
Defines functions optimBoxCox

Documented in optimBoxCox

#' Multivariate Unconditional Box-Cox Transformations
#' Computes Box-Cox transformations that maximimize the log likelihood
#'of the transformations.
#' @param X a data frame or matrix of the data to find the optimized Box-Cox
#'transforms to produce multivariate normality. Can also be a numeric vector for 
#'a simple Box-Cox transform to normality.
#' @param start a numeric vector of length matching the number of columns in \code{X}
#'to provide starting values for the Box-Cox transforms.
#' @note The maximum likelihood estimate of the Box-Cox transformations corresponds to the
#'minimum determinant of the variance-covariance matrix of the transformed \code{X}. The
#'methodology is described in Andrews and others (1971).
#' @return An object of class "optimBoxCox" having these components:
#'\item{start}{ the starting values for the Box-Cox transformations.}
#'\item{criterion}{ the log-likelihood of the Box-Cox transformations.}
#'\item{names}{ the names of the columns.}
#'\item{lambda}{ the values of the Box-Cox transformations.}
#'\item{stderr}{ the standard errors of the Box-Cox transformations.}
#'\item{return.code}{ the convergence value returned by \code{optim}.}
#'\item{gm}{ the geometric means of the data in \code{X}.}
#'\item{data}{ the data in \code{X} with missing values removed.}
#' @seealso \code{\link[smwrBase]{boxCox}}, \code{\link[stats]{optim}}
#' @references
#'Andrews, D.F., Gnanadesikan, R., and Warner, J.L., 1971, Transformations
#'of multivariate data: Biometrics, v. 27, p. 825--840.
#' @export
optimBoxCox<-function(X, start=NULL) {
	## The function to compute the negative of the log likelihood of the transformation
	negLogL<-function(X, lambda, gm) {
		for (j in 1:ncol(X)){
	## Begin
	X <- na.omit(data.matrix(X))
	nc <- ncol(X)
	if(any(X <= 0)) stop("All values must be > 0")
	gm <- apply(X, 2, function(x) exp(mean(log(x))))
	## This is a reasonable starting value for lambda
	if (is.null(start)) {
		start <- double(nc)
		for (j in 1:nc) {
			start[j] <- 1 - skew(X[,j])/2
	## Different arguments for single/multivariate
	if(nc == 1L) {
		method <- "Brent"
		lower <- -100
		upper <- 100
	} else {
		method <- "BFGS" # Faster than "Nelder-Mead" and relatively stable here
		lower <- -Inf
		upper <- Inf
	## Ready, set, go.
	ret<-optim(start, negLogL, hessian=TRUE, method=method, X=X, gm=gm, 
						 lower=lower, upper=upper)
	retval <- list(start=start, criterion=ret$value, names=colnames(X),
								 lambda=ret$par, stderr=sqrt(diag(solve(ret$hessian))),
								 return.code=ret$convergence, gm=gm, data=X)
	if(retval$return.code != 0) 
		warning(paste("Convergence failure: return code =",
	# Convert to log-likelihood
	retval$criterion <- -retval$criterion
USGS-R/smwrStats documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:15 a.m.