
context("metab_model class and inheriting classes")

test_that("metab_model objects can be created and accessed", {
  # basic structure of metab_model parent class
  mm <- metab_model()
  expect_output(print(slot(mm, "fit")), "generic metab_model class; no actual fit")
  expect_true(all(names(formals(metab)) %in% names(getSlots('metab_model'))), info="slots should match args to metab()")
  expect_is(slot(mm, "fitting_time"), "proc_time", info="time should be recorded")
  expect_is(slot(mm, "data"), "data.frame", info="default should populate with example data")
  expect_is(slot(mm, "pkg_version"), "character", info="pkg version should be autopopulated")

  # display
  expect_output(print(mm), "metab_model", info="model type should be shown")
  # accessors
  expect_equal(slot(mm, "fit"), get_fit(mm))
  expect_equal(slot(mm, "specs"), get_specs(mm))
  expect_equal(slot(mm, "data"), get_data(mm))
  expect_equal(slot(mm, "pkg_version"), get_version(mm))
  expect_equal(slot(mm, "info"), get_info(mm))

test_that("metab_models have default predict_metab and predict_DO methods", {
  mm <- metab_model()

# slow, therefore manual
manual_test <- function() {
  test_that("metab_models can be saved & reloaded (see helper-save_load.R)", {
    # save and reload
    mm <- metab_model()
    # see if saveRDS with gzfile, compression=9 works well
    rdstimes <- save_load_timing(mm, reps=1) # autoloaded b/c script begins with 'helper' and is in this directory
    expect_true('gz6' %in% rdstimes$typelevel[1:3], info="gz6 is reasonably efficient for saveRDS")
    # save and load the mm, make sure it stays the same
USGS-R/streamMetabolizer documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 7:50 a.m.