#' Frequency calculation of variants compared to DGV.
#' @param hgpath character. Path to Database of Genomic Variants (DGV)
#' Text file.
#' @param smap character. File name for smap textfile.
#' @param smap_data dataframe. Dataset containing smap data.
#' @param win_indel_DGV Numeric. Insertion and deletion error window.Default 10000
#' bases.
#' @param win_inv_trans_DGV Numeric. Inversion and translocation error window.
#' Default 50000 bases.
#' @param perc_similarity_DGV Numeric . ThresholdPercentage similarity
#' of the query SV and reference SV. Default 0.5.
#' @param EnzymeType boolean . Options SE and SVMerge.
#' @param input_fmt_SV boolean . Options Text and dataframe.
#' @param returnMethod character. Choice between text or data frame as the output.
#' @param outpath character. Path where gene lists are saved.
#' @return Text and character vector containg gene list and terms associated with them
#' are stored as text files.
#' @examples
#' hgpath=system.file("extdata", "GRCh37_hg19_variants_2016-05-15.txt", package="nanotatoR")
#' smappath=system.file("extdata", "GM24385_Ason_DLE1_VAP_trio5.smap", package="nanotatoR")
#' datDGV <- DGVfrequency (hgpath = hgpath,
#' smap = smappath,
#' win_indel_DGV = 10000,
#' EnzymeType = "SE",
#' input_fmt_SV = "Text",
#' perc_similarity_DGV = 0.5,returnMethod="dataFrame")
#' @import utils
#' @export
DGVfrequency <- function(hgpath,
win_indel_DGV = 10000,
win_inv_trans_DGV = 50000,
perc_similarity_DGV = 0.5,
input_fmt_SV = c("Text", "dataframe"),
returnMethod = c("Text", "dataFrame"),outpath,
EnzymeType = c("SVMerge", "SE")){
# S='F' Change the window for Inversion/translocation 50000
## Reading the DGV file and the smap file
r <- read.table(paste(hgpath), header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
## Unique variant length extraction for frquency Calculation
#samp <- as.character(unique(r$samples))
#countsamp <- UniqueSample(samp)
countsamp <- 54946
# varaccl<-length(unique(varacc)) close(con)
##Checking if the input format is dataframe or Text
smapdata = smap_data
if(EnzymeType == "SVMerge"){
#smapdata <- readSMap(smap, input_fmt_smap = "Text")
#smapdata <- readSMap_DLE(smap, input_fmt_smap)
else if(input_fmt_SV=="Text"){
if(EnzymeType == "SVMerge"){
smapdata <- readSMap(smap, input_fmt_smap = "Text")
smapdata <- readSMap_DLE(smap, input_fmt_smap = "Text")
stop("Input format for SMAP Incorrect")
## Checking Sex male/female and assigning chromosome number accordingly
r1 <- smapdata
chro <- (unique(r1$RefcontigID1))
#chro1 <- c(1:chro)
dataFinal <- c()
## Extracting Data for 1 chromosome at a time and comparing Make change
## in XY
for (ii in seq_along(chro))
print(paste("Chromosome:", chro[ii]))
## Extracting data from DGV dataset
if (ii == 23)
kk <- "X"
} else if (ii == 24)
kk <- "Y"
} else
kk <- chro[ii]
dat <- r[which(r$chr == kk),]
# variantType1<-dat$variantsubtype Changing the variant terms in DGV to
# match svmap
dat$variantsubtype <-
gsub("loss", "deletion", dat$variantsubtype)
dat$variantsubtype <- gsub("gain", "insertion", dat$variantsubtype)
dat$variantsubtype <- gsub("mobile element insertion", "insertion",as.character(dat$variantsubtype))
dat$variantsubtype <- gsub("novel sequence insertion", "insertion", as.character(dat$variantsubtype))
variantType1 <- dat$variantsubtype
## Extracting data from SVmap
dat1 <- r1[which(r1$RefcontigID1 == chro[ii]),]
## Adding the windows to the breakpoints
rf <- dat1$RefStartPos
rf_wb_ind <- rf - win_indel_DGV
rf_fb_ind <- rf + win_indel_DGV
rf_wb_int <- rf - win_inv_trans_DGV
rf_fb_int <- rf + win_inv_trans_DGV
re <- dat1$RefEndPos
re_wf_ind <- re + win_indel_DGV
re_wb_ind <- re - win_indel_DGV
re_wb_int <- re - win_inv_trans_DGV
re_fb_int <- re + win_inv_trans_DGV
## Calculating size
size_bn <- dat1$Size
variantType2 <- as.character(dat1$Type)
