles
         caption="", # caption 
         margin=c(NA, NA, NA, NA), jitter.y=TRUE,
         Censored=list(name="", what="points", symbol="circle",
           filled=FALSE, size=0.09, color="black",
           bar=TRUE), # additional plot controls
         ...) { # margin controls
  ## Coding History:
  ##    2013Jan21 DLLorenz Original coding from dotPlot
  ## create the plotting positions
  ## set up the axes
  xtitle=xtitle # needed to 'set' names
  yaxis.orient <- match.arg(yaxis.orient, c("table", "grid"))
  if(length(yaxis.order) == 1)
    yaxis.order <- match.arg(yaxis.order, c("none", "ascending", "descending"))
  ylabels <- match.arg(ylabels, c("full", "abbreviate"))
  if(dev.cur() == 1)
  ## Quick fix for numeric Y
    y <- as.character(y)
  ## Remove missing ys
  good <- !is.na(y)
  x <- x[good]
  y <- y[good]
  yax <- namePretty(y, orientation=yaxis.orient, order=yaxis.order,
                    label.abbr=ylabels == "abbreviate")
  ylev <- yax$labels
  y <- numericData(y, ylev)
  ## Establish the range
  xrng <- range(x@.Data[is.finite(x@.Data)])
    xax <- c(list(data=xrng, axis.range=xaxis.range, axis.log=xaxis.log,
                  axis.rev=FALSE), xlabels)
    xax <- list(data=xrng, axis.range=xaxis.range, axis.log=xaxis.log,
                axis.rev=FALSE, axis.labels=xlabels)
  xax <- do.call("setAxis", xax)
  xax <- xax$dax
  ## Set margins and controls
  margin.control <- setMargin(margin, yax)
  margin <- margin.control$margin
  right <- margin.control$right
  top <- margin.control$top
  left <- margin.control$left
  bot <- margin.control$bot
  ## Set up plot
  plot(xrng, range(y), type="n", xlim=xax$range, xaxs="i", axes=FALSE,
       ylim=yax$range, yaxs="i", ylab="", xlab="")
  if(yaxis.grid) # draw light, gray lines
    segments(x0=xax$range[1], y0=y, x1=xax$range[2], y1=y,
             col="gray", lty=1, lwd=frameWt())
  ## Process plot control
  parms <- setMultiPlot(Plot, length(x), name="", what="points", type="solid",
                        width="standard", symbol="circle", filled=TRUE,
                        size=0.09, color="black") # part of returned data
  cens <- setMultiPlot(Censored, length(x), name="", what="points", type="solid",
                       width="standard", symbol="circle", filled=FALSE,
                       size=0.09, color="black") # Ignore bar for now
  plot.info <- as.data.frame(parms$current, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  ## Process censored plots
  ## Need to work this into the explanation
  cens.info <- as.data.frame(cens$current, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  Cens <- x@censor.codes | x@interval
  # Fix for NAs--just skip
  Cens[is.na(Cens)] <- FALSE
  if(any(Cens)) {
    cens.info$bar <- NULL # Must be removed
    plot.info[Cens, ] <- cens.info[Cens, ]
  ## Draw each point
  if(jitter.y) {
    Grps <- unique(plot.info$name)
    if(length(Grps) == 1L)
      jitter.y <- runif(length(y), -.3333, .3333)
    else {
      Rng <- .4 - exp(-length(Grps)) # more-or-less works to expand range
      jitter.y <- seq(-Rng, Rng, length.out=length(Grps))
      names(jitter.y) <- Grps
      jitter.y <- jitter.y[plot.info$name] # one for each!
  xloplot <- x@.Data[, 1L]
  points(xloplot, y + jitter.y, type="p", pch=plot.info$pch, cex=plot.info$cex,
         col=plot.info$col, bg=ifelse(plot.info$filled, plot.info$col, 0))
  if(any(Cens)) {
    xhiplot <- x@.Data[, 2L]
    points(xhiplot[Cens], (y + jitter.y)[Cens], type="p", pch=plot.info$pch[Cens],
           cex=plot.info$cex[Cens], col=plot.info$col[Cens],
           bg=ifelse(plot.info$filled, plot.info$col, 0)[Cens])
    if(Censored$bar) {
      xloplot <- pmax(xloplot, xax$range[1L])
      xhiplot <- pmin(xhiplot, xax$range[2L])
      segments(xloplot[Cens], (y + jitter.y)[Cens], xhiplot[Cens],
  ## label the axes
  renderY(yax, lefttitle=ytitle, left=left, right=right)
  renderX(xax, bottitle=xtitle, bottom=bot, top=top, caption=caption)
  invisible((list(x=x, y=y, yaxis.log=FALSE, yaxis.rev=FALSE,
                  xaxis.log=xaxis.log, explanation=parms$Explan, margin=margin,
                  yax=yax, xax=xax)))

#' @rdname dotPlot-censored
#' @aliases dotPlot,qw-method
setMethod("dotPlot", signature("qw"), # "ANY" ingnored in last position
function(x, y, # data
         Plot=list(name="", what="points", type="solid",
           width="standard", symbol="circle", filled=TRUE,
           size=0.09, color="black"), # plot controls
         yaxis.orient="table", yaxis.order="none",
         yaxis.grid=TRUE, # y-axis controls
         xaxis.log=FALSE, xaxis.range=c(NA,NA), # x-axis controls
         xlabels=7, # labels
         ytitle="", # axis titles
         caption="", # caption 
         margin=c(NA, NA, NA, NA), jitter.y=TRUE,
         Censored=list(name="", what="points", symbol="circle",
           filled=FALSE, size=0.09, color="black",
           bar=TRUE), # additional plot controls
         ...) { # margin controls
  ## Coding History:
  ##    2013Oct22 DLLorenz Original coding
  x <- qw2mcens(x)
  dotPlot(x=x, y=y, Plot=Plot, yaxis.orient=yaxis.orient,
  yaxis.order=yaxis.order, yaxis.grid=yaxis.grid, xaxis.log=xaxis.log,
  xaxis.range=xaxis.range, ylabels=ylabels, xlabels=xlabels,
  xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, caption=caption, margin=margin,
  jitter.y=jitter.y, Censored=Censored, ...)
USGS-R/smwrQW documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:13 a.m.