Example of annotation file for evidence, which is the output...

annotation.mqR Documentation

Example of annotation file for evidence, which is the output of MaxQuant.


Annotation of example data, evidence, in this package. It should be prepared by users. The variables are as follows:



A data frame with 150 rows and 7 variables.


  • Run : MS run ID. It should be the same as Raw.file info in

  • Channel : Labeling information (channel.0, ..., channel.9). The channel index should be consistent with the channel columns in

  • Condition : Condition (ex. Healthy, Cancer, Time0)

  • Mixture : Mixture of samples labeled with different TMT reagents, which can be analyzed in a single mass spectrometry experiment. If the channal doesn't have sample, please add ‘Empty’ under Condition.

  • TechRepMixture : Technical replicate of one mixture. One mixture may have multiple technical replicates. For example, if ‘TechRepMixture’ = 1, 2 are the two technical replicates of one mixture, then they should match with same ‘Mixture’ value.

  • Fraction : Fraction ID. One technical replicate of one mixture may be fractionated into multiple fractions to increase the analytical depth. Then one technical replicate of one mixture should correspond to multuple fractions. For example, if ‘Fraction’ = 1, 2, 3 are three fractions of the first technical replicate of one TMT mixture of biological subjects, then they should have same ‘TechRepMixture’ and ‘Mixture’ value.

  • BioReplicate : Unique ID for biological subject. If the channal doesn't have sample, please add ‘Empty’ under BioReplicate.



Vitek-Lab/MSstatsTMT documentation built on May 25, 2024, 4:12 p.m.