# countfre<-0 percn<-c()
datf <- c()
for (nn in 1:length(rf))
## Comparing the conditions
if (variantType2[nn] == "deletion" |
variantType2[nn] == "insertion")
dat2 <-dat[which((dat$start >= rf_wb_ind[nn] & dat$end <= re_wf_ind[nn])),]
size1 <- size_bn[nn]
## Writing if the dgv_match is TRUE or not
if (nrow(dat2) > 1)
countfre <- 0
##countsamp<- 0
countfreunfilt <- 0
type <- dat2$variantsubtype
if(variantType2[nn] == "insertion"){
freq <- as.numeric(dat2$observedgains)
freq <- as.numeric(dat2$observedlosses)
dat2$size_dgv <- dat2$end - dat2$start
#perc <- (size1 / size_dgv)
dat2$perc_ref_query <- as.numeric(dat2$size_dgv)/size1
dat2$perc_query_ref <- size1/as.numeric(dat2$size_dgv)
samp <- as.numeric(dat2$samplesize)
for (ll in 1:nrow(dat2)){
if ((dat2$perc_ref_query[ll] >= perc_similarity_DGV
& dat2$perc_query_ref[ll] >= perc_similarity_DGV)
& (identical(type[ll], variantType2[nn]))){
countfre <- countfre + as.numeric(freq[ll])
##countsamp <- countsamp + as.numeric(samp[ll])
} else
countfre <- countfre + 0
# ctr=ctr+1
if (countfre==0){
DGV_Freq_Perc=0; DGV_Count=0
DGV_Freq_Perc = format(
((countfre / countsamp) * 100), scientific = FALSE
data1 <- data.frame(dat1[nn,],
DGV_Freq_Perc = as.numeric(DGV_Freq_Perc) ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
datf <- rbind(datf, data1)
} else if (nrow(dat2) == 1){
# dgv_match=TRUE Calculating percentage similarity
type <- dat2$variantsubtype
size_dgv <- dat2$end - dat2$start
perc_ref_query <- as.numeric(size_dgv)/size1
perc_query_ref <- size1/as.numeric(size_dgv)
if(variantType2[nn] == "insertion"){
freq <- as.numeric(dat2$observedgains)
freq <- as.numeric(dat2$observedlosses)
samp <- as.numeric(dat2$samplesize)
if ((perc_ref_query >= perc_similarity_DGV
& perc_query_ref >= perc_similarity_DGV)
& (identical(type, variantType2[nn]))){
countfre <- countfre + as.numeric(freq)
} else{
countfre <- 0
if (countfre==0){
DGV_Freq_Perc = format(((countfre / countsamp) * 100),
scientific = FALSE)
DGV_Count = countfre
data1 <- data.frame(dat1[nn,],
DGV_Count = DGV_Count,
DGV_Freq_Perc =as.numeric(DGV_Freq_Perc) ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
datf <- rbind(datf, data1)
} else
# dgv_match=FALSE
data1 <- data.frame(dat1[nn,],DGV_Count = 0,
DGV_Freq_Perc = 0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
datf <- rbind(datf, data1)
# next;
else if ((
variantType2[nn] == "duplication"
| variantType2[nn] == "duplication_split"
| variantType2[nn] == "duplication_inverted"))
dat2 <-dat[which((dat$start >= rf_wb_ind[nn]
& dat$end <= re_wf_ind[nn])),]
size1 <- size_bn[nn]
## Writing if the dgv_match is TRUE or not
if (nrow(dat2) > 1){
countfre <- 0
dat2$size_dgv <- dat2$end - dat2$start
#perc <- (size1 / size_dgv)
dat2$perc_ref_query <- as.numeric(dat2$size_dgv)/size1
dat2$perc_query_ref <- size1/as.numeric(dat2$size_dgv)
type <- dat2$variantsubtype
freq <- as.numeric(dat2$observedlosses)
samp <- as.numeric(dat2$samplesize)
for (ll in 1:nrow(dat2)){
#perc <- (size1 / size_dgv)
if ( (identical(type[ll], "duplication")
| identical(type[ll], "duplication_split")
| identical(type[ll], "duplication_inverted"))){
countfre <- countfre + as.numeric(freq[ll])
##countsamp <- countsamp + as.numeric(samp[ll])
'countfre <- countfre + length(fre1)'
else if ( (dat2$perc_ref_query[ll] >= perc_similarity_DGV
& dat2$perc_query_ref[ll] >= perc_similarity_DGV)
& (identical(type[ll], "insertion"))){
countfre <- countfre + as.numeric(freq[ll])
countfre <- countfre + 0
# ctr=ctr+1
if (countfre==0){
DGV_Freq_Perc=0;DGV_Count = 0
DGV_Freq_Perc = format(
((countfre / countsamp) * 100), scientific = FALSE)
DGV_Count = countfre
data1 <- data.frame( dat1[nn,],
DGV_Count = as.numeric(countfre),
DGV_Freq_Perc = as.numeric(DGV_Freq_Perc),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
