knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

This file provides an example of fitting an MLE (maximum likelihood estimation) model, following the general outline in the Quickstart tutorial.

As a reminder, there are four steps to fitting a metabolism model in streamMetabolizer.

  1. Prepare and inspect the input data.
  2. Choose a model configuration appropriate to your data.
  3. Fit the model.
  4. Inspect the output.


If you haven't already installed the package, see the Installation tutorial.

Next load the R libraries. Only streamMetabolizer is required to run models, but we'll also be using dplyr to inspect the results.


1. Preparing the input data

Load a small example dataset from the package (data are from French Creek in Laramie, WY, courtesy of Bob Hall). We'll use the streamMetabolizer standard in defining our day to run from 4 am (day_start=4) to 4 am (day_end=28).

dat <- data_metab(num_days='3', res='15', day_start=4, day_end=28)

2. Configuring the model

There are two steps to configuring a metabolism model in streamMetabolizer.

a. Identify the name of the model structure you want using mm_name(). b. Set the specifications for the model using defaults fromspecs() as a starting point.

2a. Choose a model structure

Call mm_name to choose a specific MLE model name/structure. Here we will fit the default MLE model. Many others are available (see Model Structures and GPP and ER equations), but this one is common and fast.

mle_name <- mm_name(type='mle')

2b. Set the specifications

Having chosen a model, we next need to define a list of specifications for that model. The specs function creates a list appropriate to the model we chose.

mle_specs <- specs(mle_name)

See ?specs for definitions of all specifications. Note that most of the specifications in that help file are omitted from the output of specs(mle_name) above - this is because MLE models are simple and don't have many parameters to set. Any of those parameters that are included in mle_specs can be modified, either by calling specs() again or by replacing that value in the mle_specs list. Here is a command that sets the the inital values of GPP, ER, and K600 for the likelihood maximization. (I've done this just for illustration; the model results aren't affected by these particular changes for this particular dataset, and you will seldom need to edit these values.)

mle_specs <- specs(mle_name, init.GPP.daily=2, init.ER.daily=-1, init.K600.daily=3)

3. Fitting the model

Now actually fit the model using the metab function.

mm <- metab(mle_specs, data=dat, info=c(site='French Creek, WY', source='Bob Hall'))

It's optional, but sometimes helpful, to include some sort of metadata in the info, as I've done above. I've chosen to put the metadata in a character vector, but metadata can take any format you like.

4. Inspecting the model

Models show lots of relevant information if you simply print them at the command line.


You can also extract specific pieces of information using designated accessor functions. For example, the info and data are saved in the fitted model object and can be pulled out with get_info and get_data, respectively.


We can also get information about the model fitting process.

get_fitting_time(mm) # the time it took to fit the model
get_version(mm) # the streamMetabolizer version used to fit the model
get_specs(mm) # the specifications we passed in

There is a function to plot the daily metabolism estimates.


There is also a function to plot the dissolved oxygen predictions (lines) along with the original observations (points).


You can output the daily and instantaneous predictions to data.frames for further inspection.


USGS-R/streamMetabolizer documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 7:50 a.m.