knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


A properly formatted input dataset for streamMetabolizer models has:

An input dataset may optionally include:


An example of a properly formatted input dataset is available in the streamMetabolizer package - data are from French Creek in Laramie, WY, courtesy of Bob Hall.

dat <- data_metab(num_days='3', res='15')

Inspect the dimensions and column names of the data.

dat[c(1,48,96,240,288),] # some example rows

You can get additional information about the expected format of the data in the ?metab help document. When preparing your own data, make sure the class and units of your data match those specified in that document.

Exploring input data

You can use other common R packages to graphically inspect the input data. Look for outliers and oddities to ensure the quality of your data.

dat %>% 
  mutate(DO.pctsat = 100 * (DO.obs / DO.sat)) %>%
  select(solar.time, starts_with('DO')) %>%
  gather(type, DO.value, starts_with('DO')) %>%
  mutate(units=ifelse(type == 'DO.pctsat', 'DO\n(% sat)', 'DO\n(mg/L)')) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=solar.time, y=DO.value, color=type)) + geom_line() + 
  facet_grid(units ~ ., scale='free_y') + theme_bw() +
labels <- c(depth='depth\n(m)', temp.water='water temp\n(deg C)', light='PAR\n(umol m^-2 s^-1)')
dat %>% 
  select(solar.time, depth, temp.water, light) %>%
  gather(type, value, depth, temp.water, light) %>%
    type=ordered(type, levels=c('depth','temp.water','light')),
    units=ordered(labels[type], unname(labels))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=solar.time, y=value, color=type)) + geom_line() + 
  facet_grid(units ~ ., scale='free_y') + theme_bw() +

Check the input data format

Your data need to have specific column names and units. To see what is required, use the metab_inputs function to get a description of the required inputs for a given model type. The output of metab_inputs is a table describing the required column names, the classes and units of the values in each column, and whether that column is required or optional. The inputs are identical for the model types 'mle', 'bayes', and 'night', so here we'll just print the requriements for 'mle'.

metab_inputs('mle', 'data')

Also read through the help pages at ?metab and ?mm_data for more detailed variable definitions and requirements.

Prepare the timestamps

To prepare your timestamps for metabolism modeling, you need to convert from the initial number or text format into POSIXct with the correct timezone (tz), then to solar mean time.

Step 1: POSIXct

Convert your logger-format data to POSIXct in a local timezone (with or without daylight savings, as long as you have that timezone scheme specified). Here are a few examples of specific scenarios and solutions.

Starting with numeric datetimes, e.g., from PMEs

If you have datetimes stored in seconds since 1/1/1970 at Greenwich (i.e., in UTC):

num.time <- 1471867200
(posix.time.localtz <- as.POSIXct(num.time, origin='1970-01-01', tz='UTC'))

If you have datetimes stored in seconds since 1/1/1970 at Laramie, WY (i.e., in MST, no daylight savings):

num.time <- 1471867200
(posix.time.nominalUTC <- as.POSIXct(num.time, origin='1970-01-01', tz='UTC')) # the numbers get treated as UTC no matter what tz you request
(posix.time.localtz <- lubridate::force_tz(posix.time.nominalUTC, 'Etc/GMT+7')) # +7 = mountain standard time

Starting with text timestamps

If you have datetimes stored as text timestamps in UTC, you can bypass the conversion to local time and just start with UTC. Then rather than using calc_solar_time() in Step 2, you'll use convert_UTC_to_solartime().

text.time <- '2016-08-22 12:00:00'
(posix.time.utc <- as.POSIXct(text.time, tz='UTC'))

If you have datetimes stored as text timestamps in EST/EDT (with daylight savings):

text.time <- '2016-08-22 12:00:00'
(posix.time.localtz <- as.POSIXct(text.time, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz='America/New_York'))

If you have datetimes stored as text timestamps in EST (no daylight savings):

text.time <- '2016-08-22 12:00:00'
(posix.time.localtz <- as.POSIXct(text.time, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz='Etc/GMT+5'))

See for a list of timezone names.

Starting with chron datetimes

If you have datetimes stored in the chron time format in EST (no daylight savings):

chron.time <- chron::chron('08/22/16', '12:00:00')
time.format <- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
text.time <- format(chron.time, time.format) # direct as.POSIXct time works poorly
(posix.time.localtz <- as.POSIXct(text.time, format=time.format, tz='Etc/GMT+5'))

Step 2: Solar time

Now convert from local time to solar time. In streamMetabolizer vocabulary, solar.time specifically means mean solar time, the kind where every day is exactly 24 hours, in contrast to apparent solar time. You're ready for this step when you have the correct time in a local timezone and lubridate::tz(yourtime) reflects the correct timezone.

lubridate::tz(posix.time.localtz) # yep, we want and have the code for EST
( <- streamMetabolizer::calc_solar_time(posix.time.localtz, longitude=-106.3))

Other data preparation

streamMetabolizer offers many functions to help you prepare your data for modeling. We recommend that you explore the help pages for the following functions:

USGS-R/streamMetabolizer documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 7:50 a.m.