datf <- rbind(datf, data1)
} else if (nrow(dat2) == 1){
# dgv_match=TRUE Calculating percentage similarity
type <- dat2$variantsubtype
size_dgv <- dat2$end - dat2$start
#perc <- (size1 / size_dgv)
perc_ref_query <- as.numeric(size_dgv)/size1
perc_query_ref <- size1/as.numeric(size_dgv)
freq <- as.numeric(dat2$observedlosses)
samp <- as.numeric(dat2$samplesize)
if ((identical(type, variantType2[nn]))){
countfre <- countfre + as.numeric(freq)
} else if ( (perc_ref_query >= perc_similarity_DGV
& perc_query_ref >= perc_similarity_DGV)
& (identical(type[ll], "insertion"))){
countfre <- countfre + as.numeric(freq)
countfre <- 0
if (countfre==0){
DGV_Freq_Perc=0;DGV_Count = 0
DGV_Freq_Perc = format(((countfre / countsamp) * 100),
scientific = FALSE)
DGV_Count = as.numeric(countfre)
# ctr=ctr+1
data1 <- data.frame(
dat1[nn,],DGV_Count = as.numeric(countfre),
DGV_Freq_Perc = as.numeric(DGV_Freq_Perc) ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
datf <- rbind(datf, data1)
} else
# dgv_match=FALSE
data1 <- data.frame(dat1[nn,],
DGV_Count = 0,
DGV_Freq_Perc = 0,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
datf <- rbind(datf, data1)
# next;
else if (length(grep("inversion", variantType2[nn])) >= 1){
dat2 <- dat[which(( dat$start <= rf[nn] &
dat$start >= rf_wb_int[nn] | dat$start >= rf[nn] &
dat$start <= rf_fb_int[nn]) &
(dat$end >= re[nn] & dat$end <= re_fb_int[nn] |
dat$end <= re[nn] & dat$end >= re_wb_int[nn])),]
size1 <- size_bn[nn]
## Writing if the dgv_match is TRUE or not
countfre <- 0
#countsamp<- 0
countfreunfilt <- 0
if (nrow(dat2) > 1){
countfre <- 0
countfreunfilt <- 0
type <- dat2$variantsubtype
samp <- as.numeric(dat2$samplesize)
for (ll in 1:nrow(dat2))
if ((identical(type[ll],variantType2[nn]))){#print("1")
countfre <- countfre + 1
##countsamp <- countsamp + as.numeric(samp[ll])
} else{#print("2")
countfre <- countfre + 0
# ctr=ctr+1
if (countfre==0){
DGV_Freq_Perc=0; DGV_Count = 0
DGV_Freq_Perc = format(((countfre / countsamp) * 100),
scientific = FALSE)
DGV_Count = as.numeric(countfre)
data1 <- data.frame(dat1[nn,],
DGV_Count = as.numeric(countfre),
DGV_Freq_Perc = as.numeric(DGV_Freq_Perc) ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
datf <- rbind(datf, data1)
} else if (nrow(dat2) == 1){
# dgv_match=TRUE Calculating percentage similarity
type <- dat2$variantsubtype
samp <- as.numeric(dat2$samplesize)
countfre <- 0
#countsamp<- 0
if ((identical(type, variantType2[nn]))){
countfre <- countfre + 1
##countsamp <- countsamp + as.numeric(samp[ll])
} else{
countfre <- 0
# data1<-data.frame(dat1[nn,],DGV_Freq_Perc=format(ct/countsamp,scientific=FALSE),PercentageSimilarity=percn,stringsAsFactors
# = FALSE)
if (countfre==0){
DGV_Freq_Perc=0; DGV_Count = 0
} else{
DGV_Freq_Perc = format(((countfre / countsamp) * 100),
scientific = FALSE)
DGV_Count = as.numeric(countfre)
# ctr=ctr+1
data1 <- data.frame( dat1[nn,],
DGV_Count = as.numeric(countfre),
DGV_Freq_Perc = as.numeric(DGV_Freq_Perc),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
datf <- rbind(datf, data1)
} else{
# dgv_match=FALSE
data1 <- data.frame(dat1[nn,], DGV_Count = 0,
DGV_Freq_Perc = 0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
datf <- rbind(datf, data1)
# next;
} else{
# dgv_match=FALSE
data1 <- data.frame(dat1[nn,], DGV_Count = 0, DGV_Freq_Perc = 0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
datf <- rbind(datf, data1)
# next;
dataFinal <- rbind(dataFinal, datf)
##Return Mode Dataframe or Text
if (returnMethod == "Text") {
st1 <- strsplit(smap, ".txt")
fname <- st1[[1]][1]
row.names(dataFinal) <- c()
paste(outpath, fname, "_DGV.txt", sep = ""),
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE
else if (returnMethod == "dataFrame") {
return (dataFinal)
stop ("ReturnMethod Incorrect")
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